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Databricks-Certified-Professional-Data-Engineer Practice Questions

Question # 1
A user wants to use DLT expectations to validate that a derived table report contains all records from the source, included in the table validation_copy. The user attempts and fails to accomplish this by adding an expectation to the report table definition. Which approach would allow using DLT expectations to validate all expected records are present in this table?
A. Define a SQL UDF that performs a left outer join on two tables, and check if this returns null values for report key values in a DLT expectation for the report table.
B. Define a function that performs a left outer join on validation_copy and report and report, and check against the result in a DLT expectation for the report table
C. Define a temporary table that perform a left outer join on validation_copy and report, and define an expectation that no report key values are null
D. Define a view that performs a left outer join on validation_copy and report, and reference this view in DLT expectations for the report table

D. Define a view that performs a left outer join on validation_copy and report, and reference this view in DLT expectations for the report table


To validate that all records from the source are included in the derived table, creating a view that performs a left outer join between the validation_copy table and the report table is effective. The view can highlight any discrepancies, such as null values in the report table's key columns, indicating missing records. This view can then be referenced in DLT (Delta Live Tables) expectations for the report table to ensure data integrity. This approach allows for a comprehensive comparison between the source and the derived table.


• Databricks Documentation on Delta Live Tables and Expectations: Delta Live Tables Expectations

Question # 2
A production cluster has 3 executor nodes and uses the same virtual machine type for the driver and executor. When evaluating the Ganglia Metrics for this cluster, which indicator would signal a bottleneck caused by code executing on the driver?
A. The five Minute Load Average remains consistent/flat
B. Bytes Received never exceeds 80 million bytes per second
C. Total Disk Space remains constant
D. Network I/O never spikes
E. Overall cluster CPU utilization is around 25%

E. Overall cluster CPU utilization is around 25%


This is the correct answer because it indicates a bottleneck caused by code executing on the driver. A bottleneck is a situation where the performance or capacity of a system is limited by a single component or resource. A bottleneck can cause slow execution, high latency, or low throughput. A production cluster has 3 executor nodes and uses the same virtual machine type for the driver and executor. When evaluating the Ganglia Metrics for this cluster, one can look for indicators that show how the cluster resources are being utilized, such as CPU, memory, disk, or network. If the overall cluster CPU utilization is around 25%, it means that only one out of the four nodes (driver + 3 executors) is using its full CPU capacity, while the other three nodes are idle or underutilized. This suggests that the code executing on the driver is taking too long or consuming too much CPU resources, preventing the executors from receiving tasks or data to process. This can happen when the code has driver-side operations that are not parallelized or distributed, such as collecting large amounts of data to the driver, performing complex calculations on the driver, or using non-Spark libraries on the driver.

Verified References: [Databricks Certified Data Engineer Professional], under “Spark Core” section; Databricks Documentation, under “View cluster status and event logs - Ganglia metrics” section; Databricks Documentation, under “Avoid collecting large RDDs” section.

In a Spark cluster, the driver node is responsible for managing the execution of the Spark application, including scheduling tasks, managing the execution plan, and interacting with the cluster manager. If the overall cluster CPU utilization is low (e.g., around 25%), it may indicate that the driver node is not utilizing the available resources effectively and might be a bottleneck.

Question # 3
The marketing team is looking to share data in an aggregate table with the sales organization, but the field names used by the teams do not match, and a number of marketing specific fields have not been approval for the sales org. Which of the following solutions addresses the situation while emphasizing simplicity?
A. Create a view on the marketing table selecting only these fields approved for the sales team alias the names of any fields that should be standardized to the sales naming conventions.
B. Use a CTAS statement to create a derivative table from the marketing table configure a production jon to propagation changes.
C. Add a parallel table write to the current production pipeline, updating a new sales table that varies as required from marketing table.
D. Create a new table with the required schema and use Delta Lake's DEEP CLONE functionality to sync up changes committed to one table to the corresponding table.

A. Create a view on the marketing table selecting only these fields approved for the sales team alias the names of any fields that should be standardized to the sales naming conventions.


Creating a view is a straightforward solution that can address the need for field name standardization and selective field sharing between departments. A view allows for presenting a transformed version of the underlying data without duplicating it. In this scenario, the view would only include the approved fields for the sales team and rename any fields as per their naming conventions.


• Databricks documentation on using SQL views in Delta Lake: https://docs.databricks.com/delta/quick-start.html#sql-views

Question # 4
A data ingestion task requires a one-TB JSON dataset to be written out to Parquet with a target part-file size of 512 MB. Because Parquet is being used instead of Delta Lake, built-in file-sizing features such as Auto-Optimize & Auto-Compaction cannot be used. Which strategy will yield the best performance without shuffling data?
A. Set spark.sql.files.maxPartitionBytes to 512 MB, ingest the data, execute the narrow transformations, and then write to parquet.
B. Set spark.sql.shuffle.partitions to 2,048 partitions (1TB*1024*1024/512), ingest the data, execute the narrow transformations, optimize the data by sorting it (which automatically repartitions the data), and then write to parquet.
C. Set spark.sql.adaptive.advisoryPartitionSizeInBytes to 512 MB bytes, ingest the data, execute the narrow transformations, coalesce to 2,048 partitions (1TB*1024*1024/512), and then write to parquet.
D. Ingest the data, execute the narrow transformations, repartition to 2,048 partitions (1TB* 1024*1024/512), and then write to parquet.
E. Set spark.sql.shuffle.partitions to 512, ingest the data, execute the narrow transformations, and then write to parquet.

B. Set spark.sql.shuffle.partitions to 2,048 partitions (1TB*1024*1024/512), ingest the data, execute the narrow transformations, optimize the data by sorting it (which automatically repartitions the data), and then write to parquet.


The key to efficiently converting a large JSON dataset to Parquet files of a specific size without shuffling data lies in controlling the size of the output files directly.
• Setting spark.sql.files.maxPartitionBytes to 512 MB configures Spark to process data in chunks of 512 MB. This setting directly influences the size of the part-files in the output, aligning with the target file size.
• Narrow transformations (which do not involve shuffling data across partitions) can then be applied to this data.
• Writing the data out to Parquet will result in files that are approximately the size specified by spark.sql.files.maxPartitionBytes, in this case, 512 MB.
• The other options involve unnecessary shuffles or repartitions (B, C, D) or an incorrect setting for this specific requirement (E).


• Apache Spark Documentation: Configuration - spark.sql.files.maxPartitionBytes
• Databricks Documentation on Data Sources: Databricks Data Sources Guide

Question # 5
A data ingestion task requires a one-TB JSON dataset to be written out to Parquet with a target part-file size of 512 MB. Because Parquet is being used instead of Delta Lake, built-in file-sizing features such as Auto-Optimize & Auto-Compaction cannot be used. Which strategy will yield the best performance without shuffling data?
A. Set spark.sql.files.maxPartitionBytes to 512 MB, ingest the data, execute the narrow transformations, and then write to parquet.
B. Set spark.sql.shuffle.partitions to 2,048 partitions (1TB*1024*1024/512), ingest the data, execute the narrow transformations, optimize the data by sorting it (which automatically repartitions the data), and then write to parquet.
C. Set spark.sql.adaptive.advisoryPartitionSizeInBytes to 512 MB bytes, ingest the data, execute the narrow transformations, coalesce to 2,048 partitions (1TB*1024*1024/512), and then write to parquet.
D. Ingest the data, execute the narrow transformations, repartition to 2,048 partitions (1TB* 1024*1024/512), and then write to parquet.
E. Set spark.sql.shuffle.partitions to 512, ingest the data, execute the narrow transformations, and then write to parquet.

B. Set spark.sql.shuffle.partitions to 2,048 partitions (1TB*1024*1024/512), ingest the data, execute the narrow transformations, optimize the data by sorting it (which automatically repartitions the data), and then write to parquet.


The key to efficiently converting a large JSON dataset to Parquet files of a specific size without shuffling data lies in controlling the size of the output files directly.
• Setting spark.sql.files.maxPartitionBytes to 512 MB configures Spark to process data in chunks of 512 MB. This setting directly influences the size of the part-files in the output, aligning with the target file size.
• Narrow transformations (which do not involve shuffling data across partitions) can then be applied to this data.
• Writing the data out to Parquet will result in files that are approximately the size specified by spark.sql.files.maxPartitionBytes, in this case, 512 MB.
• The other options involve unnecessary shuffles or repartitions (B, C, D) or an incorrect setting for this specific requirement (E).


• Apache Spark Documentation: Configuration - spark.sql.files.maxPartitionBytes • Databricks Documentation on Data Sources: Databricks Data Sources Guide

Question # 6
A Delta Lake table in the Lakehouse named customer_parsams is used in churn prediction by the machine learning team. The table contains information about customers derived from a number of upstream sources. Currently, the data engineering team populates this table nightly by overwriting the table with the current valid values derived from upstream data sources.

Immediately after each update succeeds, the data engineer team would like to determine the difference between the new version and the previous of the table. Given the current implementation, which method can be used?
A. Parse the Delta Lake transaction log to identify all newly written data files.
B. Execute DESCRIBE HISTORY customer_churn_params to obtain the full operation metrics for the update, including a log of all records that have been added or modified.
C. Execute a query to calculate the difference between the new version and the previous version using Delta Lake’s built-in versioning and time travel functionality.
D. Parse the Spark event logs to identify those rows that were updated, inserted, or deleted.

C. Execute a query to calculate the difference between the new version and the previous version using Delta Lake’s built-in versioning and time travel functionality.


Delta Lake provides built-in versioning and time travel capabilities, allowing users to query previous snapshots of a table. This feature is particularly useful for understanding changes between different versions of the table. In this scenario, where the table is overwritten nightly, you can use Delta Lake's time travel feature to execute a query comparing the latest version of the table (the current state) with its previous version. This approach effectively identifies the differences (such as new, updated, or deleted records) between the two versions. The other options do not provide a straightforward or efficient way to directly compare different versions of a Delta Lake table.


• Delta Lake Documentation on Time Travel: Delta Time Travel
• Delta Lake Versioning: Delta Lake Versioning Guide

Question # 7
The Databricks CLI is use to trigger a run of an existing job by passing the job_id parameter. The response that the job run request has been submitted successfully includes a filed run_id. Which statement describes what the number alongside this field represents?
A. The job_id is returned in this field.
B. The job_id and number of times the job has been are concatenated and returned.
C. The number of times the job definition has been run in the workspace.
D. The globally unique ID of the newly triggered run.

D. The globally unique ID of the newly triggered run.


When triggering a job run using the Databricks CLI, the run_id field in the response represents a globally unique identifier for that particular run of the job. This run_id is distinct from the job_id. While the job_id identifies the job definition and is constant across all runs of that job, the run_id is unique to each execution and is used to track and query the status of that specific job run within the Databricks environment. This distinction allows users to manage and reference individual executions of a job directly. <br>

Question # 8
Which statement describes Delta Lake Auto Compaction?
A. An asynchronous job runs after the write completes to detect if files could be further compacted; if yes, an optimize job is executed toward a default of 1 GB.
B. Before a Jobs cluster terminates, optimize is executed on all tables modified during the most recent job.
C. Optimized writes use logical partitions instead of directory partitions; because partition boundaries are only represented in metadata, fewer small files are written.
D. Data is queued in a messaging bus instead of committing data directly to memory; all data is committed from the messaging bus in one batch once the job is complete.
E. An asynchronous job runs after the write completes to detect if files could be further compacted; if yes, an optimize job is executed toward a default of 128 MB.

E. An asynchronous job runs after the write completes to detect if files could be further compacted; if yes, an optimize job is executed toward a default of 128 MB.


This is the correct answer because it describes the behavior of Delta Lake Auto Compaction, which is a feature that automatically optimizes the layout of Delta Lake tables by coalescing small files into larger ones. Auto Compaction runs as an asynchronous job after a write to a table has succeeded and checks if files within a partition can be further compacted. If yes, it runs an optimize job with a default target file size of 128 MB. Auto Compaction only compacts files that have not been compacted previously.

Verified References: [Databricks Certified Data Engineer Professional], under “Delta Lake” section; Databricks Documentation, under “Auto Compaction for Delta Lake on Databricks” section.

"Auto compaction occurs after a write to a table has succeeded and runs synchronously on the cluster that has performed the write. Auto compaction only compacts files that haven’t been compacted previously."


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