Question # 1 Which encapsulation type must be configured on the lt-0/0/0 logical units for an interconnect
logical systems VPLS switch? A. encapsulation ethernet-bridge
B. encapsulation ethernetC. encapsulation ethernet-vplsD. encapsulation vlan-vpls
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C. encapsulation ethernet-vpls
Question # 2 Which two statements are true regarding NAT64? (Choose two.)
A. An SRX Series device should be in flow-based forwarding mode for IPv4.
B. An SRX Series device should be in packet-based forwarding mode for IPv4.
C. An SRX Series device should be in packet-based forwarding mode for IPv6.
D. An SRX Series device should be in flow-based forwarding mode for IPv6.
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A. An SRX Series device should be in flow-based forwarding mode for IPv4.
D. An SRX Series device should be in flow-based forwarding mode for IPv6.
Question # 3 You are using AutoVPN to deploy a hub-and-spoke VPN to connect your enterprise sites.
In this scenario, which two statements are true? (Choose two.) A. New spoke sites can be added without explicit configuration on the hub.B. Direct spoke-to-spoke tunnels can be established automatically.C. All spoke-to-spoke IPsec communication will pass through the hub.D. AutoVPN requires OSPF over IPsec to discover and add new spokes.
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A. New spoke sites can be added without explicit configuration on the hub.C. All spoke-to-spoke IPsec communication will pass through the hub.
Question # 4 Which role does an SRX Series device play in a DS-Lite deployment? A. Softwire concentratorB. STUN serverC. STUN clientD. Softwire initiator
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A. Softwire concentrator
Question # 5 You want to bypass IDP for traffic destined to social media sites using APBR, but it is not working and IDP is dropping the session.
What are two reasons for this problem? (Choose two.) A. The session did not properly reclassify midstream to the correct APBR rule.
B. IDP disable is not configured on the APBR rule.
C. The application services bypass is not configured on the APBR rule.
D. The APBR rule does a match on the first packet.
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A. The session did not properly reclassify midstream to the correct APBR rule.
C. The application services bypass is not configured on the APBR rule.
Question # 6 Your IPsec tunnel is configured with multiple security associations (SAs). Your SRX Series device supports the CoS-based IPsec VPNs with multiple IPsec SAs feature. You are asked to configure CoS for this tunnel.
Which two statements are true in this scenario? (Choose two.) A. The local and remote gateways do not need the forwarding classes to be defined in the same order.B. A maximum of four forwarding classes can be configured for a VPN with the multi-sa forwarding-classes statement.C. The local and remote gateways must have the forwarding classes defined in the same order.D. A maximum of eight forwarding classes can be configured for a VPN with the multi-sa forwarding-classes statement.
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A. The local and remote gateways do not need the forwarding classes to be defined in the same order.D. A maximum of eight forwarding classes can be configured for a VPN with the multi-sa forwarding-classes statement.
Question # 7 A user reports that a specific application is not working properly. This application makes
multiple connection to the server and must have the same address every time from a pool and this behavior needs to be changed.
What would solve this problem? A. Use STUN.
B. Use DNS doctoring.
C. Use the address-persistent parameter.
D. Use the persistent-nat parameter.
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D. Use the persistent-nat parameter.
Question # 8 Which two statements are true about the procedures the Junos security device uses when handling traffic destined for the device itself? (Choose two.) A. If the received packet is addressed to the ingress interface, then the device first performs a security policy evaluation for the junos-host zone.B. If the received packet is destined for an interface other than the ingress interface, then the device performs a security policy evaluation for the junos-host zone.C. If the received packet is addressed to the ingress interface, then the device first examines the host-inbound-traffic configuration for the ingress interface and zone.D. If the received packet is destined for an interface other than the ingress interface, then the device performs a security policy evaluation based on the ingress and egress zone.
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B. If the received packet is destined for an interface other than the ingress interface, then the device performs a security policy evaluation for the junos-host zone.C. If the received packet is addressed to the ingress interface, then the device first examines the host-inbound-traffic configuration for the ingress interface and zone.
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