Question # 1 Which activity is required before a compressed file can be imported? A. Import FileB. Data ExtractC. Decompress FileD. File Transfer
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D. File Transfer
Answer Description Explanation:
Before importing a compressed file into Marketing Cloud, a File Transfer activity is required to move and decompress the file. The File Transfer activity allows you to specify the source and destination locations and to decompress the file, making it ready for the import process.
[: Salesforce File Transfer Activity, , ]
Question # 2 A field value returned from a DE lookupcontains a tab-delimited list of values. Which AMPscriptfunction could easily determine if a specific text string exist anywhere in the list? A. SubstringB. BuildRowSetFromStringC. IndexOfD. Length
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B. BuildRowSetFromString
Question # 3 A developer needs to create a fully-branded CloudPagewhich includes images hosted in Content Builder. The developer wants tosecure the page and its elements using the SSL protocol.
What is the minimum number of SSL certificates required?
A. ThreeB. TwoC. NoneD. One
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B. Two
Question # 4 A developer wants to configure an automation to import files placed on the SFTP shared by a customer's data vendor. The automation will start when a file matching a specific namingpattern is encountered in the Import folder. The first step of the automation is a File Import Activity referencing a substion string for the matching file. Which substituon string represents the name of the file? A. %%FILENAME%%B. %%TRIGGER_FILENAME%%C. %%FILENAME_FROM_TRIGGER%%D. %%FILENAME_FROM_IMPORT%%
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Answer Description Explanation:
When configuring an automation to import files placed on the SFTP, and starting the automation based on a file matching a specific naming pattern, the substitution string that represents the name of the file is %%TRIGGER_FILENAME%%. This substitution string is used to reference the filename of the triggering file in the File Import Activity.
Salesforce Marketing Cloud Documentation on Automation Studio
File Import Activity
Question # 5 Certification Aid wants to create a file drop automation with a filename pattern. An import file is placed daily on the Marketing Cloud Enhanced FTP server, and thefile name always starts with the current month and day (e.g. OCT26). How should the filename pattern be defined? Choose 2. A. %%Month%%%%Day%%B. %%MMDD%%C. Ends With operatorD. Begins With operator
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B. %%MMDD%%D. Begins With operator
Answer Description Explanation:
To define a filename pattern that matches files starting with the current month and day, you can use the %%MMDD%% pattern and the "Begins With" operator.
%%MMDD%% Pattern: This pattern represents the month and day in a two-digit format.
Begins With Operator: This operator ensures that the automation matches filenames that start with the specified pattern.
[: Salesforce File Drop Automations, , , , , ]
Question # 6 A developer is creating a custom preference center and wants to log unsubscribeevents from the CloudPage. Which set of parameters should be captured and provided to the LongUnsubEvent Execute Call to ensure accurateunsubscribe information? A. SubscriberKey and JobIDB. SubscriberID and BatchIDC. EmailAddress and JobIDD. SubscriberKey and BatchID
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A. SubscriberKey and JobID
Question # 7 A developer wants to trigger an SMS message to a subscriber using a form published onCloudPages. How should the SMS message be triggered once the subscriber submits the form? A. Outbound SMS template and Automation Send MethodB. InsertData AMPscript function to add the subscriber to a MobileConnect listC. CreateSMSConservation AMPscript functionD. requestToken and messageContact REST API objects
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D. requestToken and messageContact REST API objects
Question # 8 Northern Trail Outfitters' account is configured with two child BU(s): US and Global. The account has a dataextension In the Shared Data Extensions folder named 'MemberData'. This data extension contains basic address information, as wellas Boolean fields labeled 'US' and 'Global' indicating to which business unit the subscriber belongs. Automation needs to becreated in the US business unit to query all records in New York who are members of the business unit US.
SELECT * FROM MemberDataWHERE State = 'NY' AND US = 1
What would cause this query to report the following error: "An error occurred while checking the query syntax. Errors: MemberData is not a known data extension or system data view. You can only query existing data extensions or system data views."?
A. Incorrect syntax; Query Activities are written in SOQLB. MemberData should be prefixed with ENTC. Query should check for a US value of True'D. Query Activities cannot use the " wildcard
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B. MemberData should be prefixed with ENT
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