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ADM-201 Practice Questions

Question # 1

An administrator needs to create aone-to-many relationship between two objects with limited access to child records. What type of field should the administrator use?


Roll-up summary


Master-detail field


Cross Object formula


Lookup field


Lookup field

A lookup field is a type offield that creates a relationship between two objects
and allows users to select a record from one object as a value for another object. A lookup relationship creates a one-to-many relationship between two objects, where each parent record can have many child records but each child record can have only one parent record. A lookup relationship also allows limited access to child records, meaning that users can
see only those child records that they have access to based on their profile permissions and sharing settings.

Question # 2

Cloud kicks want to give credit to Opportunity team members based on the level of effort contributed by each person toward each deal. What feature should the administrator use to meet this requirement?








List Views



Splits is a feature that should be used to meet this requirement. Splits allows
users to assign credit to opportunity team members based on the level of effort contributed by each person toward each deal. Users can create different types of splits, such as revenue or overlay splits, and specify the percentage or amount of credit for each team member.

Question # 3

The administrator at Cloud Kicks writes an assignment rule to send all cases created via email or the web to the Automated Cases Queue Any manually created cases should be owned by the agent creating them, however, the manually created cases now show the administrator as the owner. What will the administrator find when troubleshooting this issue?


An escalation rule is changing the case owner on case creation


The Assignment Rule checkbox is selected by default.


Another assignment rule is giving ownership to the administrator


The Owner field is missing on the webform and email template.


The Assignment Rule checkbox is selected by default.

The Assignment Rule checkbox is a checkbox that appears on manual case
creation pages when assignment rules are defined for cases. The Assignment Rule checkbox determines whether or not to apply assignment rules to manually created cases. If the Assignment Rule checkbox is selected by default, then any manually created cases will be assigned according to assignment rules instead of being owned by the agent creating them. To prevent this from happening, an administrator can either deselect the
Assignment Rule checkbox when creating cases manually; or change the default setting for this checkbox under setup by selecting or deselecting Use active assignment rules by default.

Question # 4

The administrator for Cloud Kicks has created a screen flow to help service reps ask the same set of questions when customers call in with issues. This screen should be visible from cases. How should the screen flow be distributed?


Page Layout


Component Filter


Lightning page


Home page


Lightning page

Lightning page allows you to customize a record page and add a screen flow
as acomponent. You can use the Lightning App Builder to drag and drop the Flow
component onto the page and select the screen flow you want to display.

Question # 5

Cloud Kicks wants to allow customers to create their own cases while visiting its public homepage. What should the administrator recommend?


SMS Response









Question # 6

Cloud Kicks has decided to delete a custom field. What will happen to the data in the field when it is deleted?


The data in the field is stored for 20 days.


The data is permanently deleted.


The data associated with the field is required.


The data is restorable from the recycle bin.


The data in the field is stored for 20 days.

When you delete a custom field, the data in that field is stored for 20 days
before it is permanently deleted. During this time, you can restore the field and its data from the Recycle Bin or use Data Loader to export the

Question # 7
At universal Containers, users would like to be able to share Salesforce records with other members of their team, while collaborating around general topics as well. Which are two considerations for enabling this functionality? (Choose 2 answers)
A. Collaboration groups are created automatically for every department.
B. Object layouts should be configured to include the groups related list.
C. The Add Record action must be configured in the group publisher.
D. An administrator needs to create a group to enable record sharing

B. Object layouts should be configured to include the groups related list.
C. The Add Record action must be configured in the group publisher.

Question # 8

A user at Northern Trail Outfitters Is having trouble logging into Salesforce. The user's login history showsthat this person has attempted to log in multiple times and has been locked out of the organization.Which two ways should the administrator help the user log into Salesforce?


Log in as the user to unlock the user and reset the password.


Reset the password policies to allow the user to login.


Reset password on the user's record detail page.


Use the unlock button on the user's record detail page.


Reset password on the user's record detail page.


Use the unlock button on the user's record detail page.

To help a user who has attempted to log in multiple times and has been
locked out of Salesforce, the administrator should reset password on the user’s record detail page and use the unlock button on the user’s record detail page. Resetting password will generate a new temporary password and send it to the user’s email address. Using unlock will restore access for a locked-out user without changing their password or waiting for lockout period to end. Logging in as the user or resetting the password policieswill not help a locked-out user log in to Salesforce.

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Salesforce ADM-201 Exam Dumps

Exam Name: Salesforce Certified Administrator (SU24)
Certification Name: Salesforce Certified Administrator

Salesforce ADM-201 exam dumps are created by industry top professionals and after that its also verified by expert team. We are providing you updated Salesforce Certified Administrator (SU24) exam questions answers. We keep updating our Salesforce Certified Administrator practice test according to real exam. So prepare from our latest questions answers and pass your exam.

  • Total Questions: 253
  • Last Updation Date: 17-Feb-2025


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