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HPE6-A72 Practice Questions

Question # 1
Your customer has 349 users in a two-story building. What are two benefits of a 2-Tier design? (Choose two.)
A. Layer 2 and Layer 3 protocols run close to the endpoints to better implement ACL and QoS policy at the edge.
B. Improved performance by offloading processing from the Access layer to the Core.
C. Use of layer 2 switches at the access layer can process and route traffic from attached APs.
D. Support for WAN/MPLS, Internet, and Data Center directly on the Collapsed core.
E. Provides a more cost effective solution given that no additional switches are required for a third tier.

A. Layer 2 and Layer 3 protocols run close to the endpoints to better implement ACL and QoS policy at the edge.
E. Provides a more cost effective solution given that no additional switches are required for a third tier.

Question # 2
What is the process where a compute device converts logical data bits into the correct physical representation depending on the media?
A. Demodulation
B. Modulation
C. Propagation
D. Encapsulation

D. Encapsulation

Question # 3
You need to remote into an AOS-CX switch using SSH in order to update the management IP address for future connections. Unfortunately, you mis-configured the IP address and are now locked out of the switch. What command could you have issued before making changes that would have recovered the original switch configuration after ten minutes?
A. checkpoint rollback 10
B. checkpoint auto 10
C. checkpoint auto confirm 10
D. boot system secondary 10

B. checkpoint auto 10

Question # 4
The following command is issued:

Switch# checkpoint rollback start

What is the result?
A. The command will fail because rollback commands must be issued from global-config mode.
B. The switch will revert the running-configuration to the checkpoint called 'start1without a reboot.
C. The command will fail because it is incomplete.
D. The switch will use the checkpoint 'rollback1as the starting configuration on next reboot.

B. The switch will revert the running-configuration to the checkpoint called 'start1without a reboot.

Question # 5
Which switch supports a maximum of 8 line-cards, 3 fabric modules, and 2 management cards?
A. HPE Aruba Networking CX 5412r
B. HPE Aruba Networking CX 8408
C. HPE Aruba Networking CX 8400
D. HPE Aruba Networking CX 6410

C. HPE Aruba Networking CX 8400

Question # 6
What are the benefits of a 3-Tier design over a 2-Tier? (Choose two.)
A. Offloading processing from the Core without routing at the Access layer.
B. Can use lower speed links between Core to Aggregation and Aggregation to Access given the use of an Aggregation layer.
C. Lowering the cost of a deployment due to needing less switches overall.
D. Better scalability in a campus with a large number of buildings.
E. Gaining the flexibility to connect the Data-Center to any Access layer switch.

A. Offloading processing from the Core without routing at the Access layer.

D. Better scalability in a campus with a large number of buildings.

Question # 7
Which security benefit does SNMPv3 offer that SNMPv2 does not offer?
A. SSL encryption
B. Scopes
C. Data confidentially
D. RADIUS groups

C. Data confidentially

Question # 8
Which command will save your configuration on an AOS-CX switch so that your changes automatically load on next reboot?
A. copy running-config checkpoint startup-config
B. copy startup-config running-config
C. copy running-config default
D. copy running-config initial-checkpoint

A. copy running-config checkpoint startup-config

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HP HPE6-A72 Exam Dumps

Exam Name: Aruba Certified Switching Associate
Certification Name: Aruba Certified Switching Associate (ACSA) V1

HP HPE6-A72 exam dumps are created by industry top professionals and after that its also verified by expert team. We are providing you updated Aruba Certified Switching Associate exam questions answers. We keep updating our Aruba Certified Switching Associate (ACSA) V1 practice test according to real exam. So prepare from our latest questions answers and pass your exam.

  • Total Questions: 105
  • Last Updation Date: 17-Feb-2025


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