Question # 1 A developer creates a custom controller and custom Visualforce page by using the following code block:public class myController {public String myString;public String getMyString() {return 'getmyString';}public String getStringMethod1() {return myString;}public String getStringMethod2() {if (myString == null)myString = 'Method2';return myString;}}{!myString}, {!StringMethod1}, {!StringMethod2}, {!myString}What does the user see when accessing the custom page?
A. GetMyString , , Method2 , getMystring
B. , , Method2 , getMyString
C. , , Method2,
D. GetMyString , , ,
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A. GetMyString , , Method2 , getMystring
Question # 2 Which set of roll-up types are available when creating a roll-up summary field?
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Question # 3 Which code segment can be used to control when the dowork() method is called?
A. For (Trigger.isRunning t: { dowork(); }
B. If(Trigger.isRunning) dowork();
C. For (Trigger.isInsert t: { dowork(); }
D. If(Trigger.isInsert) dowork();
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D. If(Trigger.isInsert) dowork();
Question # 4 Which two operations affect the number of times a trigger can fire? (Choose two.) A. Criteria-based sharing calculationsB. After-save record-triggered flowC. Roll-up summary fieldsD. Email messages
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A. Criteria-based sharing calculationsC. Roll-up summary fields
Question # 5 Which statement should a developer avoid using inside procedural loops? (Choose 2)
A. System.debug('Amount of CPU time (in ms) used so far: ' + Limits.getCpuTime() );
B. List contacts = [SELECT Id, Salutation, FirstName, LastName, Email FROM Contact WHERE AccountId = :a.Id];
C. If(o.accountId ==
D. Update contactList;
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D. Update contactList;
D. Update contactList;
Question # 6 A developer created a Visualforce page with a custom controller to show a list of accounts. The page uses the <apex:SelecList> component, with a variable called "selection", to show the valid values for Account.Type. The page uses an <apex:pageBlockTable> component to display the list of accounts, where the iteration variable is "acct". The developer wants to ensure that when a user selects a type on the <apex : selectList> component, only accounts with that type are shown on the page. What should the developer do to accomplish this?
A. Use the onChange event to update the list of accounts inthe controller when the value changes, and then re-render the pageBlockTable.
B. Create multiple lists in the controller that represent the relevant accounts for each account type when the page loads, then reference the correct one dynamically on the pageBlockTable.
C. Add the Rendered={!Acct.type==selection} attribute to the pageBlockTable component
D. Create a component for each option and use a variable with hide parameter on the element.
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A. Use the onChange event to update the list of accounts inthe controller when the value changes, and then re-render the pageBlockTable.
Question # 7 An Account trigger updates all related Contacts and Cases each time an Account is saved using the following two DML statements: updateallContacts; update allCases; What is the result if the Case update exceeds the governor limit for maximum number of DML records?
A. The Account save succeeds, Contacts are updated, but Cases are not.
B. The Account save fails and no Contacts or Cases are updated
C. The Account save is retried using a smaller trigger batch size.
D. The Account save succeeds and no Contacts or Cases are updated
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B. The Account save fails and no Contacts or Cases are updated
Question # 8 A developer needs an Apex method that can process Account or Contact records. Which method signature should the developer use?
A. Public void doWork(Record theRecord)
B. Public void doWork(sObject theRecord)
C. Public void doWork(Account Contact)
D. Public void doWork(Account || Contatc)
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B. Public void doWork(sObject theRecord)
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