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Having thousands of 312-50 customers with 99% passing rate, passin1day has a big success story. We are providing fully ECCouncil exam passing assurance to our customers. You can purchase Certified Ethical Hacker exam dumps with full confidence and pass exam.

312-50 Practice Questions

Question # 1

Attacking well-known system defaults is one of the most common hacker attacks. Most
software is shipped with a default configuration that makes it easy to install and setup the
application. You should change the default settings to secure the system.
Which of the following is NOT an example of default installation?


Many systems come with default user accounts with well-known passwords that
administrators forget to change


Often, the default location of installation files can be exploited which allows a hacker to
retrieve a file from the system


Many software packages come with "samples" that can be exploited, such as the
sample programs on IIS web services


Enabling firewall and anti-virus software on the local system


Enabling firewall and anti-virus software on the local system

Question # 2

XSS attacks occur on Web pages that do not perform appropriate bounds checking on data
entered by users. Characters like < > that mark the beginning/end of a tag should be
converted into HTML entities.


Option A


Option B


Option C


Option D


Option D

Question # 3

Which of the following commands runs snort in packet logger mode?


./snort -dev -h ./log


./snort -dev -l ./log


  ./snort -dev -o ./log


  ./snort -dev -p ./log


./snort -dev -l ./log

Explanation: Note: If you want to store the packages in binary mode for later analysis use
./snort -l ./log -b

Question # 4

Henry is an attacker and wants to gain control of a system and use it to flood a
target system with requests, so as to prevent legitimate users from gaining access.
What type of attack is Henry using?


Henry is executing commands or viewing data outside the intended target path


 Henry is using a denial of service attack which is a valid threat used by an attacker


Henry is taking advantage of an incorrect configuration that leads to access with higherthan-
expected privilege


Henry uses poorly designed input validation routines to create or alter commands to
gain access to unintended data or execute commands


 Henry is using a denial of service attack which is a valid threat used by an attacker

Explanation: Henry’s intention is to perform a DoS attack against his target, possibly a
DDoS attack. He uses systems other than his own to perform the attack in order to cover
the tracks back to him and to get more “punch” in the DoS attack if he uses multiple

Question # 5

Under what conditions does a secondary name server request a zone transfer from a
primary name server?


When a primary SOA is higher that a secondary SOA


When a secondary SOA is higher that a primary SOA


When a primary name server has had its service restarted


  When a secondary name server has had its service restarted


When the TTL falls to zero


When a primary SOA is higher that a secondary SOA

Explanation: Understanding DNS is critical to meeting the requirements of the CEH.
When the serial number that is within the SOA record of the primary server is higher than
the Serial number within the SOA record of the secondary DNS server, a zone transfer will
take place.

Question # 6

Anonymizer sites access the Internet on your behalf, protecting your personal information
from disclosure. An anonymizer protects all of your computers identifying information while
it surfs for you, enabling you to remain at least one step removed from the sites you visit.
You can visit Web sites without allowing anyone to gather information on sites visited by
you. Services that provide anonymity disable pop-up windows and cookies, and conceal
visitor's IP address.
These services typically use a proxy server to process each HTTP request. When the user
requests a Web page by clicking a hyperlink or typing a URL into their browser, the service
retrieves and displays the information using its own server. The remote server (where the
requested Web page resides) receives information on the anonymous Web surfing service
in place of your information.
In which situations would you want to use anonymizer? (Select 3 answers)


Increase your Web browsing bandwidth speed by using Anonymizer


To protect your privacy and Identity on the Internet


To bypass blocking applications that would prevent access to Web sites or parts of sites
that you want to visit.


Post negative entries in blogs without revealing your IP identity


To protect your privacy and Identity on the Internet


To bypass blocking applications that would prevent access to Web sites or parts of sites
that you want to visit.


Post negative entries in blogs without revealing your IP identity

Question # 7

In the following example, which of these is the "exploit"?
Today, Microsoft Corporation released a security notice. It detailed how a person
could bring down the Windows 2003 Server operating system, by sending
malformed packets to it. They detailed how this malicious process had been
automated using basic scripting. Even worse, the new automated method for
bringing down the server has already been used to perform denial of service attacks
on many large commercial websites.
Select the best answer.


Microsoft Corporation is the exploit.


The security "hole" in the product is the exploit.


 Windows 2003 Server


The exploit is the hacker that would use this vulnerability.


The documented method of how to use the vulnerability to gain unprivileged access.


The documented method of how to use the vulnerability to gain unprivileged access.

Explanation: Explanations:
Microsoft is not the exploit, but if Microsoft documents how the vulnerability can be used to
gain unprivileged access, they are creating the exploit. If they just say that there is a hole in
the product, then it is only a vulnerability. The security "hole" in the product is called the
"vulnerability". It is documented in a way that shows how to use the vulnerability to gain
unprivileged access, and it then becomes an "exploit". In the example given, Windows
2003 Server is the TOE (Target of Evaluation). A TOE is an IT System, product or
component that requires security evaluation or is being identified. The hacker that would
use this vulnerability is exploiting it, but the hacker is not the exploit. The documented
method of how to use the vulnerability to gain unprivileged access is the correct answer.

Question # 8

This TCP flag instructs the sending system to transmit all buffered data immediately.













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ECCouncil 312-50 Exam Dumps

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