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JN0-649 Practice Questions

Question # 1
What are two similarities between OSPFv2 and OSPFv3? (Choose two.)
A. virtual links
B. support for multiple instances per link
C. 32-bit router ID
D. protocol processing per link, not per subnet

A. virtual links

C. 32-bit router ID

Question # 2
Your network is multihomed to two ISPs. The BGP sessions are established; however, the ISP peers are not receiving any routes. Which two statements are correct about troubleshooting your configuration? (Choose two.)
A. Verify the import policies on your router.
B. Verify that the BGP routes are active in your routing table.
C. Verify the export policies on your router.
D. Verity that the multihop settings are configured on your router.

B. Verify that the BGP routes are active in your routing table.

C. Verify the export policies on your router.


To troubleshoot why ISP peers are not receiving any routes in a multihomed BGP setup, the following steps are essential:

Verify Active BGP Routes: Ensure that the BGP routes are active in the routing table. Only active routes can be advertised to BGP peers.


Copy code

show route protocol bgp

Verify Export Policies:

Check the export policies configured on your router. The export policies determine which routes are advertised to BGP peers. If these policies are incorrectly configured or missing, routes will not be advertised.


Copy code

show configuration policy-options policy-statement

show configuration protocols bgp group export


Useful Juniper Commands.txt

Tech Ops Managed Router Juniper Install Guide

Question # 3
A Layer 2 connection does not expend across data centers. The IP subnet in a Layer 2 domain is confined within a single data center. Which EVPN route type is used to communicate prefixes between the data centers?

A. Type 1
B. Type 2
C. Type 4
D. Type 5

D. Type 5


Understanding EVPN Route Types:

EVPN routes facilitate Layer 2 and Layer 3 connectivity across data centers.

Layer 2 and Layer 3 Connectivity:

For Layer 3 connectivity across data centers, where Layer 2 does not extend, IP prefixes need to be communicated.

Type 5 Routes:

Type 5 (IP Prefix Route):

Used to distribute IP prefixes between data centers.

Ensures that Layer 3 connectivity is established without extending Layer 2 domains.


Juniper EVPN Type 5 Routes

Configuring EVPN for Data Center Interconnect

Question # 4
Your enterprise network is running BGP VPNs to support multitenancy. Some of the devices with which you peer BGP do not support the VPN NLRI. You must ensure that you do not send BGP VPN routes to the remote peer. Which two configuration steps will satisfy this requirement? (Choose two.)
A. Configure an import policy on the remote peer to reject the routes when they are received.
B. Configure an export policy on the local BGP peer to reject the VPN routes being sent to the remote peer.
C. Configure a route reflector for the VPN NLRI.
D. Configure the apply-vpn-export feature on the local BGP peer.

B. Configure an export policy on the local BGP peer to reject the VPN routes being sent to the remote peer.

D. Configure the apply-vpn-export feature on the local BGP peer.


Step 1: Identify the problem.

Devices do not support VPN NLRI, and you must prevent these devices from receiving BGP VPN routes.

Step 2: Analyze the possible solutions.

Option A: Configure an import policy on the remote peer to reject the routes when they are received.

This approach would require configuration on the remote peer, which might not always be practical or possible.

Option B: Configure an export policy on the local BGP peer to reject the VPN routes being sent to the remote peer.

This ensures the local BGP peer does not send the VPN routes to the remote peer, directly addressing the problem.

Option C: Configure a route reflector for the VPN NLRI.

This does not solve the issue of preventing the advertisement of VPN routes to non-supporting peers.

Option D: Configure the apply-vpn-export feature on the local BGP peer.

This feature ensures that the VPN export policies are applied, preventing the advertisement of VPN routes to peers that do not support VPN NLRI.

Step 3: Verify the configurations.

Option B and Option D directly address the requirement without needing configurations on the remote peer.


Juniper BGP configuration guide on export policies.

Commands for applying export policies:


Copy code

set policy-options policy-statement term from protocol bgp-vpn

set policy-options policy-statement term then reject

set protocols bgp group export

set protocols bgp apply-vpn-export

Question # 5
Which three statements are correct about EVPN route types? (Choose three.)
A. Type 3 routes carry replication information.
B. Type 2 routes carry endpoint MAC address information.
C. Type 2 routes carry endpoint IP address information.
D. Type 5 routes carry replication information.
E. Type 1 routes carry endpoint MAC address information.

A. Type 3 routes carry replication information.

B. Type 2 routes carry endpoint MAC address information.

C. Type 2 routes carry endpoint IP address information.


Understanding EVPN Route Types:

EVPN (Ethernet VPN) is used for providing Ethernet multipoint services over MPLS or VXLAN networks.

EVPN Route Types:

Type 1 (Ethernet Auto-Discovery Route): Used for auto-discovery of PEs and for detecting multi-homed devices.

Type 2 (MAC/IP Advertisement Route):

Carries endpoint MAC address information.

Carries endpoint IP address information.

Facilitates MAC learning and IP-to-MAC binding distribution.

Type 3 (Inclusive Multicast Route):<br><br>

Carries replication information.

Used for forwarding multicast and broadcast traffic.

Type 5 (IP Prefix Route): Carries IP prefixes for inter-subnet connectivity, but not replication information.


Type 2 routes are crucial for distributing MAC and IP information about endpoints.

Type 3 routes are used to manage multicast traffic effectively.


Juniper EVPN Configuration Guide

Understanding EVPN Route Types

Question # 6
You are deploying IP phones in your enterprise network that must receive their power through their Ethernet connection. You are using your EX Series switch's PoE ports that support IEEE 802.3af. In this scenario, what is the maximum amount of power allocated to each interface?
A. 10.2 W
B. 15.4 W
C. 30 W
D. 50 W

B. 15.4 W


Understanding IEEE 802.3af Standard:

IEEE 802.3af, also known as PoE (Power over Ethernet), specifies the standard for delivering power over Ethernet cables.

This standard allows devices like IP phones to receive power along with data over the same cable. Maximum Power Allocation:

According to the IEEE 802.3af standard, the maximum power that can be delivered to a powered device is 15.4 watts.

This power is delivered over Category 5 (Cat 5) cables or higher.

EX Series Switches Compliance:

Juniper EX Series switches with PoE support adhere to the IEEE 802.3af standard.

Thus, each PoE port on these switches can allocate up to 15.4 watts to connected devices.


IEEE 802.3af standard specifications

Juniper EX Series switch documentation

Question # 7
Which three MSTP parameters must match on all switches in the same MST region? (Choose three.)
A. forwarding delay
B. bridge priority
C. revision number
D. MSTI-to-VLAN mapping
E. configuration name

C. revision number
D. MSTI-to-VLAN mapping
E. configuration name


To ensure proper functioning within an MST (Multiple Spanning Tree) region, the following parameters must match across all switches:

Revision number:

The revision number identifies the version of the MST configuration. All switches within the same MST region must have the same revision number to ensure consistency.

MSTI-to-VLAN mapping:

The MSTI (Multiple Spanning Tree Instance) to VLAN mapping must be identical on all switches. This mapping ensures that each VLAN is assigned to the correct spanning tree instance.

Configuration name:

The configuration name (or region name) must be the same across all switches. This name uniquely identifies the MST region and must be consistent to ensure switches recognize they are part of the same region.


The MSTP configuration requirements are detailed in Juniper network configuration guides and standards documents on MSTP.

Question # 8
In OSPF, how does a router ensure that LSAs advertised to a neighboring router are received?
A. LSA flooding guarantees that all routers will receive them successfully.
B. LSAs are sent over a TCP connection.
C. LSAs are acknowledged by the neighboring router.
D. LSAs are advertised with an acknowledgement bit.

C. LSAs are acknowledged by the neighboring router.


OSPF Protocol Basics:

OSPF (Open Shortest Path First) is a link-state routing protocol.

Routers exchange LSAs (Link-State Advertisements) to share topology information.

LSA Acknowledgment Mechanism:

OSPF uses a reliable mechanism to ensure LSAs are received.

When a router sends an LSA to a neighbor, it expects an acknowledgment (ACK).

If an ACK is not received within a certain period, the router will retransmit the LSA.

Acknowledgment Process:

LSAs are sent over OSPF's reliable transport, which ensures delivery through acknowledgments.

This mechanism helps to maintain consistent and up-to-date topology databases across routers.



Understanding OSPF Operations

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Juniper JN0-649 Exam Dumps

Exam Name: Enterprise Routing and Switching Professional (JNCIP-ENT)
Certification Name: JNCIP-ENT

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  • Total Questions: 65
  • Last Updation Date: 17-Feb-2025


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