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Sitecore-XM-Cloud-Developer Practice Questions

Question # 1
Which of the following statements accurately describes the purpose of Headless variants in Sitecore XM Cloud?
A. Headless variants define how a rendering appears and what content it displays.
B. Headless variants determine the order in which renderings are displayed on a webpage.
C. Headless variants enable the creation of custom rendering items for components from scratch.
D. Headless variants allow renderings to be edited and customized in the Content Editor.

A. Headless variants define how a rendering appears and what content it displays.


According to the Sitecore XM Cloud Documentation for Developers1, headless variants are a way to create different versions of a rendering that can be used in different contexts or scenarios. A headless variant defines the layout, style, and content of a rendering using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. You can create headless variants for your components in the Components builder and use them in your XM Cloud Pages.Headless variants allow you to reuse the same component with different appearances and contents without creating multiple renderings2.

2:Create a headless variant for a component | Sitecore Documentation1:XM Cloud Documentation for Developers - Sitecore

Question # 2
When an item is published, the Experience Edge for XM Connector publishes a static snapshot of the Layout Service output of that item. If a change is made to a data source item that is referenced on the page, how is that content made visible on the website?
A. A developer must publish the data source item.
B. A developer must publish the related page items.
C. A developer must publish to the web database.
D. A developer must reconnect to the Experience Edge Connector module.

A. A developer must publish the data source item.


When a change is made to a data source item in Sitecore XM Cloud, the updated content becomes visible on the website after the data source item itself is published. This is because the Experience Edge for XM Connector publishes a static snapshot of the Layout Service output, and any changes to the data source items require republishing to reflect on the website.

References:The Sitecore XM Cloud documentation explains that the Experience Edge for XM Connector uses a static publishing model, meaning that dynamic content structures are flattened at publishing time.Therefore, if a data source item changes, it must be republished for the changes to take effect on the website12.

Question # 3
A developer needs to configure a rendering in order to use dynamic placeholders. Which of the following steps is required? Select all that apply.
A. Include the IDynamicPlaceholder base template in the Rendering Parameters template.
B. Link the placeholder settings item to the rendering item.
C. Define the placeholder key using a question mark (?) in the placeholder settings item.
D. In the component TSX file, set a unique placeholder key value that has not yet been defined.

A. Include the IDynamicPlaceholder base template in the Rendering Parameters template.
B. Link the placeholder settings item to the rendering item.

C. Define the placeholder key using a question mark (?) in the placeholder settings item.


To configure a rendering for the use of dynamic placeholders in Sitecore XM Cloud, the following steps are required: Include the IDynamicPlaceholder base templatein the Rendering Parameters template to enable dynamic assignment of IDs to the placeholder key. Link the placeholder settings itemto the rendering item to ensure that the dynamic placeholders are correctly associated with the rendering. Define the placeholder key using a wildcardin the placeholder settings item, which allows for the generation of unique placeholder keys for every component on the page.

References:The Sitecore XM Cloud documentation provides a walkthrough on configuring components to use dynamic placeholders, detailing the steps required to set up dynamic placeholders1.This includes adding theIsRenderingsWithDynamicPlaceholdersproperty to the component item, including theIDynamicPlaceholderbase template in the Rendering Parameters template, defining the placeholder key using a wildcard, and linking the placeholder settings item to the component1.

Question # 4
Which of the following must be done to delete or remove a user from an administrator role?
A. Delete the user or remove their administrator role from the Sitecore Cloud Portal.
B. Create a new user account and assign a new role from the XM Cloud Deploy app.
C. Delete the user or remove their administrator role from the XM Cloud Deploy app.
D. Create a new user account and assign a new role from the Sitecore Cloud Portal.

A. Delete the user or remove their administrator role from the Sitecore Cloud Portal.


According to the Sitecore XM Cloud Documentation for Developers1, the Sitecore Cloud Portal is where you can manage access to your DXP products, create users and manage their access to all your Sitecore DXP products.To delete or remove a user from an administrator role, you need to follow these steps2:

Sign in to the Sitecore Cloud Portal using your administrator account.
In the left navigation pane, click Users.
In the Users list, find the user you want to delete or remove from the administrator role and click the Edit icon.
In the Edit user dialog box, you can either delete the user by clicking the Delete user button or remove the administrator role by deselecting the Administrator checkbox.
Click Save to confirm your changes.
1:XM Cloud Documentation for Developers - Sitecore2:Manage users in the Sitecore Cloud Portal - Sitecore

Question # 5
A developer is tasked with creating an item using the Sitecore Authoring and Management GraphQL API. Which of the following GraphQL mutations is the correct way to create a new item?

A. createOrUpdateltem
B. create Templateltem
C. createltem
D. updateltem

C. createltem


The correct GraphQL mutation to create a new item in Sitecore XM Cloud iscreateItem. This mutation allows developers to specify the necessary details such as the item’s name, template ID, parent ID, language, and fields to create a new content item within the Sitecore content tree. References:The usage of thecreateItemmutation is documented in the Sitecore XM Cloud Developer’s Guide, which provides examples and explanations for authoring operations, includingitem creation1.Additionally, the Sitecore Stack Exchange provides insights into the available mutations for item management, confirming the use ofcreateItemfor creating new items2.

Question # 6
Which of the following is part of the out-of-the-box technology stack for XM Cloud?
A. jQuery
B. Python
C. Svelte Kit
D. React

D. React


XM Cloud includes a modern technology stack that supports various frameworks and libraries for development. React is part of this stack, as it is commonly used in conjunction with Sitecore’s headless services and JSS (JavaScript Services) for building dynamic user interfaces.

References:The Sitecore XM Cloud documentation mentions the use of modern frameworks and libraries, including React, as part of its technology stack1. This aligns with the industry’s move towards more flexible and modular front-end development practices.

Question # 7
Where can a developer create and edit data templates?
A. Pages or Explorer
B. Explorer or Portal
C. Content Editor or Pages
D. Content Editor

C. Content Editor or Pages


According to the Sitecore XM Cloud Documentation for Developers1, you create and edit data templates in theTemplate Manageror theTemplate Builderin theContent Editor, which provide the same functionality with the only difference being the root item of the content tree that is shown in the user interface. In the Template Manager, the root item of the content tree is/Sitecore/Templates.

You can also create additional data templates to be used in XM Cloud Pages2, which are web pages that can be customized with layouts and content.

Question # 8
A developer wants to invite a team member to their organization in the Sitecore Cloud Portal and give them access to only three specific apps. What role should they assign to this new team member?
A. Organization User
B. Organization Member
C. Organization Owner
D. Organization Admin

A. Organization User


According to the Sitecore XM Cloud Documentation for Developers1, an Organization User is a team member who only has access to the apps that an Organization Admin or an Organization Owner assigns to them. They can be assigned up to 25 apps. This role allows you to control the access of your team members to specific apps and limit their permissions within those apps.To invite a team member as an Organization User, you need to follow these steps2:

Log in to the Sitecore Cloud Portal using your administrator account.

On the homepage, on the menu bar, click Admin, then on the Team members page, click Invite. In the Invite team members dialog box, enter the email address of the team member that you want to invite and select User as the Organization access level.
To give the team member access to an app, click Add app and select the app and the access level you want them to have in that app.You can repeat this step for up to 25 apps.
Click Send to send the invitation email to the team member.
2:Invite team members to your Sitecore Cloud Portal organization1:XM Cloud Documentation for Developers - Sitecore

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Sitecore Sitecore-XM-Cloud-Developer Exam Dumps

Exam Name: Sitecore XM Cloud Developer Certification Exam
Certification Name: Sitecore Content Cloud

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  • Last Updation Date: 17-Feb-2025


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