Question # 1 Your company has an on premises Microsoft SQL Server database that contains legacy sales data. You must display information from the database in a new Power Apps app.
You need to establish a secure connection between the database and the app.
What should you use? A. Data sourceB. AppC. GatewayD. Flow
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C. Gateway
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For an on-premises database, identify a data gateway that was shared with you (or create one).
Specify Connect using on-premises data gateway, type or paste the server name, the database name, the user name, and the password for the database that you want to use, and specify the authentication type and the gateway.
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Question # 2 A company plans to create a canvas app that connects to three databases with different proprietary database formats. What is the minimum number of connectors required? A. 0B. 1C. 2D. 3
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B. 1
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[Reference:,, , , ]
Question # 3 You create a Power Virtual Agents chatbot.
You need to share the bot with other team members so that they can try out the bot before you share the bot with customers.
What should you use? A. demo websiteB. live production websiteC. test chat feature
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C. test chat feature
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[Reference:,, , ]
Question # 4 You create a canvas app that allows contractors to submit time they work against a project.
Contractors must be able to use the canvas app to enter time. Contractors must not be able to perform any other actions in the app.
You need to configure permissions for the contractors.
Which type of permissions should you use? A. application-levelB. task-levelC. record-levelD. field-level
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D. field-level
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Field-level security feature to allow more granular control of security at the field level.
[Reference:,, ,, , ]
Question # 5 What is a benefit of deploying Microsoft 365 and Dynamics 365 apps in the same tenant? A. Use Common Data Services to connect to application data.B. You only need to set up groups in Microsoft 365 for permissions to all data.C. Users can access both Microsoft 365 and Dynamics 365 by using Single Sign-on (SSO).
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A. Use Common Data Services to connect to application data.
Question # 6 A company manages a chain of retail stores. The company stores a list of retail store names and numbers in one Power BI table. The company stores sales transaction data including a transaction ID in another table.
The transaction ID includes the store number.
You need to show the store name for all retail transactions in all Power BI reports.
Which tool should you use? A. Query EditorB. Power BI ServiceC. Microsoft ExcelD. Data Connector
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A. Query Editor
Answer Description Explanation:
Power BI Desktop comes with Query Editor, where you can connect to one or many data sources, shape and transform the data to meet your needs, then load that model into Power BI Desktop.
[Reference:,, ]
Question # 7 You create a Power Virtual Agents chatbot for a company.
The management wants to learn about the effectiveness of the chatbot.
You need to identity the percentage of customers who stop responding to prompts from the chatbot.
Which report should you view? A. Customer satisfactionB. Engagement over timeC. Escalation rate driversD. Session outcomes overtime
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B. Engagement over time
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[Reference:,, ]
Question # 8 You are building a Power Virtual Agents chatbot for a company.
You are working with an existing topic and would like to call an action.
Which technology is available to perform the action? A. Power Virtual Agent EntityB. Power AppsC. Power AutomateD. Power Bl
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C. Power Automate
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[Reference:,, , , ]
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