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Having thousands of NCP-CI-Azure customers with 99% passing rate, passin1day has a big success story. We are providing fully Nutanix exam passing assurance to our customers. You can purchase Nutanix Certified Professional - Cloud Integration - Azure (NCP-CI-Azure v6.7) exam dumps with full confidence and pass exam.

NCP-CI-Azure Practice Questions

Question # 1
A new subnet needs to be created within Flow Virtual Networking to accommodate a new type of workload in the company’s NC2 Azure instance.
Which type of network will satisfy this task?
A. Underlay
B. Overlay

B. Overlay

Question # 2
Which address must Azure Directory Service be able to resolve when deploying a new NC2 cluster?


Explanation: Azure Directory Service Role: Azure Directory Service must be able to resolve specific Nutanix URLs to ensure proper communication and functionality during the deployment of an NC2 cluster.
Critical Endpoint: The address "" is critical for establishing external API communications required for the deployment and management of the NC2 cluster.
DNS Resolution: Proper DNS resolution of this address ensures that the Azure Directory Service can interact with Nutanix services and APIs necessary for cluster operations.
Verification Process:
Importance: Without resolving this address, the deployment process might face connectivity issues, leading to potential deployment failures.
Nutanix NC2 on Azure Setup Guide
Azure Active Directory Integration

Question # 3
An administrator deploys a new NC2 cluster in Azure in a new subscription. No VPN or Express Route exists.
Which two actions will allow the administrator access to Prism Central to start the configuration? (Choose two.)
A. Deploy a Jump Host VM instance in an external VNet and peer the VNets.
B. Deploy a Jump Host VM instance and NAT Gateway in an external VNet and peer the VNets.
C. Deploy a Jump Host VM instance in the Prism Central VNet inside a delegated subnet.
D. Deploy a Jump Host VM instance in the Prism Central VNet inside a non-delegated subnet.

A. Deploy a Jump Host VM instance in an external VNet and peer the VNets.
C. Deploy a Jump Host VM instance in the Prism Central VNet inside a delegated subnet.

Question # 4
A company wants to start using Nutanix Cloud Clusters (NC2) in Azure. The company has large spend commitments as part of a Microsoft Azure Consumption Commitment (MACC) totaling $15 million.
What approach should the administrator take to ensure the Nutanix licensing costs apply to the MACC?
A. Request a trial directly from Nutanix.
B. Leverage existing Nutanix licenses
C. Purchase Nutanix licenses through the Azure Marketplace.
D. Purchase Nutanix licenses directly from Nutanix and contact Microsoft support.

C. Purchase Nutanix licenses through the Azure Marketplace.

Question # 5
An administrator has recently deployed an NC2 on azure cluster, but does not have connectivity back to the on-premises environment. The administrator would like to start working on configuring the new cluster.
What is the best way to get access to Prism Central?
A. Deploy a Jump Host in an external VNet and peer the VNets for communication between Prism Central VNet and the Jump Host VNet.
B. Deploy a Jump Host instance in the same subnet as the bare-metal.
C. Deploy a Jump Host in an external VNet and peer the VNets for communication between bare-metal VNet and the Jump Host VNet.
D. Deploy a Jump HostInstanceIn the Prism Central VNet inside a delegated subnet

A. Deploy a Jump Host in an external VNet and peer the VNets for communication between Prism Central VNet and the Jump Host VNet.

Question # 6
An administrator needs the permission to create and manage multipleorganizations and clusters in NC2, as well as manage user access for the entire company.
What role should be assigned to meet the minimum requirements of this task?
A. Customer Administrator
B. Cluster Administrator
C. Customer Security Administrator
D. Organization Administrator

A. Customer Administrator

Question # 7
Which two options are prerequisites for deploying an NC2 cloud cluster in Azure? (Choose two.)
A. An Azure Express Route circuit
B. A valid CIDR range
C. A account
D. An on Premises Prism Central environment

B. A valid CIDR range
C. A account

Explanation: Valid CIDR Range: When deploying an NC2 cloud cluster in Azure, a valid CIDR range is necessary to define the IP address space for the cluster and its associated networks. This range ensures that there are no conflicts with existing network configurations and provides sufficient addresses for the cluster resources.
My Nutanix Account: A account is required to access Nutanix services and manage NC2 deployments. This account allows administrators to log in, configure settings, and manage their Nutanix environment on Azure.
Nutanix NC2 on Azure Deployment Guide
Azure Virtual Network Documentation

Question # 8
An NC2 on Azure environment requires that outside networks are allowed to be routed to a Nutanix User VPC from outside the cluster when using a No-Nat path.
Which configuration will satisfy this requirement?
A. Internally routable network address which shares the sameaddress space of the Nutanix setVPC
B. Externally routable IP address which shares the same address space of the Native Azure Subnet
C. Internally routable network address which shares the same address space of the Native Azure Subnet
D. Externally routable IP address which shares the same address space of the Nutanix User VPC

D. Externally routable IP address which shares the same address space of the Nutanix User VPC

NCP-CI-Azure Dumps
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Nutanix NCP-CI-Azure Exam Dumps

Exam Name: Nutanix Certified Professional - Cloud Integration - Azure (NCP-CI-Azure v6.7)
Certification Name: Nutanix Certified Professional (NCP)

Nutanix NCP-CI-Azure exam dumps are created by industry top professionals and after that its also verified by expert team. We are providing you updated Nutanix Certified Professional - Cloud Integration - Azure (NCP-CI-Azure v6.7) exam questions answers. We keep updating our Nutanix Certified Professional (NCP) practice test according to real exam. So prepare from our latest questions answers and pass your exam.

  • Total Questions: 75
  • Last Updation Date: 17-Feb-2025


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