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Having thousands of CLO-002 customers with 99% passing rate, passin1day has a big success story. We are providing fully CompTIA exam passing assurance to our customers. You can purchase CompTIA Cloud Essentials+ exam dumps with full confidence and pass exam.

CLO-002 Practice Questions

Question # 1
Due to local natural disaster concerns, a cloud customer is transferring all of its cold storage data to servers in a safer geographic region. Which of the following risk response techniques is the cloud customer employing?
A. Avoidance
B. Transference
C. Mitigation
D. Acceptance

A. Avoidance

Question # 2
A company is considering moving its database application to a public cloud provider. The application is regulated and requires the data to meet confidentiality standards. Which of the following BEST addresses this requirement?
A. Authorization
B. Validation
C. Encryption
D. Sanitization

D. Sanitization

Question # 3
Which of the following is the BEST approach to optimize data security in an IaaS migration of data to the cloud?
A. Review the risk register.
B. Perform a vulnerability scan
C. Perform server hardening.
D. Configure encryption in transit.

D. Configure encryption in transit.

Question # 4
A business analyst is examining a report and notices compute costs are very high for four cloud-based, load- balanced virtual machines hosting an application. The application will be in use for at least two more years, but there are no developers available to help optimize it. Which of the following should the analyst recommend to BEST reduce costs without impacting performance?
A. Decommission a virtual machine.
B. Change to a pay-as-you-go plan.
C. Convert the application to a SaaS solution.
D. Switch the virtual machines to reserved instances.

D. Switch the virtual machines to reserved instances.

Question # 5
Volume, variety, velocity, and veracity are the four characteristics of:
A. machine learning.
B. Big Data.
C. microservice design.
D. blockchain.
E. object storage.

B. Big Data.

Question # 6
Resource consumption in a company's laaS environment has been stable; however, a few servers have recently experienced spikes in CPU usage for days at a time. Costs are rising steadily, and it is unclear who owns the servers. Which of the following would work BEST to allow the company to charge the appropriate department? (Select TWO).
A. Employ a software defined network.
B. Employ orchestration automation.
C. Review the storage usage reports.
D. Review the network ingress reports.
E. Employ resource tagging.

E. Employ resource tagging.

Question # 7
A business is experiencing an outage of a customer-facing e-commerce website after a SaaS-based CDN upgrade. The RTO is 5 minutes or less, but it has already been 10 minutes since the outage. After 15 minutes, the CDN recovers for the outage. The business loses $25000 in revenue per minute of the outage. Which of the following is the financial impact to the business?
A. $250000
B. $350000
C. $375000
D. $400000

C. $375000

Question # 8
A small business is engaged with a cloud provider to migrate from on-premises CRM software. The contract includes fixed costs associated with the product. Which of the following variable costs must be considered?
A. Time to market
B. Operating expenditure fees
C. BYOL costs
D. Human capital

B. Operating expenditure fees

CLO-002 Dumps
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CompTIA CLO-002 Exam Dumps

Exam Name: CompTIA Cloud Essentials+
Certification Name: CompTIA Cloud Essentials

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  • Total Questions: 143
  • Last Updation Date: 17-Feb-2025


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