Question # 1 A Remote AP provisioned with an SSID in "Bridged" forwarding mode has which one of the following characteristics?
A. The client obtains its IP address from the controller.
B. The client's default gateway must be the controller.
C. The client traffic is forwarded through a GRE tunnel to the controller.
D. The client's default gateway may be the Access Point or a local gateway.
E. The client's authentication must be 802.1X.
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D. The client's default gateway may be the Access Point or a local gateway.
Question # 2 The reusable Aruba Controller wizards are accessible in what way?
A. Only on startup through the CLI
B. Through the CLI, after the initial CLI wizard has been completed
C. In the Web UI under maintenance.
D. In the Web UI under configuration.
E. Must be initialized from CLI first.
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D. In the Web UI under configuration.
Question # 3 If a Remote AP (RAP) is attempting to contact a controller that is behind a NAT device what protocol must be allowed through the NAT/Firewall?
C. IPSec
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Question # 4 Which of the following licenses can be included in the licensing pool for centralized licensing? (Choose three)
A. Factory default licenses
B. Master Controller licenses
C. Evaluation licenses
D. Local Controller licenses
E. PEFV license
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B. Master Controller licenses
C. Evaluation licenses
D. Local Controller licenses
Question # 5 Which dual radio access point models support concurrent operations in the 2.4Ghz band as well as the 5Ghz band? (Choose three)
A. AP-92
B. AP-93
C. AP-105
D. AP-224
E. AP-135
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C. AP-105
D. AP-224
E. AP-135
Question # 6 The corporation has deployed hundreds of RAP3 and all are working. A user has received a RAP3 from the IT department. At his home he connects the Ethernet port to his DSL modem. The corporate SSID is not advertises but an Instant SSID is. What could be the problem?
A. This RAP was purchased as an IAP and not as a RAP
B. The activate server does not have this RAPs configured
C. The corporate Firewall is blocking VPN
D. The RAP3 must be pre-staged
E. The user must connect his laptop, get the Zero touch window and enter the URL
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B. The activate server does not have this RAPs configured
Question # 7 As illustrated in the above diagram, a company has two campus locations and a building headquarters all located in different cities. Following best practices, what would be the best way to construct mobility domains for the company?
A. Buildings (1, 2) in one domain and Buildings (3, 4, 5, 6) in one domain
B. Buildings (1, 2) in one domain, Building (3) in one domain, and Buildings (4, 5, 6) in one domain
C. Buildings (1, 2, 4, 5, 6) in one domain and Building (3) in one domain
D. Buildings (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) in one domain
E. Buildings (1) in one domain building (4) in one domain
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B. Buildings (1, 2) in one domain, Building (3) in one domain, and Buildings (4, 5, 6) in one domain
Question # 8 What information do you need to generate a feature license key for an Aruba controller?
A. The controller's MAC address and the feature description.
B. controller's MAC address and the certificate number
C. controller's Serial Number and the feature description
D. controller's Serial Number and the certificate number
E. controller's MAC address and Serial Number
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D. controller's Serial Number and the certificate number
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