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Having thousands of Community-Cloud-Consultant customers with 99% passing rate, passin1day has a big success story. We are providing fully Salesforce exam passing assurance to our customers. You can purchase Salesforce Certified Community Cloud Consultant (WI25) exam dumps with full confidence and pass exam.

Community-Cloud-Consultant Practice Questions

Question # 1

Universal Containers wants the Community login page to display its company logo. How
can the Salesforce Administrator accomplish this in the Community Workspace?
Select one or more of the following:


Upload a logo image file in Login and Registration


Specify a new Community login page that uses the logo


Reference the logo design token in the CSS editor page


Use a login Flow component to display a logo splash screen


Upload a logo image file in Login and Registration

Question # 2

Universal Containers has created a new LightningCommunity in the sandbox using the
partner central template. The partner Community is built using standard Lightning
components, custom Lightning components, and object pages. What should the admin use
to migrate changes from sandbox to production?
Select one or more of the following:


Metadata AP



Template export


Change sets


Change sets

Question # 3

When allowing external users to Create and Edit reports, what important step must your
complete first? 


Enable Read and Write to Reports on the Community Profile


Enable the Enhanced Sharing Model


Create a Permission Set with Create and Edit reports checked so that you can manage
which users within the Community are able to create Reports


Share each Report and Dashboard Folder required with the respective community


Ensure that Create and Edit reports in checked on the Community Profile


Enable the Enhanced Sharing Model

Question # 4

Universal containers (UC) wants to make sure its brand is applied to the Chatter notification
emails sent to users from the Community. Which three aspects can UC customise on these
types of emails? Choose 3 answers
Select one or more of the following:


Sender's email address




Email format




Footer text


Sender's email address




Footer text

Question # 5

You have identified all the topics for your Community, as great as they all are, you need to
specific the featured topics, where do you navigate to do this?


Community Manager

B. Site Settings


Community Builder


Sites Settings


Community Settings


Community Manager

Question # 6

Universal Containers recently rolled out a Community to their partners.
The internal sales team has the following requirements for internal users:
- Ability to support the addition of 50 new partners every month.
- Ability to pass leads to the partners.
- Continue to have access to the leads after transfer to partners.
- Access to the opportunity when the partner converts the lead.
- Leads should be visible to only the partner who is working on the lead; other partners
should NOT have access to the lead.
Which sharing option should the Salesforce Admin choose to meet the requirement for
internal users?


Create a sharing rule to share leads and opportunities to internal users.


Use sharing sets to share leads and opportunity to internal users.


Create a public group and include partners and share records to the public group using
sharing rules.


Allow partner users to manually share the leads and opportunities with internal users


Create a public group and include partners and share records to the public group using
sharing rules.

Question # 7

Universal Containers is setting up their moderation settings on their Community. They have
developed 7585 keywords to monitor. What is the minimum number of keyword lists
needed to accommodate all 7585 keywords?











Question # 8

Universal Containers rolled out a Community in the Customer Service Napili template for
their employees. The CEO has the following requirements: • All employees can participate
in discussions within the Community. • Create a Chatter group for corporate
announcements where all employees can participate and comment. • The posts in this
group should be visible in the feed of all employees. How should the Salesforce Admin
accomplish this task? Choose one answer


Create a Chatter group in the internal org and create a trigger to make the posts visible
to everyone


Create a Chatter group in the Community and include all employees


Create a Chatter group in the internal Salesforce org and include all employees


Create a post on a custom object, Announcements that all employees follow


Create a Chatter group in the Community and include all employees

Community-Cloud-Consultant Dumps
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Salesforce Community-Cloud-Consultant Exam Dumps

Exam Name: Salesforce Certified Community Cloud Consultant (WI25)
Certification Name: Community Cloud

Salesforce Community-Cloud-Consultant exam dumps are created by industry top professionals and after that its also verified by expert team. We are providing you updated Salesforce Certified Community Cloud Consultant (WI25) exam questions answers. We keep updating our Community Cloud practice test according to real exam. So prepare from our latest questions answers and pass your exam.

  • Total Questions: 285
  • Last Updation Date: 17-Feb-2025


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Community-Cloud-Consultant Dumps

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