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Order-Management-Administrator Practice Questions

Question # 1
Which three statements are true about change sets?
A. Sending a change set between two orgs requires a deployment connection
B. Change sets can only be sent between orgs that are affiliatedwith a production org
C. A change request should be created when the admin wants to send customizations from the current org to another org
D. Changes can be deployed to any instance of Salesforce as long as the destination has approved it
E. Change sets can contain only modifications made through the Setup menu

A. Sending a change set between two orgs requires a deployment connection
B. Change sets can only be sent between orgs that are affiliatedwith a production org
E. Change sets can contain only modifications made through the Setup menu

Explanation: Three statements that are true about change sets are:
Sending a change set between two orgs requires a deployment connection. A deployment connection is a link between two orgs that allows one org to send change sets to another org.
Change sets can only be sent between orgs that are affiliated with a production org. A production org is an org that is used for live operations and data, and it can have one or more sandbox orgs that are used for development and testing.
Change sets can only be sent from a sandbox org to its associated production org, or from one sandbox org to another sandbox org that shares the same production org.
Change sets can contain only modifications made through the Setup menu. A change set is a collection of metadata components that can be deployed from one org to another. Metadata components are customizations that are made through the Setup menu, such as custom objects, fields, workflows, etc.

Question # 2
In which two ways can Order Management licenses be assigned?
A. By Permission Set
B. By Hole
C. By Profile
D. By User

A. By Permission Set
D. By User

Question # 3
How can an administrator synchronize licenses from the production org when preparing a sandbox for development?
A. Use a custom shell script
B. import a Change Set
C. Export a Change Set
D. Run the Match Production Licenses to Sandbox without a Refresh tool in Setup

D. Run the Match Production Licenses to Sandbox without a Refresh tool in Setup

Explanation: The best way for an administrator to synchronize licenses from the production org when preparing a sandbox for development is to run the Match Production Licenses to Sandbox without a Refresh tool in Setup. This tool allows administrators to match their sandbox licenses with their production licenses without refreshing their sandbox. This way, the administrator can ensure that the sandbox has the same number and type of licenses as the production org, and avoid any license-related issues when developingor testing in the sandbox.

Question # 4
An administrator is running into performance issues due to a high number of records being created in a flow. How can the administrator modify the flow to improve scalability?
A. Ask a developer to create a Flow apex action to offload the creation of records
B. Ask a developer to offload all the Flow functionality to Apex code via Triggers and Apex classes
C. Use the Bulk Create Records node in the Flow to improve performance
D. Offload the creation of records to a Subflow that will be called in the Reference Flow

C. Use the Bulk Create Records node in the Flow to improve performance

Explanation: The best way for an administrator to modify the flow to improve scalability when running into performance issues due to a high number of records being created in a flow is to use the Bulk Create Records node in the Flow. This node allows the administrator to create multiple records of the same object type in one transaction, which reduces the number of database operations and improves the flow performance.

Question # 5
An administrator needs to import Order Summary records containing historical data but does not want them to be actioned on by Order Management. Which feature supports this use case?
A. Custom checkbox
B. Unmanaged Order Checkbox
C. Order Life Cycle Type Picklist
D. Order Management Type Picklist

B. Unmanaged Order Checkbox

Explanation: The feature that supports this use case is the Unmanaged Order Checkbox. This is a standard field on the Order Summary object that indicates whether the order is managed by Order Management or not. If this fieldis checked, then the order is not actioned on by Order Management, and it does not trigger any flows or processes. The administrator can use this field to import Order Summary records containing historical data without affecting the order lifecycle.

Question # 6
A company's Salesforce org has high-scale orders enabled. During a flash sale, a customer service representative needs to service an order but it shows as a Pending Order Summary in Salesforce.
What should the customer service representative do?
A. The customer service representative has to wait until the Order Summary is created
B. Import the Order from the associated Account page
C. Manually create the Order Summary record
D. Use the CreateOrder Summary action on the Order records actions menu

A. The customer service representative has to wait until the Order Summary is created

Question # 7
A user is encountering an error when attempting to save an Account record. What can an administrator use to research the issue?
A. The Problems tab within the developer console
B. The Chrome Dev Tools Console
C. Lightning Logs within Setup
D. A user trace flag and debug log onthe affected user

D. A user trace flag and debug log onthe affected user

Explanation: The best way for an administrator to research the issue when a user is encountering an error when attempting to save an Account record is to use a user trace flag and debug log on the affected user. A user trace flag enables debug logging for a specific user, and a debug log captures database operations, system processes, and errors that occur when executing a transaction or running unit tests. The administrator can use these tools to identify the root cause of the error and fix it accordingly.

Question # 8
Which data type is the Status field on an Order Summary object?
A. Picklist
B. String
C. Text
D. Number

A. Picklist

Explanation: The Status field on an Order Summary object is a picklist data type. A picklist is a field that allows users to select one value from a predefined list of values. The Status field on an Order Summary object indicates the current state of the order, such as Draft, Activated, Completed, or Cancelled. The values for the Status field are defined in the Order Status picklist field on the Order object.

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Salesforce Order-Management-Administrator Exam Dumps

Exam Name: Salesforce Order Management Administrator Accredited Professional (SU24)
Certification Name: Salesforce Order Management

Salesforce Order-Management-Administrator exam dumps are created by industry top professionals and after that its also verified by expert team. We are providing you updated Salesforce Order Management Administrator Accredited Professional (SU24) exam questions answers. We keep updating our Salesforce Order Management practice test according to real exam. So prepare from our latest questions answers and pass your exam.

  • Total Questions: 85
  • Last Updation Date: 17-Feb-2025


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