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JN0-280 Practice Questions

Question # 1
Which two statements are correct about EVPN-VXLAN overlay networking? (Choose two.)
A. It is the only option to provide reachability between servers that reside in the same network segment in a data center.
B. BGP provides the control plane within the overlay network.
C. OSPF provides the control plane within the overlay network.

B. BGP provides the control plane within the overlay network.
C. OSPF provides the control plane within the overlay network.


EVPN-VXLANis an overlay technology used in data center networks to extend Layer 2 services over a Layer 3 network.

Step-by-Step Breakdown:

BGP Control Plane:BGP (Border Gateway Protocol)is used as the control plane for EVPN-VXLAN. BGP advertises MAC addresses and IP address reachability information across the VXLAN network, enabling efficient multi-tenant Layer 2 connectivity over a Layer 3 infrastructure.

Encapsulation:VXLAN (Virtual Extensible LAN)encapsulates Layer 2 frames into Layer 3 packets. This encapsulation allows Layer 2 traffic to be transported across a Layer 3 network, effectively creating a tunnel for Ethernet frames.

Juniper Reference:

EVPN-VXLAN Configuration: Juniper supports EVPN-VXLAN with BGP as the control plane, allowing scalable Layer 2 connectivity over a routed infrastructure in modern data centers.

Question # 2
Which statement is correct about per-flow load balancing?
A. Packets associated with the same flow are sent through different egress ports.
B. The packets are guaranteed to arrive at their destination in a different order in which they were sent.
C. Packets associated with the same flow are sent through the same egress port.
D. The packets are guaranteed to arrive at their destination in the same order in which they were sent.

C. Packets associated with the same flow are sent through the same egress port.


Per-flow load balancingensures that packets within the same flow are always forwarded over the same path, ensuring that packet order is preserved.

Step-by-Step Breakdown:

Flow Definition:A flow is typically defined by a combination of packet attributes like source/destination IP, source/destination port, and protocol type. Packets that belong to the same flow are routed over the same path to avoid reordering.

Per-Flow Behavior:Inper-flow load balancing, the hashing algorithm ensures that all packets in a particular flow use thesame egress port, maintaining order across the network.

Juniper Reference:

Load Balancing in Juniper: This method ensures that flows are balanced across multiple paths while preventing packet reordering within a single flow.

Question # 3
Which signaling protocol is used for EVPN?



EVPN (Ethernet Virtual Private Network)is a standard protocol used for building Layer 2 and Layer 3 VPNs over an IP or MPLS network. Thesignaling protocolused for EVPN isBGP(Border Gateway Protocol).

Step-by-Step Breakdown:

BGP as the EVPN Signaling Protocol:EVPN uses BGP to exchange MAC address reachability information between routers (PE devices). This enables devices to learn which MAC addresses are reachable through which PE devices, facilitating Layer 2 forwarding across an IP or MPLS core.

BGP Extensions for EVPN:BGP is extended with new address families (e.g., EVPN NLRI) to carry both MAC and IP address information, allowing for scalable and efficient multi-tenant network solutions.

Juniper Reference:

Junos EVPN Configuration: Juniper uses BGP as the control plane for EVPN to exchange MAC and IP route information between different data center devices.

Question # 4
Which two statements are correct about rules for EBGP and IBGP? (Choose two.)
A. EBGP peers have a TTL of 1, while IBGP peers have a TTL of 255.
B. EBGP peers have a TTL of 255, while IBGP peers have a TTL of 1.
C. EBGP routes are more preferred than IBGP routes.
D. IBGP routes are more preferred than EBGP routes.

A. EBGP peers have a TTL of 1, while IBGP peers have a TTL of 255.
C. EBGP routes are more preferred than IBGP routes.


EBGP (External BGP)andIBGP (Internal BGP)operate with different rules due to the nature of their relationships.

Step-by-Step Breakdown:

TTL Differences:

EBGP: By default, EBGP peers have a TTL of 1, meaning they must be directly connected, or the TTL needs to be manually increased for multihop EBGP.

IBGP: IBGP peers within the same AS have a TTL of 255, as they are expected to communicate over multiple hops within the AS.

Preference for EBGP Routes:

Routes learned viaEBGPare typically preferred over IBGP routes. This is because EBGP routes are considered more reliable since they originate outside the AS, while IBGP routes are internal.

Juniper Reference:

BGP Configuration: The different handling of TTL and route preferences between EBGP and IBGP ensures proper route selection and security within Junos-based networks.

Question # 5
What is the behavior of the default export policy for OSPF?
A. Accept all routes.
B. Reject all routes.
C. Redistribute all routes.
D. Forward all routes.

B. Reject all routes.


In Junos, thedefault export policyforOSPFis toreject all routesfrom being exported.

Step-by-Step Breakdown:

Default Export Policy:By default,OSPFin Junos does not export any routes to other routing protocols or neighbors. This is a safety mechanism to prevent unintended route advertisements.

Custom Export Policies:

If you need to export routes, you must create a customexport policythat explicitly defines which routes to advertise.

Example: You can create an export policy to redistribute static or connected routes into OSPF.

Juniper Reference:

OSPF Export Behavior: In Juniper devices, the default policy for OSPF is to reject route advertisements unless explicitly configured otherwise through custom policies.

Question # 6
What are two requirements for an IP fabric? (Choose two.)
A. a Layer 3 routing protocol
B. a single connection between each spine and leaf
C. a single connection between each leaf
D. a Layer 2 switching protocol

A. a Layer 3 routing protocol
B. a single connection between each spine and leaf


AnIP fabricis a network architecture commonly used in data centers to provide scalable, high-throughput connectivity using aspine-leaf topology.

Step-by-Step Breakdown:

Layer 3 Routing Protocol:An IP fabric relies on aLayer 3 routing protocol, typically BGP or OSPF, to provide routing between the leaf and spine switches. This ensures efficient traffic forwarding across the network.

Single Connection Between Spine and Leaf:In an IP fabric, each leaf switch connects toevery spine switchwith a single connection. This ensures that traffic between any two leaf switches can travel through the spine layer in just two hops.

Juniper Reference:

Spine-Leaf Design: Juniper’s IP fabric implementations are designed for scalability and low-latency routing, often using protocols like BGP for Layer 3 control.

Question # 7
What are two consequences of having all network devices in a single collision domain? (Choose two.)

A. The amount of network resource consumption does not change.
B. The chance of packet collision is decreased.
C. The chance of packet collision is increased.
D. The amount of network resource consumption is increased.

C. The chance of packet collision is increased.
D. The amount of network resource consumption is increased.


Acollision domainis a network segment where data packets can "collide" with one another when being sent on the same network medium.

Step-by-Step Breakdown:

Increased Collision Probability:If all devices are in asingle collision domain, the likelihood of packet collisions increases as more devices attempt to send packets simultaneously, leading to network inefficiencies.

Increased Resource Consumption:More collisions result inincreased network resource consumptionas devices need to retransmit packets, causing higher utilization of bandwidth and slowing down network performance.

Juniper Reference:

Collision Domains: Proper network segmentation using switches reduces collision domains, thereby improving network performance and reducing packet collisions.

Question # 8
A switch receives a frame with a MAC address of FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF. Which action will the switch take on this frame?
A. It will flood it out of all interfaces, except for the ingress interface.
B. It will flood it out of all interfaces, except for the directly connected VLAN.
C. It will flood it out of all interfaces, except for the next-hop interface.
D. It will flood it out of all interfaces.

A. It will flood it out of all interfaces, except for the ingress interface.


AMAC address of FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FFis the Ethernetbroadcast address. When a switch receives a frame with this destination MAC address, it is required to forward the frame to all interfaces except the one it was received on.

Step-by-Step Breakdown:

Broadcast Frame Handling:When a frame with the broadcast MAC address is received, the switch will flood it out of all active ports that belong to the same VLAN as the incoming frame. The broadcast frame is not sent back out of the ingress interface (the interface where the frame was originally received).

Purpose of Flooding:Broadcasting is used to ensure that the frame reaches all devices within the broadcast domain (all devices within the same VLAN), which may not have a specific entry for the MAC address in their MAC address table.

Juniper Reference:

Layer 2 Frame Forwarding: Juniper switches flood broadcast frames to all ports in the same VLAN, except the port the frame was received on.

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Juniper JN0-280 Exam Dumps

Exam Name: Data Center, Associate (JNCIA-DC)
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