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Salesforce-MuleSoft-Developer-I Practice Questions

Question # 1
Refer to the exhibits.

The Set Payload transformer's value is set to {'year': '2020'}.
What message value should be added to the Logger component to output the message 'The year is 2020', without hardcoding 2020?
A. '#[The year is $(pay load .year)]*
B. The year is #[payload.year]'
C. '#[The year is " + paytoad.year]'
D. #["The year is "++ payload.year].

D. #["The year is "++ payload.year].

Question # 2
Refer to the exhibits.

A web client submits the request to the HTTP Listener. What response message would be returned to web client?
A. End
B. String is not blank
C. No response would be sent back to client and request will get errored out in Mule
D. Start

B. String is not blank

Correct answer is String is not blank.
Here’s specifically what is happening here:
1) Payload is successfully set to “Start”
2) The Is Blank String validator creates an Error Object because the payload is string "Start".
Execution stops
#[error.description] = “String is not blank”
3) Because no error handler is defined, the Mule default error handler handles the error.
Remember, at its heart, the Mule Default Error handler is an error handling scope with just an on error propagate
4) “String is not blank” is the error message returned to the requestor in the body of the HTTP requestHTTP Status Code: 500

Question # 3
Refer to the exhibit.

How should the WHERE clause be changed to set the city and state values from the configured input parameters?
A. Option A
B. Option B
C. Option C
D. Option D

A. Option A

Question # 4
Refer to the exhibit.

What Database expression transforms the input to the output?

A. Option A
B. Option B
C. Option C
D. Option D

D. Option D

This kind of questions are best solved with filtering technique. Key thing to note here is XML attributes are always access by @ notation. So in this example orderId can be accessed as @OrderId which makes option 3 and option 4 false. Now difference in optin and option 2 is in mapping of lineItemPrice. Correct syntax to format a String in Numbse is value.price as Number. Hence option 2 is correct

Question # 5
Refer to the exhibits.

What DataWeave expression transforms the conductorIds array to the XML output?
A. 1. 1. trains:
2. 2. conductorIds map ((engId, index) ->
3. 3. train: {
4. 4. engineerId: engId
5. 5. }
6. 6. )
B. 1. 1. { trains:
2. 2.
3. 3. conductorIds map ((engId, index) ->
4. 4. train: {
5. 5. engineerId: engId
6. 6. }
7. 7. )
8. 8. }
C. 1. 1. trains:
2. 2. {(
3. 3. conductorIds map ((engId, index) ->
4. 4. train: {
5. 5. engineerId: engId
6. 6. }
7. 7. )
8. 8. )}
D. 1. 1. {( trains:
2. 2.
3. 3. conductorIds map ((engId, index) ->
4. 4. train: {
5. 5. engineerId: engId
6. 6. }
7. 7. )
8. 8. )}

C. 1. 1. trains:
2. 2. {(
3. 3. conductorIds map ((engId, index) ->
4. 4. train: {
5. 5. engineerId: engId
6. 6. }
7. 7. )
8. 8. )}

Points to remember:
* XML must have a root element.
* XML only allows one root element
* To avoid multiple root issues, you must create a root element for the XML output, whenever we transform output
* When mapping array elements (JSON or JAVA) to XML, wrap the map operations in {(..)} -{ } are defining the object
( ) are transforming each element in the array as a key/value pair
* The transformation to XML would fail if the above mentioned considerations were not taken into account.
* Thus the transformation script declares a root element as trains and wraps the data in “{( )}“.
Whenever you see such type of question, always look out for root element followed by {( )} wrapping map.
I call this a "Wrap The Map" scenario. Hope it would help you remember !

Question # 6
A web client sends one GET request to the test flow's HTTP Listener, which causes the test flow to call the updateTemp flow After the test flow returns a response, the web client then sends a different GET request to trie getTemp flow's HTTP Listener The test flow is not called a second time.
What response is returned from the request to the getTemp flow's HTTP Listener?

A. Option A
B. Option B
C. Option C
D. Option D

C. Option C

Question # 7
What is the output of Dataweave Map operator?
A. Map
B. Object
C. String
D. Array

D. Array

Explanation: Returns an array that is the result of applying a transformation function (lambda) to each of the elements.

The map operator is a function in Dataweave which iterates over the items in an array and outputs them into a new array. It basically accepts input as a list of items in an array and manipulates the items in the array in order to form a new array as an output.

Question # 8
Refer to the exhibits.

The Set Payload transformer In the addltem subflow uses DataWeave to create an order object.
What is the correct DataWeave code for the Set Payload transformer in the createOrder flow to use the addltem subflow to add a router cable with the price of 100 to the order?
A. addltemf { payload: { price: "100", item: "router", itemType: "cable" } > )
B. lookupf "addltem", { payload: { price: "100", item: "router", itemType: "cable" } } )
C. addltemf { price: "100", item: "router", itemType: "cable" })
D. lookupf "addltem", { price: "100", item: "router", itemType: "cable" } )

B. lookupf "addltem", { payload: { price: "100", item: "router", itemType: "cable" } } )

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Salesforce Salesforce-MuleSoft-Developer-I Exam Dumps

Exam Name: Salesforce Certified MuleSoft Developer 1 Exam (SU24)
Certification Name: Salesforce MuleSoft

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  • Total Questions: 230
  • Last Updation Date: 17-Feb-2025


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