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SPLK-1004 Practice Questions

Question # 1
Which of the following is accurate about cascading inputs?
A. They can be reset by an event handler.
B. The final input has no impact on previous inputs.
C. Only the final input of the sequence can supply a token to searches.
D. Inputs added to panels cannot participate.

A. They can be reset by an event handler.

Explanation: Cascading inputs allow one input's selection to determine the options available in subsequent inputs. An event handler can reset the cascading sequence based on user interactions, ensuring the following inputs reflect appropriate options based on prior selections.

Question # 2
Which of the following functions' primary purpose is to convert epoch time to a string format?
A. tostring
B. strptime
C. tonumber
D. strftime

D. strftime

Explanation: The strftime function in Splunk is used to convert epoch time into a humanreadable string format. It takes an epoch time value and a format string as arguments and returns the time as a formatted string. Other options, like strptime, convert string representations of time into epoch format, while tostring converts values to strings, and tonumber converts values to numbers.

Question # 3
Which predefined drilldown token passes a clicked value from a table row?
A. $rowclick.$
B. $tableclick.$
C. $row.$
D. $table.$

A. $rowclick.$

Explanation: The predefined drilldown token $row.$ captures the value of a clicked table row in a Splunk dashboard. This token is used to pass the clicked value to another dashboard or component, enabling dynamic updates based on user interaction.

Question # 4
Assuming a standard time zone across the environment, what syntax will always return events from between 2:00 AM and 5:00 AM?
A. datehour>-2 AND date_hour<5
B. earliest=-2h@h AND latest=-5h@h
C. time_hour>-2 AND time_hour>-5
D. earliest=2h@ AND latest=5h3h

B. earliest=-2h@h AND latest=-5h@h

Explanation: The correct syntax to return events from between 2:00 AM and 5:00 AM is earliest=-2h@h AND latest=-5h@h. This uses relative time modifiers to specify a range starting at 2 AM and ending at 5 AM.

Question # 5
Which of the following best describes the process for tokenizing event data?
A. The event data is broken up by values in the punch field.
B. The event data is broken up by major breakers and then broken up further by minor breakers.
C. The event data is broken up by a series of user-defined regex patterns.
D. The event data has all punctuation stripped out and is then space-delimited.

B. The event data is broken up by major breakers and then broken up further by minor breakers.

Explanation: The process for tokenizing event data in Splunk involves breaking the event data up by major breakers (which typically identify the boundaries of events) and further breaking it up by minor breakers (which segment the event data into fields). This hierarchical approach allows Splunk to efficiently parse and structure the data.

Question # 6
Which function of the stats command creates a multivalue entry?
A. mvcombine
B. eval
C. makemv
D. list

D. list

Explanation: The list function of the stats command creates a multivalue entry, combining multiple occurrences of a field into a single multivalue field.

Question # 7
A report named "Linux logins" populates a summary index with the search string sourcetype=linux_secure | sitop src_ip user. Which of the following correctly searches against the summary index for this data?
A. index=summary sourcetype="linux_secure" | top src_ip user
B. index=summary search_name="Linux logins" | top src_ip user
C. index=summary search_name="Linux logins" | stats count by src_ip user
D. index=summary sourcetype="linux_secure" | stats count by src_ip user

B. index=summary search_name="Linux logins" | top src_ip user

Explanation: When searching a summary index, using search_name="Linux logins" ensures you retrieve data generated by that specific report. Option B correctly searches the summary index by referencing the report's name.

Question # 8
How is regex passed to the makemv command?
A. makemv must be preceded by the erex command.
B. It is specified by the delim argument.
C. It is specified by the tokenizer argument.
D. makemv must be preceded by the rex command.

B. It is specified by the delim argument.

Explanation: The regex is passed to the makemv command in Splunk using the delim argument. This argument specifies the delimiter used to split a single string field into multiple values, effectively creating a multivalue field.

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Splunk SPLK-1004 Exam Dumps

Exam Name: Splunk Core Certified Advanced Power User
Certification Name: Splunk Core Certified User

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  • Total Questions: 70
  • Last Updation Date: 17-Feb-2025


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