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Having thousands of Associate-Cloud-Engineer customers with 99% passing rate, passin1day has a big success story. We are providing fully Google exam passing assurance to our customers. You can purchase Google Cloud Certified - Associate Cloud Engineer exam dumps with full confidence and pass exam.

Associate-Cloud-Engineer Practice Questions

Question # 1

Every employee of your company has a Google account. Your operational team needs to manage a large
number of instances on Compute Engine. Each member of this team needs only administrative access to the servers. Your security team wants to ensure that the deployment of credentials is operationally efficient and must be able to determine who accessed a given instance. What should you do?


Generate a new SSH key pair. Give the private key to each member of your team. Configure the public
key in the metadata of each instance.


Ask each member of the team to generate a new SSH key pair and to send you their public key. Use a
configuration management tool to deploy those keys on each instance.


Ask each member of the team to generate a new SSH key pair and to add the public key to their Google
account. Grant the “compute.osAdminLogin” role to the Google group corresponding to this team.


Generate a new SSH key pair. Give the private key to each member of your team. Configure the public
key as a project-wide public SSH key in your Cloud Platform project and allow project-wide public SSH
keys on each instance.


Generate a new SSH key pair. Give the private key to each member of your team. Configure the public
key as a project-wide public SSH key in your Cloud Platform project and allow project-wide public SSH
keys on each instance.

Question # 2

Your development team needs a new Jenkins server for their project. You need to deploy the server using the fewest steps possible. What should you do?


Download and deploy the Jenkins Java WAR to App Engine Standard.


Create a new Compute Engine instance and install Jenkins through the command line interface.


Create a Kubernetes cluster on Compute Engine and create a deployment with the Jenkins Docker


Use GCP Marketplace to launch the Jenkins solution.


Use GCP Marketplace to launch the Jenkins solution.

Question # 3

Your development team needs a new Jenkins server for their project. You need to deploy the server using the
fewest steps possible. What should you do?


Download and deploy the Jenkins Java WAR to App Engine Standard.


Create a new Compute Engine instance and install Jenkins through the command line interface.


Create a Kubernetes cluster on Compute Engine and create a deployment with the Jenkins Docker


Use GCP Marketplace to launch the Jenkins solution


Use GCP Marketplace to launch the Jenkins solution

Question # 4

Your organization has a dedicated person who creates and manages all service accounts for Google Cloud
projects. You need to assign this person the minimum role for projects. What should you do?


Add the user to roles/iam.roleAdmin role.


Add the user to roles/iam.securityAdmin role.


Add the user to roles/iam.serviceAccountUser role.


Add the user to roles/iam.serviceAccountAdmin role.


Add the user to roles/iam.serviceAccountUser role.

Question # 5

You built an application on Google Cloud Platform that uses Cloud Spanner. Your support team needs to
monitor the environment but should not have access to table data. You need a streamlined solution to grant the
correct permissions to your support team, and you want to follow Google-recommended practices. What


Add the support team group to the roles/monitoring.viewer role


Add the support team group to the roles/spanner.databaseUser role.


Add the support team group to the roles/spanner.databaseReader role.


Add the support team group to the roles/stackdriver.accounts.viewer role.


Add the support team group to the roles/spanner.databaseUser role.

Question # 6

You want to configure an SSH connection to a single Compute Engine instance for users in the dev1 group.
This instance is the only resource in this particular Google Cloud Platform project that the dev1 users should
be able to connect to. What should you do?


Set metadata to enable-oslogin=true for the instance. Grant the dev1 group the compute.osLogin role.
Direct them to use the Cloud Shell to ssh to that instance.


Set metadata to enable-oslogin=true for the instance. Set the service account to no service account for
that instance. Direct them to use the Cloud Shell to ssh to that instance.


Enable block project wide keys for the instance. Generate an SSH key for each user in the dev1 group.
Distribute the keys to dev1 users and direct them to use their third-party tools to connect.


Enable block project wide keys for the instance. Generate an SSH key and associate the key with that
instance. Distribute the key to dev1 users and direct them to use their third-party tools to connect.


Enable block project wide keys for the instance. Generate an SSH key and associate the key with that
instance. Distribute the key to dev1 users and direct them to use their third-party tools to connect.

Question # 7

You need to create a new billing account and then link it with an existing Google Cloud Platform project. What should you do?


Verify that you are Project Billing Manager for the GCP project. Update the existing project to link it to
the existing billing account.


Verify that you are Project Billing Manager for the GCP project. Create a new billing account and link
the new billing account to the existing project.


Verify that you are Billing Administrator for the billing account. Create a new project and link the new
project to the existing billing account.


Verify that you are Billing Administrator for the billing account. Update the existing project to link it to
the existing billing account.


Verify that you are Billing Administrator for the billing account. Create a new project and link the new
project to the existing billing account.

Question # 8

You have a Linux VM that must connect to Cloud SQL. You created a service account with the appropriate access rights. You want to make sure that the VM uses this service account instead of the default Compute Engine service account. What should you do?


When creating the VM via the web console, specify the service account under the ‘Identity and API
Access’ section.


Download a JSON Private Key for the service account. On the Project Metadata, add that JSON as the
value for the key compute-engine-service-account.


Download a JSON Private Key for the service account. On the Custom Metadata of the VM, add that
JSON as the value for the key compute-engine-service-account.


Download a JSON Private Key for the service account. After creating the VM, ssh into the VM and save
the JSON under ~/.gcloud/compute-engine-service-account.json.


When creating the VM via the web console, specify the service account under the ‘Identity and API
Access’ section.

Associate-Cloud-Engineer Dumps
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  • 98% Associate-Cloud-Engineer Exam Success Rate
  • Valid for All Countries

Google Associate-Cloud-Engineer Exam Dumps

Exam Name: Google Cloud Certified - Associate Cloud Engineer
Certification Name: Google Cloud Certified

Google Associate-Cloud-Engineer exam dumps are created by industry top professionals and after that its also verified by expert team. We are providing you updated Google Cloud Certified - Associate Cloud Engineer exam questions answers. We keep updating our Google Cloud Certified practice test according to real exam. So prepare from our latest questions answers and pass your exam.

  • Total Questions: 290
  • Last Updation Date: 17-Feb-2025


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