Question # 1 An administrator needs to manage the virtual desktop environment for a small QA group.
Which two requirements would prevent a non-persistent deployment? (Choose two.) A. users need to log on and log offfrequently.B. users need to test application installationroutines.C. users need to test variousperipherals.D. users need to access web-basedapplications.
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B. users need to test application installationroutines.C. users need to test variousperipherals.
Answer Description Explanation: non-persistent VDI is a type of virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) that does
not save any changes made by the user on the virtual machine (VM) across sessions. Nonpersistent
VDI uses a master image to create and delete VMs as needed.
Therefore, if the administrator needs to manage a non-persistent deployment, they should
avoid any requirements that involve modifying or installing applications on the VMs, as
those changes would not be saved.
Question # 2 An administrator supports a user group that spans across10Nutanix clusters for a mediumsized
medical communications firm. The10Nutanix clusters are managed by a single Prism
Central instance.
This group's virtual desktops are all cloned from a common gold image and all applications
are published from a Citrix Virtual Appsfarm. The administrator needs to keep the gold
image in sync across all of the clusters.
What is the best way to achieve this? A. use the native replication facility within the Machine CatalogB. Setup a Protection Domain with the gold image as 3 protected entity.C. Upload the gold image to Prism Central Image Service.D. use Move to maintain all goldimages across the clusters.
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C. Upload the gold image to Prism Central Image Service.
Answer Description Explanation: Prism Central Image Service allows you to upload and manage images
through Prism Central by using the v3 API. You can also choose where your images will be
available across different clusters123
Question # 3 What are two primary purposes of a Frame utility Server? (Choose two.) A. Backend for a client-server applicationB. shared file serverC. Test and develop virtual desktops.D. A server that monitors virtual desktop usage
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A. Backend for a client-server applicationB. shared file server
Answer Description Explanation: Frame utility server is a stand-alone, general purpose Windows server that
can be helpful for a variety of use cases, including:
License server: Install a network licensing manager for your software on a Frame
utility server. Your production instances can then connect to this server to get the
Backend for a client-server application: Install a database or other backend service
on a Frame utility server. Your production instances can then connect to this
server to run your client-server application.
Shared file server: Install a file sharing service on a Frame utility server. Your
production instances can then access shared files from this server.
Test and develop virtual desktops: Use a Frame utility server as a sandbox
environment to test and develop your virtual desktops before publishing them to
your production account.
Question # 4 An administrator plans to deploy a VMWare Horizon Solution on AHV. The administrator
used the cluster command to verify if Shadow Clones are enabled in the AHV environment.
This command shows the following output:
Which action should the administrator take to enable Shadow Clones? A. Connect to the AHV Host by SSH.B. Execute the acluster edit-prams enable-shadow-clones=true command.C. Connect to Prism CentralD. Execute the cluster enable –cluster_cluster_uuid 0xxx – show_clones=true command.
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D. Execute the cluster enable –cluster_cluster_uuid 0xxx – show_clones=true command.
Answer Description Explanation: an action that the administrator should take to enable Shadow Clones for a
VMWare Horizon Solution on AHV is Connect to Prism Central and execute the cluster
enable –cluster_cluster_uuid 0xxx – show_clones=true command. Shadow Clones are a
feature that helps decrease read latency by creating local copies of frequently accessed
data blocks on each host2. To enable Shadow Clones, the administrator needs to connect
to Prism Central and run a cluster command with the appropriate parameters1.
Question # 5 An administrator has received multiple tickets from users experiencing log-on and log-off
slowness while using VDI non-persistent desktops, other users in same VDI farm using
persistent desktops are not experiencing the same issue.
Currently, the administrator is levering an ESXi-based Nutanix all-flash cluster environment
with a VMware Horizon Infrastructure.
What is causing the slowness for the non-persistent users? A. Nutanix AOS software running olderversions.B. user accounts configured with Roaming ProfilesC. Desktops don't have enough hardwareresources.D. Network slowness due to high latency
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B. user accounts configured with Roaming Profiles
Answer Description Explanation: roaming profiles are a way to deliver user settings across physical and virtual
desktops. However, they can also cause issues such as profile unload failures2 and slow
log-on and log-off times1.
Question # 6 The administrator has checked the logs to see the below output:
The API call sent to the VM via XD Plugin at [CDF logs]:
Upon further review the administrator notices in COF logs, after a number of queries for the
machine state, one results in a conflicting state, reporting the Power state as ON anc OFF
[CDF logs)
HCM should the administrator resolve the issue?
A. Increase the distribution time in Machine Update RolloutB. Decrease the distribution time in Machine Update RolloutC. Delete Scheduled reboot settingsD. Create a Scheduled reboot cycle.
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D. Create a Scheduled reboot cycle.
Question # 7 An administrator needs to configure a license server to be accessible by Frame desktops.
Which server should the administrator configure? A. utility ServerB. SandboxC. EC2 VM InstanceD. Azure VM Instance
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A. utility Server
Answer Description Explanation: Frame is a cloud-based desktop-as-a-service platform that allows users to
access Windows applications and desktops from any device1. A license server is a server
that hosts a network licensing manager for software that requires licenses to run2. Frame
supports using a utility server as a license server for Frame desktops1. A utility server is a
stand-alone, general purpose Windows server that can be configured and managed from
the Frame dashboard1.
Question # 8 After receiving multiple complaints from VMware Horizon-based virtual desktop users about
their slower logon and application load times, an administrator performed troubleshooting
on the issue to optimize the environment.
The following discoveries were made on the Nutanix cluster: A. Host power Policy set to High PerformanceB. Failed to create Native cloneerrors.C. 75% average memory utilizationD. 4% average CPU Ready time
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B. Failed to create Native cloneerrors.
Answer Description Explanation: one of the possible causes of slower logon and application load times for
VMware Horizon-based virtual desktop users is Failed to create Native clone errors. This
error occurs when there is a problem with cloning virtual machines using Nutanix Native
Clones technology. To troubleshoot this issue, you can check the following:
The Nutanix cluster has enough free space to create clones
The Nutanix cluster has enough CPU and memory resources to handle cloning
The Nutanix cluster is running a compatible version of AOS and AHV with VMware
The VMware Horizon environment is configured correctly to use Nutanix Native
The VMware Horizon agent is installed and updated on the master image
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