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HPE6-A73 Practice Questions

Question # 1
An administrator is designing an access layer solution in a data center. A key requirement is to dual-home mission-critical server connections to two different switches, ensuring that the servers always have network access, even during switch software upgrades. This feature should support strictly-controlled provisioning. What would best meet the administrator's needs when deploying AOS-CX switches?
B. Dynamic segmentation


Question # 2
Which does VOQ implement that is different from most typical campus switches?
A. Large ingress packet buffers
B. vsx
C. Per-port ASICs
D. Large egress packet buffers

B. vsx

Question # 3
How is voice traffic prioritized correctly on AOS-CX switches?
A. By defining device profiles with QOS settings
B. By placing it in the strict priority queue
C. By implementing voice VLANs
D. By implementing weighted fair queueing (WFQ)

B. By placing it in the strict priority queue

Question # 4
An administrator in a company of 349 users has a pair of AOS-CX switches with connections to external networks. Both switches are configured for OSPF. The administrator wants to import external routes on both switches, but assigns different seed metrics to the routes, as well as imports them as external type-1 routes. What is the best way for the administrator to accomplish this?
A. Create a route map with the correct route type and metrics
B. Define the route type and metrics in the OSPF process
C. Create a classifier policy with the correct route type and metrics
D. Define a class and policy map with the correct route type and metrics

A. Create a route map with the correct route type and metrics

Question # 5
An administrator is supporting a network with the access layer consisting of AOS-CX 6300 and 6400 switches. The administrator needs to quickly deploy Aruba IAPs and security cameras in the network, ensuring that the correct QoS and VLAN settings are dynamically applied to the switch ports. Currently, switches are not configured to do device authentication, and no authentication server exists in the network. Which AOS-CX feature should the administrator use to dynamically assign the policy settings to the correct switch ports?
A. Device profiles
B. Change of authorization
C. Dynamic segmentation
D. Voice VLANs

A. Device profiles

Question # 6
An administrator is managing a pair of core AOS-CX switches configured for VSX. Connected to this core are pairs of aggregation layer AOS-CX switches configured for VSX. OSPF is running between the aggregation and core layers. To speed up OSPF convergence, the administrator has configured BFD between the core and aggregation switches. What is a best practice the administrator should implement to reduce CPU processing on the switches if a BFD neighbor fails?
A. Disable ICMP redirects
B. Implement graceful restart
C. Increase the BFD echo timers
D. Increase the VSX keepalive timer

A. Disable ICMP redirects

Question # 7
An administrator of a company has concerns about upgrading the access layer switches. The users rely heavily on wireless and VoIP telephony. Which is the best recommendation to ensure a short downtime for the users during upgrading the access layer switches?
A. Install the in-service software upgrade (ISSU) feature with clustering enabled
B. Install AOS-CX 6300 or 6400 switches with always-on POE
C. Implement VSF on the AOS-CX access switches
D. Implement VSX on the AOS-CX access switches

B. Install AOS-CX 6300 or 6400 switches with always-on POE

The key is to reduce the impact. VSF or not will have same impact when the switch reboots. But if the switch support always on poe then at least the POE clients will be ready before the switch finish booting up. If you dont have always on POE, then the poe clients will reboot AFTER the switch boots up.

Question # 8
An administrator is implementing a multicast solution in a multi-VLAN network. Which statement is true about the configuration of the switches in the network?
A. IGMP snooping must be enabled on all interfaces on a switch to intelligently forward traffic
B. IGMP requires join and leave messages to graft and prune multicast streams between switches
C. IGMP must be enabled on all routed interfaces where multicast traffic will traverse
D. IGMP must be enabled on all interfaces where multicast sources and receivers are connected

C. IGMP must be enabled on all routed interfaces where multicast traffic will traverse

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HP HPE6-A73 Exam Dumps

Exam Name: Aruba Certified Switching Professional
Certification Name: Aruba Certified Switching Professional (ACSP) V1

HP HPE6-A73 exam dumps are created by industry top professionals and after that its also verified by expert team. We are providing you updated Aruba Certified Switching Professional exam questions answers. We keep updating our Aruba Certified Switching Professional (ACSP) V1 practice test according to real exam. So prepare from our latest questions answers and pass your exam.

  • Total Questions: 127
  • Last Updation Date: 17-Feb-2025


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