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NS0-604 Practice Questions

Question # 1
A customer wants to create a flexible solution to consolidate data in the cloud. They want to share files globally and cache a subset on distributed locations. Which two components does the customer need? (Choose two.)
A. NetApp BlueXP edge caching Edge instances
B. Flash Cache intelligent caching
C. NetApp BlueXP copy and sync
D. NetApp Cloud Volumes ONTAP

A. NetApp BlueXP edge caching Edge instances
D. NetApp Cloud Volumes ONTAP


For a company looking to create a flexible, cloud-based solution that consolidates data and shares files globally while caching a subset in distributed locations, the following two components are required:

NetApp BlueXP edge caching Edge instances (A): This enables customers to create edge caches in distributed locations. The edge instances cache frequently accessed data locally, while the full data set remains in the central cloud storage. This setup optimizes performance for remote locations by reducing latency for cached data and improving access speeds.

NetApp Cloud Volumes ONTAP (D): Cloud Volumes ONTAP provides scalable and efficient cloud storage management for the customer's data. It supports global file sharing and allows for seamless integration with edge caching solutions. This component ensures that the data is centralized in the cloud and is available for caching to distributed locations using edge instances.

Flash Cache intelligent caching (B)is more relevant for on-premises storage performance rather than cloud-based solutions, andBlueXP copy and sync (C)is used for data migration or synchronization, but does not provide global file sharing or edge caching capabilities.

Question # 2
A customer requires Azure NetApp Files volumes to be contained in a specially purposed subnet within your Azure Virtual Network (VNet). The volumes can be accessed directly from within Azure over VNet peering or from on-premises over a Virtual Network Gateway.

Which subnet can the customer use that is dedicated to Azure NetApp Files without being connected to the public Internet?

A. basic
B. default
C. dedicated
D. delegated

D. delegated


Azure NetApp Files volumes need to be placed in a specially purposed subnet within your Azure Virtual Network (VNet) to ensure proper isolation and security. This subnet must bedelegatedspecifically to Azure NetApp Files services.

Adelegated subnetin Azure allows certain Azure resources (like Azure NetApp Files) to have exclusive use of that subnet. It ensures that no other services or VMs can be deployed in that subnet, enhancing security and performance. Moreover, it ensures that the volumes are only accessible through private connectivity options like VNet peering or a Virtual Network Gateway, without any exposure to the public internet.

Subnets such asbasic,default, ordedicateddo not have the specific delegation capabilities required for Azure NetApp Files, makingdelegatedthe correct answer for this scenario.

Question # 3
A company needs to efficiently do a one-time, non-NetApp file migration to Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP with millions of files. The company needs to view file analytics to get better insights. Which NetApp tool should the company use?
A. BlueXP copy & sync
B. BlueXP replication
D. BlueXP volume caching



For a one-time, non-NetApp file migration toAmazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP, especially with millions of files,XCPis the most suitable tool. XCP (NetApp's eXtensible Copy Program) is optimized for high-performance file migrations and can handle large-scale migrations efficiently. Additionally, it provides file analytics, which can help the company gain better insights into the data being migrated.

BlueXP copy & sync (A)andBlueXP replication (B)are not designed for large-scale one-time migrations like XCP, andBlueXP volume caching (D)is not relevant for migrations or analytics.

Question # 4
A NetApp BlueXP observability customer wants to update security keys for one of their acquisition units. Which method should the customer use to update or rotate their keys?
A. SecurityAdmin tool
B. User Management
C. Cloud Central
D. Workload Security menu

A. SecurityAdmin tool


To update or rotate security keys for one of their acquisition units inNetApp BlueXP observability, the customer should use theSecurityAdmin tool. This tool is designed to manage security-related configurations, including key updates and rotations, ensuring secure management of encryption keys and certificates.

User Management (B)handles user roles and access,Cloud Central (C)is for general cloud services management, and theWorkload Security menu (D)focuses on security monitoring and enforcement rather than key management.

Question # 5
A customer has 100TB of used capacity after efficiencies on an on-premises AFF volume. There is a requirement to tier cold data to Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) with BlueXP tiering. There is also a requirement to back up the data with BlueXP backup and recovery to Amazon S3. After enabling tiering, 80% of cold data is tiered, then the first full backup is completed. What is the total ingress traffic into AWS?
A. 180TB
B. 80TB
C. 20TB
D. 100TB

A. 180TB


In this scenario, the customer has 100TB of used capacity on an on-premises AFF volume, and 80% of the data is cold and tiered to Amazon S3 usingBlueXP tiering. After tiering, 80TB of cold data is tiered to Amazon S3, leaving 20TB of hot data on the AFF system. WhenBlueXP backup and recoveryperforms the first full backup, it backs up all the data (100TB). Since the backup is a full copy and independent of the tiering process, the total ingress traffic into AWS is80TB (tiered data) + 100TB (full backup), resulting in180TBof total ingress.

Question # 6
A customer wants to set up disaster recovery in the Central US region for an existing Azure NetApp Files production workload in the East US2 region. Which feature should the customer use?
A. cross-zone replication
B. SnapMirror replication
C. SyncMirror replication
D. cross-region replication

D. cross-region replication


For setting up disaster recovery in theCentral USregion for an existing Azure NetApp Files workload in theEast US2region, the customer should usecross-region replication. This feature allows datareplication across different Azure regions, providing a robust disaster recovery solution by keeping a secondary copy of the data in a geographically separate location.

Cross-zone replication (A)deals with replication within the same region across availability zones.SnapMirror (B)andSyncMirror (C)are ONTAP-specific replication technologies but are not directly applicable to Azure NetApp Files in this scenario.

Question # 7
A company is planning to consolidate Microsoft Windows file servers iinto the cloud at one of their branch offices, with the objective to centralize all Microsoft Windows file shares (SMB). The company policy requires that the original NTFS permissions are maintained. Which NetApp technology should the company use?
A. BlueXP replication
B. Cloud Volumes Edge Cache
C. FlexCache
D. BlueXP copy and sync

B. Cloud Volumes Edge Cache


When consolidating Microsoft Windows file servers into the cloud and centralizing SMB (Server Message Block) shares while preserving originalNTFS permissions, the appropriate NetApp technology isCloud Volumes Edge Cache. This solution provides centralized storage with local caching at the edge (branch offices), ensuring that SMB file shares are accessible with the original NTFS permissions intact. Cloud Volumes Edge Cache allows the company to move file shares to the cloud while still delivering high-performance access and maintaining file security models like NTFS.

BlueXP replication (A),FlexCache (C), andBlueXP copy and sync (D)provide replication, data caching, or synchronization capabilities but do not specifically address the preservation of NTFS permissions in a centralized cloud-based SMB file share environment.

Question # 8
A customer is using NetApp ONTAP software and wants to tier data from ONTAP clusters with all-SSD aggregates or all-HDD aggregates to the Microsoft Azure cloud platform. Which two best practices will enhance the customer's performance? (Choose two.)
A. Establish a VNet service endpoint to Azure storage.
B. Create an Azure ExpressRoute connection between the ONTAP cluster and Azure Blob storage.
C. Choose the IPspace with which each LIF is associated.
D. Create an HTTPS connection over port 443 to BlueXP tiering .

A. Establish a VNet service endpoint to Azure storage.
B. Create an Azure ExpressRoute connection between the ONTAP cluster and Azure Blob storage.


To enhance the performance when tiering data fromNetApp ONTAP clustersto the Microsoft Azure cloud platform, the following best practices should be considered:

Establish a VNet service endpoint to Azure storage (A): This ensures secure and optimized access to Azure Blob storage directly from the ONTAP cluster, minimizing latency.

Create an Azure ExpressRoute connection (B): ExpressRoute provides a dedicated, high-performance connection between the on-premises ONTAP clusters and Azure Blob storage, reducing latency and increasing throughput.

Whilechoosing the IPspace (C)is important for network configuration, it doesn’t directly enhance performance for cloud-tiering.An HTTPS connection over port 443 (D)is for secure data transfer but isn’t specifically performance-enhancing.

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Netapp NS0-604 Exam Dumps

Exam Name: Hybrid Cloud - Architect Exam
Certification Name: NCHC Architect

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