Question # 1 A customer currently has 150 Mbps of capacity at a site. Records show that, on average, a total of 30 Mbps of bandwidth is used for the two links.
What is the appropriate Prisma SD-WAN license for this site? A. 50 MbpsB. 175 MbpsC. 250 MbpsD. 25 Mbps
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A. 50 Mbps
Question # 2 Which product leverages GlobalProtect agents for endpoint visibility and native Prisma SD-WAN integration for remote sites and branches? A. Cloud-Delivered Security Services (CDSS)B. WildFireC. CloudBlades:D. Autonomous Digital Experience Management (ADEM)
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A. Cloud-Delivered Security Services (CDSS)
Question # 3 What allows enforcement of policies based on business intent, enables dynamic path selection, and provides visibility into performance and availability for applications and networks? A. Identity Access Management (IAM) methods B. Firewall as a Service (FWaaS) C. Instant-On Network (ION) devices D. Cloud Access Security Broker (CASB)
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B. Firewall as a Service (FWaaS)
Question # 4 Which two prerequisites must an environment meet to onboard Prisma Access mobile users? (Choose two.) A. Zoning must be configured to require a user ID for the mobile users trust zone.B. Mapping of trust and untrust zones must be configured.C. BGP must be configured so that service connection networks can be advertised to the mobile gateways.D. Mobile user subnet and DNS portal name must be configured.
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A. Zoning must be configured to require a user ID for the mobile users trust zone.D. Mobile user subnet and DNS portal name must be configured.
Question # 5 How can a network engineer export all flow logs and security actions to a security information and event management (SIEM) system? A. Enable syslog on the Instant-On Network (ION) device.B. Use a zone-based firewall to export directly through application program interface (API) to the SIEM.C. Enable Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) on the Instant-On Network (ION) device.D. Use the centralized flow data-export tool built into the controller.
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A. Enable syslog on the Instant-On Network (ION) device.
Question # 6 Which two actions take place after Prisma SD-WAN Instant-On Network (ION) devices have been deployed at a site? (Choose two.) A. The devices continually sync the information from directories, whether they are on-premise, cloud-based, or hybrid.B. The devices establish VPNs over private WAN circuits that share a common service provider.C. The devices automatically establish a VPN to the data centers over every internet circuit.D. The devices provide an abstraction layer between the Prisma SD-WAN controller and a particular cloud service.
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A. The devices continually sync the information from directories, whether they are on-premise, cloud-based, or hybrid.D. The devices provide an abstraction layer between the Prisma SD-WAN controller and a particular cloud service.
Question # 7 What is an advantage of next-generation SD-WAN over legacy SD-WAN solutions? A. It enables definition of the privileges and responsibilities of administrative users in a network. B. It allows configuration to forward logs to external logging destinations, such as syslog servers. C. It steers traffic and defines networking and security policies from an application-centric perspective, rather than a packet-based approach. D. It provides the ability to push common configurations, configuration updates, and software upgrades to all or a subset of the managed appliances.
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C. It steers traffic and defines networking and security policies from an application-centric perspective, rather than a packet-based approach.
Question # 8 Which secure access service edge (SASE) networking component inspects web-based protocols and traffic to securely connect users to applications? A. proxyB. SD-WANC. secure web gateway (SWG)D. cloud access security broker (CASB)
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C. secure web gateway (SWG)
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