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Having thousands of Professional-Cloud-DevOps-Engineer customers with 99% passing rate, passin1day has a big success story. We are providing fully Google exam passing assurance to our customers. You can purchase Google Cloud Certified - Professional Cloud DevOps Engineer Exam exam dumps with full confidence and pass exam.

Professional-Cloud-DevOps-Engineer Practice Questions

Question # 1

Your application images are built and pushed to Google Container Registry (GCR). You want to build an automated pipeline that deploys the application when the image is updated while minimizing the development effort. What should you do?


Use Cloud Build to trigger a Spinnaker pipeline.


Use Cloud Pub/Sub to trigger a Spinnaker pipeline.


Use a custom builder in Cloud Build to trigger a Jenkins pipeline.


Use Cloud Pub/Sub to trigger a custom deployment service running in Google
Kubernetes Engine (GKE).


Use Cloud Pub/Sub to trigger a Spinnaker pipeline.

Explanation: cloud

Question # 2

You are deploying an application that needs to access sensitive information. You need to
ensure that this information is encrypted and the risk of exposure is minimal if a breach
occurs. What should you do?


Store the encryption keys in Cloud Key Management Service (KMS) and rotate the keys


Inject the secret at the time of instance creation via an encrypted configuration
management system.


Integrate the application with a Single sign-on (SSO) system and do not expose secrets to the application


Leverage a continuous build pipeline that produces multiple versions of the secret for
each instance of the application.


Store the encryption keys in Cloud Key Management Service (KMS) and rotate the keys

Question # 3

You are running an application on Compute Engine and collecting logs through Stackdriver.
You discover that some personally identifiable information (Pll) is leaking into certain log
entry fields. All Pll entries begin with the text userinfo. You want to capture these log entries
in a secure location for later review and prevent them from leaking to Stackdriver Logging.
What should you do?


Create a basic log filter matching userinfo, and then configure a log export in the Stackdriver console with Cloud Storage as a sink.


Use a Fluentd filter plugin with the Stackdriver Agent to remove log entries containing userinfo, and then copy the entries to a Cloud Storage bucket.


Create an advanced log filter matching userinfo, configure a log export in the Stackdriver console with Cloud Storage as a sink, and then configure a tog exclusion with userinfo as a


Use a Fluentd filter plugin with the Stackdriver Agent to remove log entries containing
userinfo, create an advanced log filter matching userinfo, and then configure a log export in
the Stackdriver console with Cloud Storage as a sink.


Use a Fluentd filter plugin with the Stackdriver Agent to remove log entries containing userinfo, and then copy the entries to a Cloud Storage bucket.


Question # 4

Your team is designing a new application for deployment both inside and outside Google
Cloud Platform (GCP). You need to collect detailed metrics such as system resource
utilization. You want to use centralized GCP services while minimizing the amount of work
required to set up this collection system. What should you do?


Import the Stackdriver Profiler package, and configure it to relay function timing data to Stackdriver for further analysis.


Import the Stackdriver Debugger package, and configure the application to emit debug messages with timing information.


Instrument the code using a timing library, and publish the metrics via a health check endpoint that is scraped by Stackdriver.


Install an Application Performance Monitoring (APM) tool in both locations, and
configure an export to a central data storage location for analysis.


Import the Stackdriver Profiler package, and configure it to relay function timing data to Stackdriver for further analysis.

Question # 5

You are part of an organization that follows SRE practices and principles. You are taking
over the management of a new service from the Development Team, and you conduct a
Production Readiness Review (PRR). After the PRR analysis phase, you determine that
the service cannot currently meet its Service Level Objectives (SLOs). You want to ensure
that the service can meet its SLOs in production. What should you do next?


Adjust the SLO targets to be achievable by the service so you can bring it into


Notify the development team that they will have to provide production support for the


Identify recommended reliability improvements to the service to be completed before


Bring the service into production with no SLOs and build them when you have collected
operational data.


Identify recommended reliability improvements to the service to be completed before

Question # 6

You use Cloud Build to build your application. You want to reduce the build time while minimizing cost and development effort. What should you do?


Use Cloud Storage to cache intermediate artifacts.


Run multiple Jenkins agents to parallelize the build.


Use multiple smaller build steps to minimize execution time.


Use larger Cloud Build virtual machines (VMs) by using the machine-type option.


Use multiple smaller build steps to minimize execution time.

Question # 7

You manage several production systems that run on Compute Engine in the same Google Cloud Platform (GCP) project. Each system has its own set of dedicated Compute Engine instances. You want to know how must it costs to run each of the systems. What should you do?


In the Google Cloud Platform Console, use the Cost Breakdown section to visualize the costs per system.


Assign all instances a label specific to the system they run. Configure BigQuery billing
export and query costs per label.


Enrich all instances with metadata specific to the system they run. Configure Stackdriver
Logging to export to BigQuery, and query costs based on the metadata.


Name each virtual machine (VM) after the system it runs. Set up a usage report export
to a Cloud Storage bucket. Configure the bucket as a source in BigQuery to query costs
based on VM name.


Name each virtual machine (VM) after the system it runs. Set up a usage report export
to a Cloud Storage bucket. Configure the bucket as a source in BigQuery to query costs
based on VM name.

Question # 8

You support a service with a well-defined Service Level Objective (SLO). Over the previous
6 months, your service has consistently met its SLO and customer satisfaction has been
consistently high. Most of your service’s operations tasks are automated and few repetitive
tasks occur frequently. You want to optimize the balance between reliability and
deployment velocity while following site reliability engineering best practices. What should
you do? (Choose two.)


A. Make the service’s SLO more strict.


B. Increase the service’s deployment velocity and/or risk.


C. Shift engineering time to other services that need more reliability.


Get the product team to prioritize reliability work over new features.


Change the implementation of your Service Level Indicators (SLIs) to increase


Get the product team to prioritize reliability work over new features.


Change the implementation of your Service Level Indicators (SLIs) to increase

Professional-Cloud-DevOps-Engineer Dumps
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Google Professional-Cloud-DevOps-Engineer Exam Dumps

Exam Name: Google Cloud Certified - Professional Cloud DevOps Engineer Exam
Certification Name: Cloud DevOps Engineer

Google Professional-Cloud-DevOps-Engineer exam dumps are created by industry top professionals and after that its also verified by expert team. We are providing you updated Google Cloud Certified - Professional Cloud DevOps Engineer Exam exam questions answers. We keep updating our Cloud DevOps Engineer practice test according to real exam. So prepare from our latest questions answers and pass your exam.

  • Total Questions: 162
  • Last Updation Date: 17-Feb-2025


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