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Field-Service-Consultant Practice Questions

Question # 1
Universal Containers's Dispatchers want to visualize the planned travel route for a Technician during their shift. Which feature should the Consultant recommend to meet the requirement?
A. Service Appointment Reports
B. Service Resource Dashboard
C. Street-level Routing
D. Aerial Routing

C. Street-level Routing

This option allows visualizing the planned travel route for a technician on a map, based on the street-level directions and traffic conditions. References: &type=5

Question # 2
Universal Containers wants to ensure that Service Appointments are only assigned to Active Resources. Which configuration should a Consultant recommend for the Scheduling Policy?
A. Match Fields
B. Preferred Resources
C. Match Boolean
D. Required Resources.

C. Match Boolean


Match Boolean is an optimization criterion that prioritizes matching service appointments with resources based on boolean fields such as certifications or preferences[139]. Using Match Boolean in the Scheduling Policy would allow Universal Containers to ensure that Service Appointments are only assigned to Active Resources by creating a boolean field on the service resource object such as Active Resource and setting it to true or false depending on their status. Match Fields is an optimization criterion that prioritizes matching service appointments with resources based on fields such as skills or territories[140]. Preferred Resources is an optimization criterion that prioritizes assigning service appointments to resources who have previously completed similar work orders or who are preferred by customers[141].

Required Resources is an optimization criterion that prioritizes assigning service appointments to resources who are explicitly required by customers or dispatchers[142].

References: _match_boolean.htm&type=5 _match_fields.htm&type=5 _preferred_resources.htm&type=5 _required_resources.htm&type=5

Question # 3
Universal Containers would like to provide Field Service Technicians the ability to capture details and customer approval on completed work so that the details can be compiled and sent to the customer electronically. What should a Consultant recommend to meet this requirement?
A. Create a Process Builder to generate a report.
B. Create a custom report.
C. Use the standard Service Report
D. Use the standard Work Order email template.

C. Use the standard Service Report


Service Reports are documents that summarize the details and outcomes of a service appointment such as work performed, products consumed, customer feedback, etc.[72]. Using the standard Service Report would allow Field Service Technicians to capture details and customer approval on completed work and send them to the customer electronically by generating and emailing service reports from the Field Service Mobile App or the web browser[73]. Creating a Process Builder to generate a report would not allow Field Service Technicians to capture details and customer approval on completed work. Process Builder is a tool that allows users to automate workflows based on specified criteria and actions[74]. Creating a custom report would not allow Field Service Technicians to capture details and customer approval on completed work. Custom reports are reports that allow users to view data based on specific criteria such as objects, fields, filters, or charts[75]. Using the standard Work Order email template would not allow Field Service Technicians to capture details and customer approval on completed work. Email templates are templates that allow users to send predefined emails with merge fields[76].


Question # 4
Universal Containers just started its Field Service Implementation and is configuring Service Territories and Locations. The Locations need to be associated to Territories. In which two ways should the Consultant show this relationship? Choose ? answers
A. Add the Service Territory Location Related List on the Service Territory page layout.
B. Add the Service Territory Location Related List on the Location page layout.
C. Create the Service Territory Location as a Service Territory lookup field.
D. Create the Service Territory Location as a Location lookup field.

A. Add the Service Territory Location Related List on the Service Territory page layout.
B. Add the Service Territory Location Related List on the Location page layout.


Service Territory Location is a junction object that links Service Territory and Location objects[236]. Related Lists are components on page layouts that show records that are related to a record through a lookup or master-detail relationship[237]. Adding the Service Territory Location Related List on the Service Territory page layout and adding the Service Territory Location Related List on the Location page layout would allow Universal Containers to show how Locations are associated to Territories by displaying a list of Service Territory Locations on each record[238]. Creating the Service Territory Location as a Service Territory lookup field or creating the Service Territory Location as a Location lookup field would not work because they are not valid fields on either object. References: &type=5 &type=5

Question # 5
Universal Containers performs service on field assets that require a sequence of work tasks. A Consultant has recommended Work Order Line Items to manage the tasks and assets/parts necessary to manage the work. Which two of the following must be considered as part of this solution to ensure Work Orders are properly completed? Choose 2 answers
A. Use of Standard Reports to view Parent and Root Work Order Lines Items within Work Orders by Customer.
B. Use of Work Order Line Items that automatically inherit the hierarchy of Assets attached to Work Order.
C. Use of Work Order Line Items to link to a specific Asset within the Asset Hierarchy that represents the BoM.
D. Use of a parent-child Work Order Line Item to create a Work Order Line Item hierarchy.

C. Use of Work Order Line Items to link to a specific Asset within the Asset Hierarchy that represents the BoM.
D. Use of a parent-child Work Order Line Item to create a Work Order Line Item hierarchy.


Work Order Line Items can be used to link to specific Assets within an Asset Hierarchy that represents a Bill of Materials (BoM). Work Order Line Items can also be used to create a hierarchy of tasks that need to be performed in a sequence. Standard Reports do not show Parent and Root Work Order Line Items within Work Orders by Customer. Work Order Line Items do not automatically inherit the hierarchy of Assets attached to Work Order.


Question # 6
Universal Containers offers 2-hour versus 4-hour appointment booking windows for Gold versus Standard Customers. What should a Consultant recommend to offer appropriate appointment booking windows?
A. Service Due Date
B. Customer Working Hours
C. Customer Entitlement
D. Service Urgency

C. Customer Entitlement


Customer Entitlements are records that specify customers’ support terms based on their contracts or warranties[38]. Customer Entitlements can be used to offer appropriate appointment booking windows for Gold versus Standard Customers by defining different appointment windows for different entitlement levels[39]. Service Due Date is a field on the work order object that indicates when a work order must be completed by[40]. Customer Working Hours are records that define when customers are available for service appointments[41]. Service Urgency is a field on the work order object that indicates how quickly a work order must be completed[42].

References: &type=5 type=5

Question # 7
Universal Containers wants to identify which resources need more or fewer appointments. Which Gantt chart filter option should a Consultant recommend to provide this information?
A. Select Date Resolution on the Hours Tab.
B. Select Travel Time and Breaks as skills on the Skills Tab.
C. Select Hours, Absences and Overtime on the Utilization Tab.
D. Select Sort by Average Utilization on the Resources Tab.

D. Select Sort by Average Utilization on the Resources Tab.


Sort by Average Utilization is an option on the Resources Tab of the Gantt chart that allows sorting resources by their average utilization percentage[239]. Utilization is a metric that measures how much time a resource spends on service appointments compared to their total working hours[240]. Selecting Sort by Average Utilization on the Resources Tab would allow Universal Containers to identify which resources need more or fewer appointments by showing them how busy each resource is based on their utilization percentage[241]. Selecting Date Resolution on the Hours Tab would not allow Universal Containers to identify which resources need more or fewer appointments. Date Resolution is an option on the Hours Tab of the Gantt chart that allows changing how many hours are shown per column such as 1 hour, 2 hours, or 4 hours[242]. Selecting Travel Time and Breaks as skills on the Skills Tab would not allow Universal Containers to identify which resources need more or fewer appointments. Skills are records that define specific abilities or qualifications that resources have[243]. Travel Time and Breaks are not skills but fields on the Resource object that define how much time a resource spends traveling between service appointments and how much time they take for breaks[244]. Selecting Hours, Absences and Overtime on

Question # 8
A customer wants to return a defective product instead of scheduling a Service Appointment. How should this product be tracked in Salesforce Field Service?
A. Create a Work Order and Work Order Line Item.
B. Create a Return Order and Return Order Line Item.
C. Create a Product Request and Product Request Line Item.
D. Create a Return Order and relate it to the Product.

B. Create a Return Order and Return Order Line Item.


This option allows tracking the return of a defective product and its replacement with a new one, if applicable. References:

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Salesforce Field-Service-Consultant Exam Dumps

Exam Name: Salesforce Certified Field Service Consultant (SU24)
Certification Name: Field Service Lightning program

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  • Last Updation Date: 17-Feb-2025


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