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Having thousands of FSL-201 customers with 99% passing rate, passin1day has a big success story. We are providing fully Salesforce exam passing assurance to our customers. You can purchase Salesforce - Implementing Field Service Lightning exam dumps with full confidence and pass exam.

FSL-201 Practice Questions

Question # 1

Universal Containers wants their Technicians to be allowed to reschedule a visit for the same work within the
Field Service mobile application. What approach should a Consultant recommend?


Create a Quick Action that will create a new Service Appointment record.


Create a Visualforce page that will create a new Work Order record.


Create a Quick Action that will create a new Work Order record.


Create a Visualforce page that will create a new Service Appointment record.


Create a Quick Action that will create a new Service Appointment record.

Question # 2

Universal Containers has Role-based Technicians and Managers who handle Service Appointments. Many
times, Technicians arrive on-site but are unable to gain access to the customer’s equipment. In this scenario,
only the Manager has permission to cancel the Service Appointment. How should a Consultant recommend
adhering to this business process?


Assign Permission Sets that allow Status Transitions.


Allow Status Transitions based on Role.


Limit Status Transitions based on Profile.


Configure Status Transitions based on Resource Type.


Limit Status Transitions based on Profile.

Question # 3

Universal Containers wants to track how much time each Technician is actively working each day. Which two
data elements should be captured in order to calculate percentage of time spend actively working.


Technician hours at client location.


Technician work orders completed


Technician hours traveling


Technician hours per day.


Technician hours at client location.


Technician hours per day.

Question # 4

Universal Containers wants to encourage their Technicians to identify sales opportunities in the field. Which
option should a Consultant recommend?


Log a follow-up task on the Work Order.


Call the Sales Team with the Opportunity.


Create a custom filed on the Work Order.


Create a Quick Action to create the Opportunity.


Create a Quick Action to create the Opportunity.

Question # 5

Universal Containers needs to implement a way to track all internal and external work associated with an
inbound contact center request. How should a Consultant recommend tracking the work?


Parent/Child Work Orders


Cases Only


Cases and Work Orders


Work Orders only


Parent/Child Work Orders

Question # 6

Universal Containers sells products that are made up of serialized components. Field Technicians often need to
work on a specific component. How should a Consultant recommend tracking the products a customer buys so
Work Orders can be assigned to a component?


Use Work Orders and define a hierarchy.


Use Orders and Order Products.


Use Products and Product Families.


Use Assets and define a hierarchy


Use Orders and Order Products.

Question # 7

Universal Containers has enabled Field Service Lightning and is looking to enable Entitlements for Work Orders. What should a Consultant take into consideration?


Managing page layouts and milestone trackers can be done in salesforce1.


Creating Entitlements for Cases and Work Orders must be separated.


Managing page layouts and validation rules can be done in Salesforce Lightning.


Creating Entitlements for Work Orders requires Lightning to be enabled.


Creating Entitlements for Cases and Work Orders must be separated.

Question # 8

Universal Containers wants to provide a pro-formal invoice to their customer at the completion of a Work
Order. Which three should a Consultant set up in order to achieve this requirement?


Create Account-wide Discounts.


Apply Promotion to the Work Order.


Apply Price Book to the Work Order.


AppCreate Products and Price Book Entries.


Create Work Order Line Items with Products.


Apply Price Book to the Work Order.


AppCreate Products and Price Book Entries.


Create Work Order Line Items with Products.

FSL-201 Dumps
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Salesforce FSL-201 Exam Dumps

Exam Name: Salesforce - Implementing Field Service Lightning
Certification Name: Salesforce Field Service Lightning program

Salesforce FSL-201 exam dumps are created by industry top professionals and after that its also verified by expert team. We are providing you updated Salesforce - Implementing Field Service Lightning exam questions answers. We keep updating our Salesforce Field Service Lightning program practice test according to real exam. So prepare from our latest questions answers and pass your exam.

  • Total Questions: 105
  • Last Updation Date: 17-Feb-2025


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