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1z0-1118-23 Practice Questions

Question # 1
You need to create additional custom Subject Areas in your FAW instance. modify and extend the semantic model. Which feature(s) in FAW provides extensibility to the semantic model?
A. provides faculties to
B. Only Semantic Model Extensions
C. Report Configuration
D. Semantic Model Extensions and Data Augmentation

D. Semantic Model Extensions and Data Augmentation


FAW provides two features to customize and extend the semantic model: Semantic Model Extensions and Data Augmentation. Semantic Model Extensions allow you to modify the existing dimensions, facts, and subject areas, as well as create new ones from existing data sources. Data Augmentation allows you to create new dimensions, facts, and subject areas from custom data sources that are not part of the FAW data pipelin

Question # 2
You have reviewed the predefined security model for FAW. It meets most of your requirements, but you have specific business needs How can you address your specific security business requirements within the FAW Application?
A. You must address those requirements in Fusion Applications and sync up those changes to FAW.
B. Currently, only the out-of-the-box security model is supported.
C. You can use the security customization in FAW for both data security and object security to meet your requirements.

C. You can use the security customization in FAW for both data security and object security to meet your requirements.


To address your specific security business requirements within the FAW Application, you can use the security customization in FAW for both data security and object security. Data security allows you to restrict access to data based on various attributes, such as business unit, legal entity, department, or any other filter criteria7. Object security allows you to restrict access to objects, such as subject areas, facts, dimensions, KPIs, dashboards, or reports based on user roles or groups8. You do not need to address those requirements in Fusion Applications or rely on only the out-of-the-box security model.

Question # 3
Your source Fusion Cloud Application instance has been refreshed with data from another environment. You are using password-based authentication to connect from FAW. What step would be required for the data pipeline to run without any issues'
A. You are required to update the source application URL.
B. You are required to update the applicable users credentials, if the passwords differ between environments.
C. You need to update the notification email of the FAW instance with the email of the user identified to connect with the source Fusion Cloud Application.

B. You are required to update the applicable users credentials, if the passwords differ between environments.


The step that would be required for the data pipeline to run without any issues after your source Fusion Cloud Application instance has been refreshed with data from another environment is to update the applicable users credentials, if the passwords differ between environments. You need to ensure that the FAWService user and any other users that are used for data extraction have valid credentials in both environments8. You do not need to update the source application URL or the notification email of the FAW instance for this purpose

Question # 4
You must specify parameter values during the HCM Analytics' Reporting Configuration process. Why are these parameters required as part of the implementation process?
A. The Reporting Configuration parameters are required to set the initial extract date for extracting the data from the source application.
B. The Reporting Configuration parameters help schedule reports required to be run at a defined time.
C. The Reporting Configuration parameters help specify how data is presented in KP1 decks, visualizations, analysis, dashboards, and reports in FAW.

C. The Reporting Configuration parameters help specify how data is presented in KP1 decks, visualizations, analysis, dashboards, and reports in FAW.


The Reporting Configuration parameters are used to define how the data is displayed in the FAW user interface. They include settings such as currency, date format, decimal separator, number of decimals, and default dashboard. These parameters affect the presentation layer of the FAW semantic model and can be changed at any time without affecting the data pipeline or the data warehouse.

Verified References:

Oracle Fusion HCM Analytics, page 9.

Question # 5
In the FAW Security framework, what purpose do the system groups (like FAW Licensed ERP Authorize and FAW Functional Administrator) help serve?
A. Duty and data roles are mapped to system groups before they are assigned to users.
B. They giant a user access to FAW based on the system groups to which they are assigned.
C. They define job-specific roles for users.

B. They giant a user access to FAW based on the system groups to which they are assigned.


The purpose of the system groups (like FAW Licensed ERP Authors and FAW Functional Administrator) in the FAW Security framework is to grant a user access to FAW based on the system groups to which they are assigned. System groups are predefined groups that specify the user’s system permissions, such as whether they can consume, author, or administer content for a specific module5. System groups do not map duty and data roles or define job-specific roles for users. References: 5

Question # 6
How many branches can you create to modify the semantic model?
A. Depends on the number of users in your instance with the proper privileges.
B. Supports more than one branch.
C. Supports only one branch at a time.

B. Supports more than one branch.


You can create multiple branches to customize the semantic model. You use a branch or version to publish your changes to the model. You can apply the model from the branch to a local service instance for testing. When the changes are correct, you can merge that branch with the main branch3

Question # 7
What is the typical use case of the Promote Objects feature?
A. To check the validity of your customization
B. To move your customization from one environment to another, such as from development to production to production
C. To replicate one instance to another

B. To move your customization from one environment to another, such as from development to production to production


The typical use case of the Promote Objects feature is to move your customization from one environment to another, such as from development to production. The Promote Objects feature allows you to export and import your customizations of the semantic model, security configurations, and KPIs between different instances of FAW4. The Promote Objects feature is not used to check the validity of your customization or to replicate one instance to another.

Question # 8
You have successfully implemented a security model in Fusion Applications that meets your securityrequirements. However, you have noticed that FAW does not move and replicate your entire security implementation. What can address your requirements in FAW?
A. Set up SSO between FAW and Fusion Applications and synchronize user and Job roles.
B. Evaluate your security requirements and utilize security customization features in FAW to meet your needs.
C. Open a support ticket and report the issues that you are encountering.

B. Evaluate your security requirements and utilize security customization features in FAW to meet your needs.


The way that you can address your requirements in FAW when FAW does not move and replicate your entire security implementation from Fusion Applications is to evaluate your security requirements and utilize security customization features in FAW to meet your needs. FAW provides various security customization features, such as custom data roles, custom duty roles, custom security configurations, and functional groups, that allow you to define advanced data security and object security4. You do not need to set up SSO between FAW and Fusion Applications or open a support ticket for this purpose.

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Oracle 1z0-1118-23 Exam Dumps

Exam Name: Oracle Cloud Fusion Analytics Warehouse 2023 Implementation Professional
Certification Name: Business Analytics

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  • Total Questions: 55
  • Last Updation Date: 17-Feb-2025


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