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Having thousands of Integration-Architect customers with 99% passing rate, passin1day has a big success story. We are providing fully Salesforce exam passing assurance to our customers. You can purchase Salesforce Certified Integration Architect (SU24) exam dumps with full confidence and pass exam.

Integration-Architect Practice Questions

Question # 1

Service Agents at Northern Trail Outfitters uses Salesforce to manage cases and B2C Commerce for ordering. Which integration solution should an architect recommend in order for the service agents to see order history from a B2C Commerce system?


Salesforce B2C Commerce to Service Cloud Connector


A REST API offered by Commerce Platform


Mulesoft Anypoint Platform


REST API offered by Salesforce Platform


Salesforce B2C Commerce to Service Cloud Connector


Question # 2

Northern Trail Outfitters has had an increase in requests from other business units to integrate opportunity information with other systems from Salesforce. The developers have started writing asynchronous @future callouts directly into the target systems. The CIO is concerned about the viability of this approach scaling for future growth and has requested a solution recommendation. What should be done to mitigate the concerns that the CIO has?


Implement an ETL tool and perform nightly batch data loads to reduce network traffic using last modified dates on the opportunity object to extract the right records.


Develop a comprehensive catalog of Apex classes to eliminate the need for redundant code and use custom metadata to hold the endpoint information for each integration.


Refactor the existing ©future methods to use Enhanced External Services, import Open API 2.0 schemas and update flows to use services instead of Apex.


Implement an Enterprise Service Bus for service orchestration, mediation, routing and decouple dependencies across systems.


Refactor the existing ©future methods to use Enhanced External Services, import Open API 2.0 schemas and update flows to use services instead of Apex.

Question # 3

An organization needs to integrate Salesforce with an external system and is considering authentication options. The organization already has implemented SAML, using a thirdparty Identity Provider for integrations between other systems. Which use case can leverage the existing SAML integration to connect Salesforce with other internal systems?


Make formula fields with HYPERLINK() to external web servers more secure.


Make Apex SOAP outbound integrations to external web services more secure.


A Make Apex REST outbound integrations to external web services more secure.


Make an API inbound integration from an external Java client more secure.


Make formula fields with HYPERLINK() to external web servers more secure.

Question # 4

A large enterprise customer has decided to implement Salesforce as their CRM. The current system landscape includes the following:
1. An Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solution that is responsible for Customer Invoicing and Order fulfillment.
2. A Marketing solution they use for email campaigns.
The enterprise customer needs their sales and service associates to use Salesforce to view and log their interactions with customers and prospects in Salesforce. Which system should be the System of record for their customers and prospects?


ERP with all prospect data from Marketing and Salesforce.


Marketing with all customer data from Salesforce and ERP.


Salesforce with relevant Marketing and ERP information.


New Custom Database for Customers and Prospects.


Salesforce with relevant Marketing and ERP information.

Question # 5

Which WSDL should an architect consider when creating an integration that might be used for more than one salesforce organization and different met


Corporate WSDL


Partner WSDL




Enterprise WSDL


Partner WSDL

Question # 6

Northern Trail Outfitters has a registration system that is used for workshops offered at its conferences. Attendees use a Salesforce community to register for workshops, but the scheduling system manages workshop availability based on room capacity. It is expected that there will be a big surge of requests for workshop reservations when the conference schedule goes live. Which integration pattern should be used to manage the influx in registrations?


Remote Process Invocation-Request and Reply


Remote Process Invocation-Fire and Forget


Batch Data Synchronization


Remote Call-In


Batch Data Synchronization

Question # 7

Which two system constraint questions should be considered when designing an integration to send orders from Salesforce to a fulfillment system?
Choose 2 answers


What latency is acceptable for orders to reach the fulfillment system?


Which system will validate order shipping addresses?


Can the fulfillment system implement a contract-first Outbound Messaging interface?


Can the fulfillment system participate in idempotent design to avoid duplicate orders?


Can the fulfillment system implement a contract-first Outbound Messaging interface?


Can the fulfillment system participate in idempotent design to avoid duplicate orders?

Question # 8

Given the diagram below, a Salesforce org, middleware, and Historical data store (with 20million records and growing) exists with connectivity between them Historical records are archived from Salesforce and moved to Historical Data store (which houses 20M records and growing; fine-tuned to be performant with search queries). Call center agents use Salesforce, when reviewing occasional special cases, have requested access to view the related historical case items that relate to submit cases. Which mechanism and patterns are recommended to maximize declarative configuration?


Use ESB tool with Data Virtualization pattern, expose OData endpoint, and then use Salesforce Connect to consume and display the External Object alongside with the Caseobject.


Use an ESB tool with a fire and forget pattern and then publish a platform event for the requested historical data.


Use an ESB tool with Request-Reply pattern and then make a real-time Apex callout to the  ESB endpoint to fetch and display component related to Case object


Use an ETL tool with a Batch Data Synchronization pattern to migrate historical data into Salesforce and into a custom object (historical data) related to Case object.


Use ESB tool with Data Virtualization pattern, expose OData endpoint, and then use Salesforce Connect to consume and display the External Object alongside with the Caseobject.

Integration-Architect Dumps
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Salesforce Integration-Architect Exam Dumps

Exam Name: Salesforce Certified Integration Architect (SU24)
Certification Name: Integration Architecture Designer

Salesforce Integration-Architect exam dumps are created by industry top professionals and after that its also verified by expert team. We are providing you updated Salesforce Certified Integration Architect (SU24) exam questions answers. We keep updating our Integration Architecture Designer practice test according to real exam. So prepare from our latest questions answers and pass your exam.

  • Total Questions: 109
  • Last Updation Date: 17-Feb-2025


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