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Having thousands of Professional-Cloud-DevOps-Engineer customers with 99% passing rate, passin1day has a big success story. We are providing fully Google exam passing assurance to our customers. You can purchase Google Cloud Certified - Professional Cloud DevOps Engineer Exam exam dumps with full confidence and pass exam.

Professional-Cloud-DevOps-Engineer Practice Questions

Question # 1

You created a Stackdriver chart for CPU utilization in a dashboard within your workspace
project. You want to share the chart with your Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) team only.
You want to ensure you follow the principle of least privilege. What should you do?


Share the workspace Project ID with the SRE team. Assign the SRE team the
Monitoring Viewer IAM role in the workspace project.


Share the workspace Project ID with the SRE team. Assign the SRE team the
Dashboard Viewer IAM role in the workspace project.


Click "Share chart by URL" and provide the URL to the SRE team. Assign the SRE team
the Monitoring Viewer IAM role in the workspace project.


Click "Share chart by URL" and provide the URL to the SRE team. Assign the SRE team the Dashboard Viewer IAM role in the workspace project.


Click "Share chart by URL" and provide the URL to the SRE team. Assign the SRE team
the Monitoring Viewer IAM role in the workspace project.


Question # 2

Your organization recently adopted a container-based workflow for application
development. Your team develops numerous applications that are deployed continuously through an automated build pipeline to the production environment. A recent security audit alerted your team that the code pushed to production could contain vulnerabilities and that the existing tooling around virtual machine (VM) vulnerabilities no longer applies to the containerized environment. You need to ensure the security and patch level of all code running through the pipeline. What should you do?


Set up Container Analysis to scan and report Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures.


Configure the containers in the build pipeline to always update themselves before


Reconfigure the existing operating system vulnerability software to exist inside the container.


Implement static code analysis tooling against the Docker files used to create the containers.


Set up Container Analysis to scan and report Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures.

Question # 3

You support an application that stores product information in cached memory. For every
cache miss, an entry is logged in Stackdriver Logging. You want to visualize how often a
cache miss happens over time. What should you do?


Link Stackdriver Logging as a source in Google Data Studio. Filler (he logs on the cache misses.


Configure Stackdriver Profiler to identify and visualize when the cache misses occur based on the logs.


Create a logs-based metric in Stackdriver Logging and a dashboard for that metric in Stackdriver Monitoring.


Configure BigOuery as a sink for Stackdriver Logging. Create a scheduled query to filter
the cache miss logs and write them to a separate table


Create a logs-based metric in Stackdriver Logging and a dashboard for that metric in Stackdriver Monitoring.


Question # 4

You deploy a new release of an internal application during a weekend maintenance window
when there is minimal user traffic. After the window ends, you learn that one of the new
features isn't working as expected in the production environment. After an extended
outage, you roll back the new release and deploy a fix. You want to modify your release
process to reduce the mean time to recovery so you can avoid extended outages in the
future. What should you do?
Choose 2 answers


Before merging new code, require 2 different peers to review the code changes.


Adopt the blue/green deployment strategy when releasing new code via a CD server.


Integrate a code linting tool to validate coding standards before any code is accepted
into the repository.


Require developers to run automated integration tests on their local development
environments before release.


Configure a CI server. Add a suite of unit tests to your code and have your CI server run them on commit and verify any changes.


Adopt the blue/green deployment strategy when releasing new code via a CD server.


Configure a CI server. Add a suite of unit tests to your code and have your CI server run them on commit and verify any changes.

Question # 5

You are ready to deploy a new feature of a web-based application to production. You want to use Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) to perform a phased rollout to half of the web server pods. What should you do?


Use a partitioned rolling update.


Use Node taints with NoExecute.


Use a replica set in the deployment specification.


Use a stateful set with parallel pod management policy.


Use a partitioned rolling update.

Question # 6

Your team of Infrastructure DevOps Engineers is growing, and you are starting to use Terraform to manage infrastructure. You need a way to implement code versioning and to share code with other team members. What should you do?


Store the Terraform code in a version-control system. Establish procedures for pushing new versions and merging with the master.


Store the Terraform code in a network shared folder with child folders for each version release. Ensure that everyone works on different files.


Store the Terraform code in a Cloud Storage bucket using object versioning. Give
access to the bucket to every team member so they can download the files.


Store the Terraform code in a shared Google Drive folder so it syncs automatically to every team member’s computer. Organize files with a naming convention that identifies each new version.


Store the Terraform code in a version-control system. Establish procedures for pushing new versions and merging with the master.

Question # 7

You encountered a major service outage that affected all users of the service for multiple
hours. After several hours of incident management, the service returned to normal, and
user access was restored. You need to provide an incident summary to relevant
stakeholders following the Site Reliability Engineering recommended practices. What
should you do first?


Call individual stakeholders lo explain what happened.


Develop a post-mortem to be distributed to stakeholders.


Send the Incident State Document to all the stakeholders.


Require the engineer responsible to write an apology email to all stakeholders.


Develop a post-mortem to be distributed to stakeholders.

Question # 8

Your application artifacts are being built and deployed via a CI/CD pipeline. You want the CI/CD pipeline to securely access application secrets. You also want to more easily rotate secrets in case of a security breach. What should you do?


Prompt developers for secrets at build time. Instruct developers to not store secrets at rest.


Store secrets in a separate configuration file on Git. Provide select developers with access to the configuration file.


Store secrets in Cloud Storage encrypted with a key from Cloud KMS. Provide the CI/CD pipeline with access to Cloud KMS via IAM.


Encrypt the secrets and store them in the source code repository. Store a decryption key in a separate repository and grant your pipeline access to it


Store secrets in Cloud Storage encrypted with a key from Cloud KMS. Provide the CI/CD pipeline with access to Cloud KMS via IAM.

Professional-Cloud-DevOps-Engineer Dumps
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Google Professional-Cloud-DevOps-Engineer Exam Dumps

Exam Name: Google Cloud Certified - Professional Cloud DevOps Engineer Exam
Certification Name: Cloud DevOps Engineer

Google Professional-Cloud-DevOps-Engineer exam dumps are created by industry top professionals and after that its also verified by expert team. We are providing you updated Google Cloud Certified - Professional Cloud DevOps Engineer Exam exam questions answers. We keep updating our Cloud DevOps Engineer practice test according to real exam. So prepare from our latest questions answers and pass your exam.

  • Total Questions: 162
  • Last Updation Date: 17-Feb-2025


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