Question # 1 What helps avoid split brain in active / passive high availability (HA) pair deployment? A. Enable preemption on both firewalls in the HA pair. B. Use a standard traffic interface as the HA3 link. C. Use the management interface as the HA1 backup link D. Use a standard traffic interface as the HA2 backup
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C. Use the management interface as the HA1 backup link
Answer Description Explanation:
To avoid split-brain scenarios in an active/passive high availability (HA) pair deployment, it is essential to ensure reliable communication between the HA peers. Using the management interface as the HA1 backup link provides an additional communication path between the firewalls, ensuring they can synchronize state information and avoid scenarios where both units assume the active role due to a communication failure.
[Reference:, Palo Alto Networks High Availability, ]
Question # 2 Which three actions should be taken before deploying a firewall evaluation unt in a customer environment? (Choose three.) A. Request that the customer make part 3978 available to allow the evaluation unit to communicate with PanoramaB. Inform the customer that a SPAN port must be provided for the evaluation unit, assuming a TAP mode deployment.C. Upgrade the evaluation unit to the most current recommended firmware, unless a demo of the upgrade process is planned.D. Set expectations for information being presented in the Security Lifecycle Review (SLR) because personal user information will be made visibleE. Reset the evaluation unit to factory default to ensure that data from any previous customer evaluation is removed
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C. Upgrade the evaluation unit to the most current recommended firmware, unless a demo of the upgrade process is planned.D. Set expectations for information being presented in the Security Lifecycle Review (SLR) because personal user information will be made visibleE. Reset the evaluation unit to factory default to ensure that data from any previous customer evaluation is removed
Answer Description Explanation:
Before deploying a firewall evaluation unit in a customer environment, it is essential to take certain preparatory actions to ensure a smooth evaluation process and accurate results.
Upgrade the evaluation unit to the most current recommended firmware, unless a demo of the upgrade process is planned (Option C):
Ensures that the evaluation unit is running the latest and most secure firmware, providing the best performance and security features available.
[Reference: Palo Alto Networks documentation on firmware upgrades., Set expectations for information being presented in the Security Lifecycle Review (SLR) because personal user information will be made visible (Option D):, It is crucial to inform the customer about the types of data that will be visible in the SLR to avoid any privacy concerns., Reference: Palo Alto Networks SLR guide., Reset the evaluation unit to factory default to ensure that data from any previous customer evaluation is removed (Option E):, This ensures that any residual data from previous evaluations does not affect the current evaluation results., Reference: Palo Alto Networks documentation on resetting devices to factory defaults., , , ]
Question # 3 How do you configure the rate of file submissions to WildFire in the NGFW? A. based on the purchased license uploaded B. QoS tagging C. maximum number of files per minute D. maximum number of files per day
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D. maximum number of files per day
Answer Description Explanation:
To configure the rate of file submissions to WildFire in a Palo Alto Networks NGFW, you set a limit on the maximum number of files submitted per day. This configuration allows administrators to control and manage the volume of files sent to WildFire for analysis, ensuring that it fits within the limits of their license and operational requirements.
Question # 4 Which domain permissions are required by the User-ID Agent for WMI Authentication on a Windows Server? (Choose three.) A. Domain AdministratorsB. Enterprise AdministratorsC. Distributed COM UsersD. Event Log Readers
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A. Domain AdministratorsC. Distributed COM UsersD. Event Log Readers
Answer Description Explanation:
For the User-ID Agent to perform WMI (Windows Management Instrumentation) Authentication on a Windows Server, the following domain permissions are required:
Domain Administrators: This group has the highest level of privileges in the domain and can perform any action within the Active Directory domain.
Distributed COM Users: This group allows members to launch, activate, and use Distributed COM objects on the server.
Event Log Readers: This group provides read access to the event logs, which is crucial for the User-ID Agent to collect security events necessary for user identification (Palo Alto Networks) (Palo Alto Networks).
Question # 5 What helps avoid split brain in active / passive high availability (HA) pair deployment? A. Enable preemption on both firewalls in the HA pair.B. Use a standard traffic interface as the HA3 link.C. Use the management interface as the HA1 backup linkD. Use a standard traffic interface as the HA2 backup
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C. Use the management interface as the HA1 backup link
Answer Description Explanation:
To avoid split-brain scenarios in an active/passive high availability (HA) pair deployment, it is essential to ensure reliable communication between the HA peers. Using the management interface as the HA1 backup link provides an additional communication path between the firewalls, ensuring they can synchronize state information and avoid scenarios where both units assume the active role due to a communication failure.
[Reference:, Palo Alto Networks High Availability, ]
Question # 6 Which two configuration elements can be used to prevent abuse of stolen credentials? (Choose two.) A. WildFire analysisB. Dynamic user groups (DUGs)C. Multi-factor authentication (MFA)D. URL Filtering Profiles
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C. Multi-factor authentication (MFA)D. URL Filtering Profiles
Answer Description Explanation:
To prevent the abuse of stolen credentials, two effective configuration elements are:
Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) (C): Implementing MFA adds an additional layer of security by requiring users to provide two or more verification factors to gain access to a resource such as an application or online account. This significantly reduces the risk of credential abuse because even if the credentials are stolen, the attacker would still need the second factor to gain access.
URL Filtering Profiles (D): URL Filtering Profiles help prevent access to malicious or inappropriate websites. By restricting access to known phishing and malicious sites, URL filtering can prevent users from inadvertently entering their credentials on fraudulent websites, thereby reducing the chances of credential theft and misuse.
Palo Alto Networks, Multi-Factor Authentication Setup and URL Filtering Profiles documentation.
Question # 7 What will best enhance security of a production online system while minimizing the impact for the existing network? A. Layer 2 interfacesB. active / active high availability (HA)C. Virtual wireD. virtual systems
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C. Virtual wire
Answer Description Explanation:
Using a virtual wire (vWire) interface configuration can enhance the security of a production online system while minimizing the impact on the existing network.
Virtual Wire:
A vWire interface operates transparently at Layer 2, allowing the firewall to inspect traffic without making changes to the existing network topology.
This mode is ideal for inline deployments where minimal changes to the network configuration are desired.
[Reference: Palo Alto Networks vWire documentation., , ]
Question # 8 Which Palo Alto Networks security component should an administrator use to and NGFW policies to remote users? A. Prisma SaaS API B. Threat intelligence Cloud C. GlobalProtect D. Cortex XDR
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C. GlobalProtect
Answer Description Explanation:
GlobalProtect is the Palo Alto Networks security component designed to extend next-generation firewall (NGFW) policies to remote users. It provides comprehensive security by ensuring that all network traffic from remote devices is inspected and secured, just as if the users were on the corporate network. This helps maintain consistent security policies and protections regardless of user location.
[Reference: , Palo Alto Networks GlobalProtect, , ]
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