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Having thousands of HPE0-V28 customers with 99% passing rate, passin1day has a big success story. We are providing fully HP exam passing assurance to our customers. You can purchase Delta - HPE Edge-to-Cloud Solutions exam dumps with full confidence and pass exam.

HPE0-V28 Practice Questions

Question # 1
Which challenge do companies face as they try to find the right consumption model for them?
A. Companies often do not understand the advantages of CAPEX funding models.
B. Changing the consumption model requires IT to move resources from on-premises to the cloud.
C. When companies change the consumption model, overall costs might increase for the first year.
D. IT, financial, and department executives must collaborate to determine the best model.

D. IT, financial, and department executives must collaborate to determine the best model.

Question # 2
What is the appropriate use case for a hybrid solution?
A. When legacy systems are no longer in use
B. When there is a need for low-speed network connectivity
C. When scalability and flexibility are critical requirements
D. When data needs to be stored on-premises

C. When scalability and flexibility are critical requirements

Question # 3
Which of the following is a key benefit of a hybrid cloud solution?
A. Reduced security risks
B. Lower cost of ownership
C. Simplified deployment process
D. Greater flexibility and scalability

D. Greater flexibility and scalability

Question # 4
Which comment indicates a customer could benefit from an HPE Intelligent Workspace solution?
A. We have implemented an open floor plan and collaboration tools but are not seeing the expected results.
B. We want to enhance our mobile applications in order to provide special offers to our best customers."
C. "We are placing limits on the use of employees' personal devices in the workplace."
D. "We cannot keep up with the number of requests for guests to join our network."

A. We have implemented an open floor plan and collaboration tools but are not seeing the expected results.

Question # 5
A customer tells you that virtualization does not provide the performance required for the company's workloads. Which benefit of HPE Hybrid IT solutions should you explain?
A. HPE lets the customer maintain workloads/applications on Dare metal white providing much of the automation and flexibility associated with visualization.
B. HPE has found that most performance issues with virtualization arise from insufficient remote storage, and HPE has industry leading storage solutions.
C. HPE integrates with leading visualization vendors to enhance the efficiency of the visualization layer and boost compute there.
D. HPE has developed a proprietary virtualization technology, which can support the performance requirements of the most demanding workloads.

C. HPE integrates with leading visualization vendors to enhance the efficiency of the visualization layer and boost compute there.

Question # 6
Which key benefit of HPE Synergy helps to distinguish HPE from the competition?
A. the ability to support virtualized workloads from leading vendors such as VMware
B. the ability to dynamically deploy location-based service apps to customer mobile devices
C. the ability to integrate IoT devices into the network with minimal security risks
D. the ability to independently scale compute and storage resources, and redefine them dynamically

D. the ability to independently scale compute and storage resources, and redefine them dynamically

Question # 7
What is one way to explain the benefits of HPE Synergy fluid resource pools to a customer?
A. Fluid resource pools support workload-specific processing, which optimizes task processing.
B. Fluid resource pools offer always-on data deduplication and compression.
C. Fluid resource pools liberate resources stranded in silos, which reduces over-provisioning and CAPEX.
D. Fluid resource pools enable developers to customize networking functions dynamically in real time.

A. Fluid resource pools support workload-specific processing, which optimizes task processing.

Question # 8
What is one benefit of the private cloud model?
A. It removes the need for making capital expenditures in the data center.
B. It requires fewer IT resources than public cloud.
C. It offers more scalability than public cloud.
D. It enables self-service provisioning within the customer's IT infrastructure.

D. It enables self-service provisioning within the customer's IT infrastructure.

HPE0-V28 Dumps
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HP HPE0-V28 Exam Dumps

Exam Name: Delta - HPE Edge-to-Cloud Solutions
Certification Name: ACMX

HP HPE0-V28 exam dumps are created by industry top professionals and after that its also verified by expert team. We are providing you updated Delta - HPE Edge-to-Cloud Solutions exam questions answers. We keep updating our ACMX practice test according to real exam. So prepare from our latest questions answers and pass your exam.

  • Total Questions: 83
  • Last Updation Date: 17-Feb-2025


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