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Having thousands of CRT-211 customers with 99% passing rate, passin1day has a big success story. We are providing fully Salesforce exam passing assurance to our customers. You can purchase Prepare for your Advanced Administrator Certification Exam (WI25) exam dumps with full confidence and pass exam.

CRT-211 Practice Questions

Question # 1
Cloud Kicks has Service end Soles Manager roles that need to be able to see a I Accounts. Currently, they each have their own custom profile. The organization-wide defaults are set to Private and a sharing rule share access to Accounts to the sales and service teams based on criteria. What should the administrator do to allow the service and sales Manager to sec all Accounts?
A. Configure a custom profile for each manager that gives them view All on Accounts.
B. Set the organization-wide default for Accounts to Public Read Only.
C. Create a permission set with view All to Accounts and assign it to the Service and Sales Managers.
D. Move the Service and Sales Managers higher in the role hierarchy.

C. Create a permission set with view All to Accounts and assign it to the Service and Sales Managers.

Question # 2
A user at Cloud Kicks has informed the administrator that they are unable to log in to Salesforce via multi-factor authentication. Which two area should the administrator review to understand potential root causes? Choose 2 answers
A. Identity Verification History
B. Login History
C. Debug Logs
D. Setup Audit Trail

A. Identity Verification History
B. Login History

Question # 3
Cloud Kicks needs to automate several updates to lead records and update unrelated records. Select changes should happen every time a record is created or updated, Put other changes should only happen when the record is updated. Which two options should the administrator use to automate these updates? Choose 2 answers
A. Use a Decision element with the "Only if the record that triggered the flow to run is updated to meet the condition requirements" option.
B. Create a Process Builder that runs when a record is changed.
C. Create a flow that runs when a record is created or updated.
D. Use "formula evaluates to true" workflow rule with the ISCHANCEO function to make changes when the record Is updated.

A. Use a Decision element with the "Only if the record that triggered the flow to run is updated to meet the condition requirements" option.
C. Create a flow that runs when a record is created or updated.

Question # 4
The administrator at Universal Containers does a soft launch of the Salesforce Authenticator app and allows users to optionally use it to log in. The administrator would now like to look at how many users have successfully used it since it was rolled out. What are two ways the administrator can get this information? Choose 2 answers
A. Run a session setting report, specifying login methods by user.
B. Open the Login Access Policies in Setup which shows how many users are using MFA.
C. Create a new view in Identity Verification History, specifying Method.
D. The order of flow execution is unpredictabl

D. The order of flow execution is unpredictabl

Question # 5
AW Computing created new multi-tier service plans. The primary difference between the packages Is the length of the term. The company wants to capture start and end dates for each service plan sold, which can direr from the contract dates of the subscription. How should an administrator ensure the data is captured properly?
A. Build a validation rule on the Opportunity object to require custom date fields based on the product(s) selected.
B. Configure formula fields to reflect the close date of the opportunity.
C. Create a new price book for service plans with term lengths.
D. Make a validation rule on the Opportunity Product object to require custom date fields based on the product family.

B. Configure formula fields to reflect the close date of the opportunity.

Question # 6
An administrator recently Implemented multi-factor authentication (MFA) with a standard security level selectee. They are receiving cases that users are unable to log in. What should me administrator do to troubleshoot?
A. Check the session security level required at login on the user profile.
B. Change MF-A to High Assurance.
C. Reset the user passwords and ask them to try again.
D. Temporarily disable MFA.

A. Check the session security level required at login on the user profile.

Question # 7
Ursa Major Solar offers customers annual service contracts. Account owners should receive an email renewal reminder l month before their customer's planned expiration date. The administrator builds a flow to automate the process, which runs when a record is created, and tests several possible scenarios. What win occur if the expiration date is changed from January 1 of the next year to yesterday?
A. The flow is unable to run and a flow error message Is sent to the user who Initiates the flow.
B. The Interview resumes 1 month before the original expiration date and will send the email at that rime.
C. The Interview is rescheduled based on the expiration date and sends the email on the last day of the current month.
D. The resume event is recalculated and the email goes out to the account owner immediately.

A. The flow is unable to run and a flow error message Is sent to the user who Initiates the flow.

Question # 8
An administrator has created a flow that sends platform events whenever an opportunity is updated. An Apex developer has been tasked to write code that listens for these events. When reviewing the debug logs for a user, the developer can see that the flow ran, but the debug Information is missing. What should the administrator recommend to assist with debugging?
A. Select the Debug Enabled checkbox on platform events,
B. Platform events are unavailable for debugging.
C. Set a debug log on the Automated Process entity.
D. Search the AppExchange to And a tool that assists with debugging.

C. Set a debug log on the Automated Process entity.

CRT-211 Dumps
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Salesforce CRT-211 Exam Dumps

Exam Name: Prepare for your Advanced Administrator Certification Exam (WI25)
Certification Name: Salesforce Advanced Administrator

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  • Total Questions: 241
  • Last Updation Date: 17-Feb-2025


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