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Having thousands of 1z0-1077-23 customers with 99% passing rate, passin1day has a big success story. We are providing fully Oracle exam passing assurance to our customers. You can purchase Oracle Order Management Cloud Order to Cash 2023 Implementation Professional exam dumps with full confidence and pass exam.

1z0-1077-23 Practice Questions

Question # 1
Which two attributes can you use to group shipment lines into a single shipment? (Choose two.)
A. Carrier
C. Item
D. Sales Order
E. Ship-to location

E. Ship-to location


A shipment comprises a set of shipment lines, grouped by certain common shipping attributes, that are scheduled to be shipped to a customer's ship-to location on a specific date and time. You can include items from different sales orders in a shipment. You can either manually or automatically group shipment lines to create a shipment. The shipment lines are grouped by the mandatory default criteria: ship-from location and ship-to location. However, you may also include additional grouping criteria, such as customer, freight terms, FOB (Free on board), and shipping method.

Question # 2
Which task requires manual execution of the Process Supply Chain Orchestration Interface process so that a supply order gets created?
A. Back-to-Back Contract Manufacturing
B. Drop Shipment
C. Min-Max planning replenishing a purchase request
D. Planned Order Releases
E. Back-to-Back Procurement

C. Min-Max planning replenishing a purchase request


Min-Max planning replenishing a purchase request is the task that requires manual execution of the Process Supply Chain Orchestration Interface process so that a supply order gets created. Min-Max planning is a method of inventory replenishment that maintains a minimum and maximum quantity of each item in a warehouse or subinventory. When the quantity of an item falls below the minimum level, a purchase request is generated to replenish the item to the maximum level1. The purchase request is then sent to the Supply Chain Orchestration Interface table, where it waits for the Process Supply Chain Orchestration Interface scheduled process to run. This process creates a supply order based on the purchase request and sends it to the supplier2. You must run this process manually or schedule it to run periodically3.


Min-Max Planning

Process Supply Chain Orchestration Interface

Orchestrate Supply Requests from Replenishment Planning

Question # 3
Which three statements are true about Discount Lists? (Choose three.)
A. Users can define discounts for configurable models on Discount Lists.
B. Discount rules can be defined at multiple levels: the root item, the components, or the entire configuration.
C. Discount rules can be defined at the root level only.
D. Tier and attribute-based adjustments are supported only at the root item level.
E. Tier and attribute-based adjustments are supported at multiple levels: the root item, the components, or the entire configuration.

A. Users can define discounts for configurable models on Discount Lists.
B. Discount rules can be defined at multiple levels: the root item, the components, or the entire configuration.
D. Tier and attribute-based adjustments are supported only at the root item level.


Question # 4
You want to create an external interface routing rule. Which two attributes are available for selecting a fulfillment system connector?
A. Fulfillment line
B. Process definition
C. Line status
D. Status condition
E. Task layer service

A. Fulfillment line
E. Task layer service


Fulfillment line and E. Task layer service

Fulfillment line and task layer service are two attributes that are available for selecting a fulfillment system connector. A fulfillment line is a line on a sales order that represents a request for a product or service. A task layer service is a predefined web service that performs a specific task in the fulfillment process, such as shipment, invoice, or payment1. You can use these attributes to create external interface routing rules that route fulfillment requests to your fulfillment system based on the sales order, fulfillment line, or orchestration process attribute2.


Fulfillment Line
Task Layer Service
Route Requests from Order Management to Fulfillment Systems

Question # 5
Your customer is concerned about not having access to schedule orders and check availability when the Global Order Promising server is down. Which two statements are true? (Choose two.)
A. Affected orders can be rescheduled based on supply chain availability search after server recovery.
B. Global Order Promising continues promising orders based on supply chain availability search until the server or backup server can be restarted.
C. Global Order Promising cannot continue promising orders, but the server or backup server is usually restarted quickly.
D. Affected orders cannot be rescheduled based on supply chain availability search after server recovery.
E. Global Order Promising continues promising orders based on lead-time availability until the server or backup server can be restarted.

A. Affected orders can be rescheduled based on supply chain availability search after server recovery.
B. Global Order Promising continues promising orders based on supply chain availability search until the server or backup server can be restarted.

Question # 6
Your customer has requested that sales order details are sent to his e-mail address. How will Order Management Cloud format the order details in the e-mail?
A. Order Management will include the order details in an attached Word document.
B. Order Management will include the order details in an attached PDF (Portable Document Format).
C. You cannot send order details through an e-mail.
D. Order Management will include a link to a webpage with order details in the body of the e-mail.
E. Order Management will include the order details in the body of the e-mail.

B. Order Management will include the order details in an attached PDF (Portable Document Format).

Question # 7
A manufacturer who ships perfumes across countries requires a cost breakdown associated with multiple shipping methods (air, land, and sea). Which four charges would you need to use in the ocean freight shipping rules? (Choose four.)
A. Insurance
B. Recurring
C. Handling
D. Freight
E. Duty

A. Insurance
C. Handling
D. Freight
E. Duty

Question # 8
Which fulfillment technique uses a mode where supply is hard-pegged as demand against an order?
A. Drop shipment
B. Intra-org order
C. Internal material transfer
D. Back to back

D. Back to back

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Oracle 1z0-1077-23 Exam Dumps

Exam Name: Oracle Order Management Cloud Order to Cash 2023 Implementation Professional
Certification Name: Order Management Cloud

Oracle 1z0-1077-23 exam dumps are created by industry top professionals and after that its also verified by expert team. We are providing you updated Oracle Order Management Cloud Order to Cash 2023 Implementation Professional exam questions answers. We keep updating our Order Management Cloud practice test according to real exam. So prepare from our latest questions answers and pass your exam.

  • Total Questions: 152
  • Last Updation Date: 17-Feb-2025


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