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Having thousands of Certified-Strategy-Designer customers with 99% passing rate, passin1day has a big success story. We are providing fully Salesforce exam passing assurance to our customers. You can purchase Salesforce Certified Strategy Designer Exam (SU24) exam dumps with full confidence and pass exam.

Certified-Strategy-Designer Practice Questions

Question # 1
Cloud Kicks' existing customers are loyal, but the company believes its total addressable market is larger. What should their strategy designer explore to increase market share?
A. Deepening customer engagement
B. Diversifying product offerings
C. Reinvesting in existing products

B. Diversifying product offerings

Explanation: The strategy designer should explore diversifying product offerings to increase market share. This means creating new products or services that appeal to different customer segments or needs, and expanding the customer base and revenue potential of the business.

Question # 2
In an effort to increase revenue, the Cloud Kicks design team proposes creating a new ecommerce tool where customers can easily search for products and access a bot that makes personalized recommendations. The team knows the cost to implement this new experience is significant. Which tool should the team use to justify the strategy7
A. Business model canvas
B. Criteria scorecard
C. Prioritization matrix

A. Business model canvas


The Business Model Canvas is a strategic management tool that helps in visualizing and assessing various aspects of a business model. For justifying the strategy behind a significant investment like a new e-commerce tool, the canvas provides a structured way to evaluate the value proposition, customer segments, revenue streams, and cost structure, among other elements. This holistic view supports decision-making by clearly illustrating how the new tool aligns with the company's strategic goals and financial considerations.

Question # 3
Cloud Kicks has envisioned an omnichannel experience for its customers that lets them seamlessly move across devices and select from multiple communication channels when reaching out to the company. The strategy designer creates a go-to-market (GTM) strategy for this concept.

What is a core component of a successful GTM strategy?
A. Test-driven development
B. Product value proposition
C. Digital marketing plan

B. Product value proposition


A product value proposition is a core component of a successful go-to-market (GTM) strategy. A product value proposition is a statement that summarizes the benefits and value that a product or service offers to customers, and how it solves their problems or satisfies their needs. It helps communicate the unique selling points and differentiation of the product or service, and attract and retain customers.


Question # 4
Cloud Kicks' (CK) product teams are well-led, productive, and meet their KPIs. However, the teams tend to become siloed and focused on their individual team priorities, occasionally leaving CK's customer experience fragmented. Which tool should CK's strategy designer recommend to grow and nurture cross-departmental collaboration?
A. V2MOM with shared methods.
B. Roadmap of cross-product features
C. Annual leadership summit

A. V2MOM with shared methods.


The best tool to grow and nurture cross-departmental collaboration is V2MOM with shared methods, as this helps align the teams around a common vision, values, methods, obstacles, and measures. A roadmap of cross-product features or an annual leadership summit may not be enough to foster ongoing collaboration and communication.

Question # 5
A design team is following the design thinking process to create a vision for their new loyalty program. While design thinking is an iterative process, there are phases that follow a general order. Which phase encompasses creating Jobs To Be Done?
A. Prototype
B. Define
C. Deploy

B. Define

Creating Jobs To Be Done is part of the define phase of the design thinking process. This phase involves synthesizing the insights from the empathize phase and framing the problem statement in a human-centered way. Jobs To Be Done are statements that describe what customers are trying to achieve or accomplish through a product or service.


Question # 6
A strategy designer is pitching a vision presentation to their customer's lead to get final approval for a new project. The lead is not comfortable or familiar with design thinking and has been distrustful of the process so far. Investing in this new initiative will put their reputation on the line. Which strategy should the designer employ to communicate the vision?
A. Ask each team member to present a few slides to signal the presentation is the result of many people's ideas and consensus.
B. Ask the customer to participate in the presentation pitch the vision to their lead to signal buy-i and shared ownership of the project work.
C. Ask a master presenter to stand in on the project and deliver the vision; they know how to sway any hesitant executive

B. Ask the customer to participate in the presentation pitch the vision to their lead to signal buy-i and shared ownership of the project work.


Involving the customer in the presentation can demonstrate internal support and shared commitment to the project, helping to alleviate the lead's concerns. This collaboration can foster trust in the design thinking process and the project's potential impact, facilitating approval.

Question # 7
In listening to its customer and influencers Cloud Kicks (CK) identifies a design opportunity to create a more sustainable sneaker Which additional topics should CK consider before framing the design challenge as a How Might We question?
A. Shareholder priorities and design team capabilities
B. Potential market sire and supply chain costs
C. Business drivers and signals of success

B. Potential market sire and supply chain costs

Explanation: The additional topics that Cloud Kicks should consider before framing the design challenge as a How Might We question are potential market size and supply chain costs, as these help evaluate the viability and feasibility of the design opportunity. Shareholder priorities and design team capabilities or business drivers and signals of success may not be relevant or important for framing the design challenge.

Question # 8
Cloud Kicks' design team learns of the desire for sustainable materials while co-creating personalization concepts with their West Coast influencers. Which method should the team use improve feasibility of this concept direction?
A. Create a functional prototype.
B. Run a cost benefit analysis.
C. Review and align with company V2MOM

B. Run a cost benefit analysis.


The best method to improve feasibility of a concept direction that involves sustainable materials is to run a cost benefit analysis, which is a quantitative way of comparing the costs and benefits of different alternatives and finding the optimal solution. Creating a functional prototype or reviewing and aligning with company V2MOM may not address the feasibility issue directly.

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Salesforce Certified-Strategy-Designer Exam Dumps

Exam Name: Salesforce Certified Strategy Designer Exam (SU24)
Certification Name: Salesforce Strategy Designer

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  • Total Questions: 150
  • Last Updation Date: 17-Feb-2025


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