Question # 1 Which VM-Series can be deployed on VMware NSX?
A. VM-100, VM-200, VM-300. VM-500. VM-1000-HV
B. VM-50r VM-100, VM-200, VM-300, VM-500
C. VM-100, VM-200, VM-300, VM-500, VM-700
D. All VM Series Models can be deployed on VMware NSX
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A. VM-100, VM-200, VM-300. VM-500. VM-1000-HV
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Question # 2 Whichthree deployment modes of VM-Series firewalls are supported across NSX-T? (Choose three )
A. Partner Service
B. Boot Strap
C. Prism Central
D. Tier-1 insertion
E. Tier-0 insertion
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A. Partner Service
D. Tier-1 insertion
E. Tier-0 insertion
Answer Description can deploy one or more instances of the VM-Series firewall as a partner service in your VMware NSX-T Data Center. Attach a VM-Series firewall to any tier-0 or tier-1 logical router to protect north-south traffic. You can deploy the VM-Series firewall as standalone service instance or two firewalls in a high-availability (HA) pair. Panorama manages the connection with NSX-T Manager and the VM-Series firewalls deployed in your NSX-T software-defined datacenter Tier-0 Insertion—Tier-0 insertion deploys a VM-Series firewall to a tier-0 logical router, which processes traffic between logical and physical networks. When you deploy the VM-Series firewall with tier-0 insertion, NSX-T Manager uses the deployment information you configured on Panorama to attach a firewall to a tier-0 logical router in virtual wire mode. Tier-1 Insertion—Tier-1 insertion deploys a VM-Series firewall to a tier-1 logical router, which provides downlink connections to segments and uplink connection to tier-0 logical routers. NSX-T Manager attaches VM-Series firewalls deployed with tier-1 insertions to a tier-1 logical router in virtual wire mode After deploying the firewall, you configure traffic redirection rules that send traffic to the VM-Series firewall when crossing a tier-0 or tier-1 router. Security policy rules that you configure on Panorama are pushed to managed VM-Series firewalls and then applied to traffic passing through the firewall.
Question # 3 What is a company that is moving as much of its business as possible into Microsoft Azure trying to minimize?
A. capital expenses
B. operating expenses
C. security exposure
D. operating expenses and capital expenses
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Question # 4 Which feature removes the limitation of requiring the first interface to be management?
A. Management interface swap
B. Utilize a separate Load Balancer VM
C. Utilize a separate NAT VM.
D. Dataport interface switch
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B. Utilize a separate Load Balancer VM
Question # 5 When would a PA-7000 Series NPC GQXM Card be preferable to a PA-7000 Series NPC GQ Card?
A. When the organization requires a greater number of sessions
B. When the environment has a need for more SFP+ interfaces
C. When the organization requires gear with a smaller slot size.
D. When the environment has a need for more policy rules.
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A. When the organization requires a greater number of sessions
Question # 6 Describe the Automated Deployment of the NSX VM-Series firewall for NSX Solution'?
A. When a new ESXi host is added to a cluster, a new VM-Series firewall is automatically deployed, provisioned and available for immediate policy enforcement without any little manual intervention
B. When a new ESXi host is added to a cluster, a new VM-Series firewall is automatically deployed, provisioned and available for immediate policy enforcement without any manual intervention
C. When a new ESXi host is added to a cluster, a new VM-Series firewall is automatically deployed provisioned and after manually retrieving licenses available for immediate policy enforcement.
D. When a new ESXi host is added to a cluster, a new VM-Series firewall is automatically deployed and after manually adding licenses available for policy enforcement
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B. When a new ESXi host is added to a cluster, a new VM-Series firewall is automatically deployed, provisioned and available for immediate policy enforcement without any manual intervention
Question # 7 Which VM series model is NOT supported on VMware NSX platform?
A. VM-500
B. VM-1000-HV
C. VM-700
D. VM-300
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Answer Description on VMware NSX, only the VM-100, VM-200, VM-300, VM-500, and VM-1000-HV firewalls are supported.
Question # 8 Which option describes Arista's micro-segmentation?
A. Arista and VMware are extending secure segmentation with an open API (RESTZJSON)-based exchange, which allows NSX to federate with CloudVision to extend the micro-segmentation policy for physical workloads.
B. Arista and Kubernetes are extending secure segmentation with an open API (RESTVJSON)-based exchange, which allows Kubernetes to federate with CloudVision to extend the micro-segmentation policy for physical workloads.
C. Arista's micro-segmentation and macro-segmentation are identical concepts that can be used interchangeably
D. Arista and VMware both perform identical functions for NGFW micro-segmentation
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B. Arista and Kubernetes are extending secure segmentation with an open API (RESTVJSON)-based exchange, which allows Kubernetes to federate with CloudVision to extend the micro-segmentation policy for physical workloads.
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