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Having thousands of C1000-010 customers with 99% passing rate, passin1day has a big success story. We are providing fully IBM exam passing assurance to our customers. You can purchase IBM Operational Decision Manager Standard V8.9.1 Application Development exam dumps with full confidence and pass exam.

C1000-010 Practice Questions

Question # 1

Which two elements are both mandatory in the ruleset path?




Ruleset name


Branch level


RuleApp name


Rule Project Name


Ruleset name


RuleApp name

Question # 2

Capturing business rules involves which step?


Orchestrating business rules in a ruleflow.


Using ruleset parameters to transfer information.


Representing the business policy as if-then statements.


Packaging business logic in application code as decision service.


Using ruleset parameters to transfer information.

Question # 3

How can the state of a decision service branch be captured in Decision Center at a specific moment in time?


By creating a new release


By creating a snapshot from Business Console


By creating a sub-branch from Business Console


By creating a baseline from Enterprise Console


By creating a snapshot from Business Console

Question # 4

The screenshot below describes permissions granted to the group "Eligibility"

Which two statements are true about a user in the group "Eligibility"?


The user can view Queries.


The user can view Ruleflows.


The user can create Action Rules.


The user can update Action Rules.


The user can create Decision Tables


The user can create Action Rules.


The user can update Action Rules.

Question # 5

How would the following rule be classified?
The total insured value of the vehicle IS DEFINED AS the vehicle base value + Min (the value of vehicle
accessories, 40% the vehicle base value)











Question # 6

A company wants to implement a business rules solution for warranty claims on their widgets. The customer
requires that servers should not store any information about the context of clients between calls and must have
a strict enforcement of objects, rules and constraints. The implementation must support complex operations
and synchronous calls. Integration with other services must be platform independent. What implementation
best fits the customers requirements?


Use a local EJB rule session.


Implement an MDB with JSON format.


Use an HTDS SOAP web service and JSON format.


Implement a custom SOAP web service and XML format


Use an HTDS SOAP web service and JSON format.

Question # 7

A company wants to use ODM rules for a graphical user interface (GUI) validation. They want to use rules to
validate forms filled out by customers. The rules would validate user input and answers to the questions. The
users must have the ability to navigate the website while waiting for the ODM response. What implementation
should they use?


Implement a REST rule service in the XML format.


Implement a HTDS rule session to handle the request and response web service call.


Use an EJB rule session to handle changing the state of objects in working memory.


Use an asynchronous ruleset execution and an observer to end the execution or catch an exception on


Use an asynchronous ruleset execution and an observer to end the execution or catch an exception on

Question # 8

A developer needs to build an asynchronous decision service that can process extremely high transaction
volume for a small input request and from an application that is not mission critical.
Which API offers the fastest throughput, sufficient reliability, and least amount of client side development for
this decision service?


SOAP/XML web service


REST/JSON web service


Java Message Service (JMS)


Remote interface of an EJB rule session


Remote interface of an EJB rule session

C1000-010 Dumps
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IBM C1000-010 Exam Dumps

Exam Name: IBM Operational Decision Manager Standard V8.9.1 Application Development
Certification Name: IBM Cloud: Cloud Integration - Process Transformation

IBM C1000-010 exam dumps are created by industry top professionals and after that its also verified by expert team. We are providing you updated IBM Operational Decision Manager Standard V8.9.1 Application Development exam questions answers. We keep updating our IBM Cloud: Cloud Integration - Process Transformation practice test according to real exam. So prepare from our latest questions answers and pass your exam.

  • Total Questions: 61
  • Last Updation Date: 17-Feb-2025


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