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Having thousands of Consumer-Goods-Cloud-Accredited-Professional customers with 99% passing rate, passin1day has a big success story. We are providing fully Salesforce exam passing assurance to our customers. You can purchase Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud Accredited Professional (WI25) exam dumps with full confidence and pass exam.

Consumer-Goods-Cloud-Accredited-Professional Practice Questions

Question # 1
Which two standard fields on the Retail Store KPI object are required when doing an inventory check?
A. Retail Store Group
B. Custom Context
C. Inventory Count
D. Assessment Indicator Definition
E. KPI Type

A. Retail Store Group
D. Assessment Indicator Definition

Question # 2
Whichof the following have promotions associated with them using the Consumer Goods Cloud Data Model?
A. Promotion Channel, Retail Store KPI, Retail Visit KPI and Delivery Task
B. Promotion Product, Promotion Channel, Retail Store KPI, and Retail Visit KPI
C. Promotion Channel, Retail Visit KPI, Assessment Task Definition and in Store Location
D. Promotion Product, Retail Store KPI, Delivery Task and in Store Location

B. Promotion Product, Promotion Channel, Retail Store KPI, and Retail Visit KPI


Promotion Product, Promotion Channel, Retail Store KPI, and Retail Visit KPI are four objects that have promotions associated with them using the Consumer Goods Cloud Data Model. These objects help users to define, execute, and measure promotions in retailstores. They are:

Promotion Product, which represents a product that is part of a promotion. Promotion Channel, which represents a channel or segment where a promotion is applicable.

Retail Store KPI, which represents a key performance indicator that measures how well a retail store is performing against a specific promotion goal or target.

Retail Visit KPI, which represents a key performance indicator that measures how well a field rep executed a promotion during a store visit. Verified References: [Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud Implementation Guide], page 30-31.

Question # 3
Which KPIs can be derived using Planogram detection?
A. Out of Stock, Share of Shelf, SKU Facings
B. Out of Stock, Share of Shelf, Brand Facings
C. Out of Stock,Shelf Size, SKU Facings
D. Out of Stock, Shelf Size, Brand Facings

A. Out of Stock, Share of Shelf, SKU Facings


Out of Stock, Share of Shelf, and SKU Facings are three KPIs that can be derived using Planogram detection. A Planogram is a visual representation of how products should be arranged on a shelf. Planogram detection is a feature that uses Einstein Vision to compare the actual shelf image with the expected planogram image and calculate metrics such as: Out of Stock, which measures the percentage of products that are missing from the shelf.

Share of Shelf, which measures the percentage of space occupied by a product or brand on a shelf.

SKU Facings, which measures the number of times a product SKU is visible on a shelf. Verified References: [Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud Implementation Guide], page 23-24.

Question # 4
Where would a ConsumerGoods Cloud Admin need to establish the expected value for the planogram metrics?
A. Retail Store KPI
B. Assessment Task Definition
C. Delivery Tasks
D. Assessment Indicator Definition

D. Assessment Indicator Definition


The object where a Consumer Goods Cloud Admin needs toestablish the expected value for the planogram metrics is Assessment Indicator Definition. A planogram is a visual representation of how products should be arranged on a shelf. A planogram metric is a measure of how well the actual shelf image matches theexpected planogram image. An Assessment Indicator Definition is an object that defines an indicator or metric that can be used to assess the performance or compliance of a retail store or an action plan task. By creating an Assessment Indicator Definitionfor the planogram metric, such as out of stock, share of shelf, or SKU facings, an admin can establish the expected value for that metric and use it to calculate the actual value based on the shelf image. Verified References: [Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud Implementation Guide], page 23-24.

Question # 5
For flow based tasks, which two statement are correct?
A. A Retail Store KPI is always needed and is passed to the flow in the variable Retail Store KPI.
B. Retail Visit KPIs always need a corresponding Retail Store KPI.
C. Assessment Task IDs and Visit IDs are passed to the flow in a flow task.
D. Retail Store KPIs are not needed, as long as an Assessment Indicator Definition is available within the flow to create the Retail Visit D KPI.
E. Flow based tasks should never beused for tasks that require a Retail Visit KPI.

A. A Retail Store KPI is always needed and is passed to the flow in the variable Retail Store KPI.
C. Assessment Task IDs and Visit IDs are passed to the flow in a flow task.

Question # 6
Which step is required to link an Action Plan to a Visit record?
A. Create an Action Plan based on the template where the template owners are the Sales Reps.
B. Create an Action Plan Template by specifying Visit' as the target object and publish it.
C. Activate the Visit to generate Action Plan Tasks.
D. Activate the Action Plan.

B. Create an Action Plan Template by specifying Visit' as the target object and publish it.


To link an Action Plan to a Visit record, the first step is to create an Action Plan Template by specifying Visit’ as the target object and publish it. An Action Plan Template is a template that defines the tasks and steps for an action plan. An action plan is a set of tasks that need to be completed for a specific purpose or goal. A visit is an object that represents a scheduled or unscheduled interaction between a field rep and a retail store. By specifying Visit as the target object, the Action Plan Template can be linked to any visit record that matches the criteria defined in the template. By publishing the template, the Action Plan Template becomes available for use. Verified References: [Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud Implementation Guide], page 25.

Question # 7
Which three standard components are available for Assessment Task recordpages when configuring Consumer Goods Cloud app screens?
A. In Store Products
B. Promotion List
C. Promotion Details
D. Cart Review
E. Inventory Check

A. In Store Products
B. Promotion List
E. Inventory Check

Question # 8
Which three dashboards are natively available with Tableau CRM for Consumer Goods Cloud?
A. Category Insights
B. Inventory Performance
C. Sales Rep Performance
D. Store Insights
E. Product Performance

C. Sales Rep Performance
D. Store Insights
E. Product Performance

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Salesforce Consumer-Goods-Cloud-Accredited-Professional Exam Dumps

Exam Name: Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud Accredited Professional (WI25)
Certification Name: Consumer Goods Cloud

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  • Total Questions: 68
  • Last Updation Date: 17-Feb-2025


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