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Terraform-Associate-003 Practice Questions

Question # 1
Which option cannot be used to keep secrets out of Terraform configuration files?
A. A Terraform provider
B. Environment variables
C. A -var flag
D. secure string

D. secure string


A secure string is not a valid option to keep secrets out of Terraform configuration files. A secure string is a feature of AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store that allows you to store sensitive data encrypted with a KMS key. However, Terraform does not support secure strings natively and requires a custom data source to retrieve them. The other options are valid ways to keep secrets out of Terraform configuration files. A Terraform provider can expose secrets as data sources that can be referenced in the configuration.

Environment variables can be used to set values for input variables that contain secrets. A -var flag can be used to pass values for input variables that contain secrets from the command line or a file. References = [AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store], [Terraform AWS Provider Issue #55], [Terraform Providers], [Terraform Input Variables]

Question # 2
You add a new provider to your configuration and immediately run terraform apply in the CD using the local backend. Why does the apply fail?
A. The Terraform CD needs you to log into Terraform Cloud first
B. Terraform requires you to manually run terraform plan first
C. Terraform needs to install the necessary plugins first
D. Terraform needs you to format your code according to best practices first

C. Terraform needs to install the necessary plugins first


The reason why the apply fails after adding a new provider to the configuration and immediately running terraform apply in the CD using the local backend is because Terraform needs to install the necessary plugins first. Terraform providers are plugins that Terraform uses to interact with various cloud services and other APIs. Each provider has a source address that determines where to download it from. When Terraform encounters a new provider in the configuration, it needs to run terraform init first to install the provider plugins in a local directory. Without the plugins, Terraform cannot communicate with the provider and perform the desired actions. References = [Provider Requirements], [Provider Installation]

Question # 3
Which parameters does terraform import require? Choose two correct answers.
A. Provider
B. Resource ID
C. Resource address
D. Path

B. Resource ID
C. Resource address

Question # 4
Which are forbidden actions when the terraform state file is locked? Choose three correct answers.
A. Terraform state list
B. Terraform destroy
C. Terraform validate
D. Terraform validate
E. Terraform for

B. Terraform destroy
C. Terraform validate

The terraform state file is locked when a Terraform operation that could write state is in progress. This prevents concurrent state operations that could corrupt the state. The forbidden actions when the state file is locked are those that could write state, such as terraform apply, terraform destroy, terraform refresh, terraform taint, terraform untaint, terraform import, and terraform state *. The terraform validate command is also forbidden, because it requires an initialized working directory with the state file. The allowed actions when the state file is locked are those that only read state, such as terraform plan, terraform show, terraform output, and terraform console. References = [State Locking] and [Command: validate]

Question # 5
What does the default "local" Terraform backend store?
A. tfplan files
B. State file
C. Provider plugins
D. Terraform binary

B. State file


The default “local” Terraform backend stores the state file in a local file named terraform.tfstate, which can be used to track and manage the state of your infrastructure3.

Question # 6
When you use a remote backend that needs authentication, HashiCorp recommends that you:
A. Write the authentication credentials in the Terraform configuration files
B. Keep the Terraform configuration files in a secret store
C. Push your Terraform configuration to an encrypted git repository
D. Use partial configuration to load the authentication credentials outside of the Terraform code

D. Use partial configuration to load the authentication credentials outside of the Terraform code


This is the recommended way to use a remote backend that needs authentication, as it allows you to provide the credentials via environment variables, command-line arguments, or interactive prompts, without storing them in the Terraform configuration files.

Question # 7
As a developer, you want to ensure your plugins are up to date with the latest versions. Which Terraform command should you use?
A. terraform refresh -upgrade
B. terraform apply -upgrade
C. terraform init -upgrade
D. terraform providers -upgrade

C. terraform init -upgrade


This command will upgrade the plugins to the latest acceptable version within the version constraints specified in the configuration. The other commands do not have an -upgrade option.

Question # 8
Terraform configuration (including any module references) can contain only one Terraform provider type.
A. True
B. False

B. False


Terraform configuration (including any module references) can contain more than one Terraform provider type. Terraform providers are plugins that Terraform uses to interact with various cloud services and other APIs. A Terraform configuration can use multiple providers to manage resources across different platforms and services. For example, a configuration can use the AWS provider to create a virtual machine, the Cloudflare provider to manage DNS records, and the GitHub provider to create a repository. Terraform supports hundreds of providers for different use cases and scenarios. References = [Providers], [Provider Requirements], [Provider Configuration]

Terraform-Associate-003 Dumps
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HashiCorp Terraform-Associate-003 Exam Dumps

Exam Name: HashiCorp Certified: Terraform Associate (003) (HCTA0-003)
Certification Name: Terraform Associate

HashiCorp Terraform-Associate-003 exam dumps are created by industry top professionals and after that its also verified by expert team. We are providing you updated HashiCorp Certified: Terraform Associate (003) (HCTA0-003) exam questions answers. We keep updating our Terraform Associate practice test according to real exam. So prepare from our latest questions answers and pass your exam.

  • Total Questions: 195
  • Last Updation Date: 17-Feb-2025


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