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Having thousands of 312-75 customers with 99% passing rate, passin1day has a big success story. We are providing fully ECCouncil exam passing assurance to our customers. You can purchase Certified EC-Council Instructor (CEI) exam dumps with full confidence and pass exam.

312-75 Practice Questions

Question # 1
Select below three ways an Instructor can create an appropriate level of learner comfort. (Select three)
A. Students that make errors ate given positive feedback.
B. Students who participate less receive mote questions and feedback.
C. Student's personal risk is minimized.
D. Students, who participate more, receive more questions and feedback.
E. Student's are given games to supporting learning objectives.

A. Students that make errors ate given positive feedback.
C. Student's personal risk is minimized.
E. Student's are given games to supporting learning objectives.

Question # 2
Which one of the following statements is TRUE about auditory learners?
A. They react well to scenarios and stores.
B. They tend to lose interest if there is little or no external stimulation.
C. They use color highlighters and take notes by drawing pictures.
D. They benefit from having outlines, agendas, and handouts for reading and taking notes.
E. They are hands-on learners.

A. They react well to scenarios and stores.

Question # 3
Company James, Inc sells a variety of products on its Web site to the highest bidder. What type of business model are they using?
A. Supply Chain improver
B. Affiliate Marketing
C. Online Auction
D. Name your price

C. Online Auction

Question # 4
Ethel asks a question that is completely irrelevant to the topic being discussed. Your course schedule does HOT allow time to discuss the topic of her question. What should you do in the above situation?
A. Acknowledge the importance of her question. Offer to discuss it with her on break or after class.
B. Have Ethel research the answer to her question.
C. Politely tell her to stick to the subject matter. Explain that you do NOT have time for her question.
D. Ignore the question because It does NOT relate to a course objective.
E. Answer the question in class because you know it will improve Ethel's self-esteem.

A. Acknowledge the importance of her question. Offer to discuss it with her on break or after class.

Question # 5
Mrs. Roper is instructing an adult computer class. She overhears Johnny tell a joke that is offensive to an ethnic group. This is NOT the first instance of Johnny displaying this behavior. She is concerned about the effect this will have on the learning environment.
A. Speak to Johnny in private about the consequences of continuing his behavior.
B. Ask other members of the class if they found the Joke to be offensive to determine if further action is necessary.
D. Talk to facility management and get the student removed from the class.
E. Criticize Johnny's behavior in front of the entire class, encouraging class members to contribute their feelings.

D. Talk to facility management and get the student removed from the class.

Question # 6
An Instructor knows a humorous story that will highlight a point they are trying to convey to the class. The story is of questionable taste for the audience. How should the instructor proceed?
A. The instructor should tell the story as it will highlight a concept
B. The instructor should ask the students that might be offended to leave the room
C. The Instructor should not tell the story
D. The Instructor should ask permission from attendees to tell the story

C. The Instructor should not tell the story

Question # 7
Mr. Jenkins is presenting a lecture that requires no direct feedback from the students until the presentation has finished. Referring to the above scenario, what can Mr. Jenkins do during the lecture to determine if the students understand his presentation?
A. Observe the class during the presentation for nonverbal clues.
B. Use good visual aids and nonverbal gestures in the presentation.
C. Immediately establish his credibility so that the students learn out of respect for him.
D. Use analogies and anecdotes to guarantee student understanding.
E. He should do nothing, a test at the end of the presentation will determine student understanding.

A. Observe the class during the presentation for nonverbal clues.

Question # 8
As an instructor you discover that key learning objectives are not addressing student's needs in your learning material. Choose below the appropriate action that the instructor should take:
A. Make content changes to meet student's needs.
B. Refer this matter to the courseware/instructional designers.
C. Inform your manager to take action.

C. Inform your manager to take action.

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ECCouncil 312-75 Exam Dumps

Exam Name: Certified EC-Council Instructor (CEI)
Certification Name: CEI

ECCouncil 312-75 exam dumps are created by industry top professionals and after that its also verified by expert team. We are providing you updated Certified EC-Council Instructor (CEI) exam questions answers. We keep updating our CEI practice test according to real exam. So prepare from our latest questions answers and pass your exam.

  • Total Questions: 64
  • Last Updation Date: 17-Feb-2025


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