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NSE6_FSW-7.2 Practice Questions

Question # 1
Which interfaces on FortiSwitch send out FortiLink discovery frames by default in order to detect a FortiGate with an enabled FortiLink interface?
A. All ports have auto-discovery enabled by default.
B. No ports are enabled by default for auto-discovery. This must be configured under config switch interface.
C. The ports with auto-discovery enabled by default are dependent upon the FortiSwitch model.
D. The last four switch ports on FortiSwitch have auto-discovery enabled by default.

A. All ports have auto-discovery enabled by default.


Fortinet FortiLink Protocol: The FortiLink protocol is Fortinet's proprietary mechanism for managing FortiSwitch units from a FortiGate firewall. It simplifies configuration and security policy enforcement across the connected network devices.

Auto-Discovery: FortiLink's auto-discovery feature means that by default, all ports on a FortiSwitch will actively send out discovery frames. This allows them to locate a FortiGate device that has a FortiLink interface enabled, streamlining the device management process.

No Configuration Needed: You don't have to manually configure individual ports for FortiLink discovery on FortiSwitch devices.

Question # 2
Which two statements about managing a FortiSwitch stack on FortiGate are true? (Choose two.)
A. A FortiLink interface must be enabled on FortiGate.
B. The switch controller feature must be enabled on FortiGate.
C. Only a hardware-based FortiGate can manage a FortiSwitch stack.
D. FortiSwitch must be operating in standalone mode before authorization.

A. A FortiLink interface must be enabled on FortiGate.
B. The switch controller feature must be enabled on FortiGate.


A FortiLink interface must be enabled on FortiGate (A): To manage a FortiSwitch stack, a dedicated FortiLink interface on the FortiGate is required. This interface is used to manage the communication between FortiGate and the FortiSwitch stack, enabling centralized control and configuration of the switches directly from the FortiGate.

The switch controller feature must be enabled on FortiGate (B): Enabling the switch controller feature on FortiGate allows it to manage connected FortiSwitch units. This feature provides tools and interfaces on the FortiGate for overseeing FortiSwitch configurations, monitoring switch status, and managing network policies across the stack.

Question # 3
Which two statements about VLAN assignments on FortiSwitch ports are true? (Choose two.)
A. Configure a native VLAN on the FortiLink
B. Assign an IP address and subnet mask to FortiSwitch VLANs
C. Only assign one native VLAN on a port
D. Assign untagged VLANs using FortiGate CLI

C. Only assign one native VLAN on a port
D. Assign untagged VLANs using FortiGate CLI


VLAN assignments on FortiSwitch ports must follow certain rules and guidelines to ensure network integrity and proper traffic segregation:

Only Assign One Native VLAN on a Port (C):

Native VLAN Configuration: Each switch port can have only one native VLAN. The native VLAN carries untagged traffic for that port. If the port receives untagged frames, they are assumed to belong to the native VLAN.

Importance of Singular Native VLAN: This is crucial for preventing VLAN hopping attacks and ensures clear and secure VLAN demarcation on each port.

Assign Untagged VLANs Using FortiGate CLI (D):

CLI Configuration: Untagged VLANs, often equivalent to the native VLAN, can be assigned through the FortiGate CLI when managing a FortiSwitch via FortiLink. This allows for central management and configuration of VLANs across connected switches.

Operational Efficiency: Using the CLI ensures that VLAN settings are applied uniformly, reducing the likelihood of misconfigurations that might occur when managing VLANs individually on each switch.


For detailed instructions and best practices on VLAN configuration on FortiSwitch, refer to the FortiSwitch administration guide available on: Fortinet Product Documentation

Question # 4
Which LLDP-MED Type-Length-Values does FortiSwitch collect from endpoints to track network devices and determine their characteristics?
A. Network policy
B. Power management
C. Location
D. Inventory management

D. Inventory management


While FortiSwitch can collect all the listed LLDP-MED TLVs (Network Policy, Power Management, Location, and Inventory Management), the primary focus for tracking and identifying network devices is on theInventory ManagementTLV.

This TLV carries critical details such as:

  • Manufacturer
  • Model
  • Hardware/Firmware versions
  • Serial/Asset numbers

This information provides a granular understanding of the devices on your network.

Question # 5
Which two statements about DHCP snooping enabled on a FortiSwitch VLAN are true? (Choose two.)
A. Enabling DHCP snooping on a FortiSwitch VLAN ensures requests and replies are seen by all DHCP servers.
B. switch-controller-dhcp-snooping-verify-mac verifies the destination MAC address to protect against DHCP exhaustion attacks.
C. By default, all FortiSwitch ports are set to forward client DHCP requests to untrusted ports.
D. Settings related to DHCP option 82 are only configurable through the CLI

B. switch-controller-dhcp-snooping-verify-mac verifies the destination MAC address to protect against DHCP exhaustion attacks.
D. Settings related to DHCP option 82 are only configurable through the CLI


Switch-controller-dhcp-snooping-verify-mac verifies the destination MAC address to protect against DHCP exhaustion attacks (B): This feature of DHCP snooping helps prevent DHCP exhaustion attacks by ensuring that the destination MAC addresses in DHCP packets match the MAC addresses learned by the switch. This check helps prevent attackers from overwhelming the DHCP server with requests from spoofed MAC addresses.

Settings related to DHCP option 82 are only configurable through the CLI (D): DHCP Option 82 is used for "agent information," and it's typically used in network environments where additional information between DHCP clients and servers is necessary for policy and billing purposes. Configuration of these settings in FortiSwitch is only available through the Command Line Interface (CLI), not the Graphical User Interface (GUI).

Question # 6
Which Ethernet frame can create Layer 2 flooding due to all bytes on the destination MAC address being set to all FF?
A. The broadcast Ethernet frame
B. The unicast Ethernet frame
C. The multicast Ethernet frame
D. The anycast Ethernet frame

A. The broadcast Ethernet frame


Layer 2 flooding caused by Ethernet frames with all bytes in the destination MAC address set to FF refers to broadcast frames. Here’s why:

Broadcast Ethernet Frame (A):

Address Specification: In Ethernet networking, a broadcast frame has a destination MAC address ofFF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF, which instructs network devices to forward the frame to all devices within the broadcast domain.

Network Behavior: This causes Layer 2 flooding as the frame is sent to all ports in the VLAN, except the originating port, ensuring that the broadcast reaches all network segments.

Other Frame Types:

  • Unicast (B) targets a single device.
  • Multicast (C) targets a group of devices.
  • Anycast (D) is not used in Ethernet but rather in IP-based routing to route to the nearest of multiple destinations, typically in internet addressing.


You can find more information about Ethernet frame types in networking textbooks or documentation that discusses network layer interaction: Network Theory Books

Question # 7
Which two rules used by MSTP are similar to rules used by other STP methods? (Choose two.)
A. MSTP uses port role election, similar to rapid STP on the instances.
B. MSTP uses alternate path and primary path, similar to regular STP.
C. MSTP uses root bridge selection, similar to rapid STP
D. MSTP uses timers for transitioning the ports, similar to regular STP.

C. MSTP uses root bridge selection, similar to rapid STP
D. MSTP uses timers for transitioning the ports, similar to regular STP.


MSTP maintains core concepts of spanning tree protocols, making these answers correct:

Root Bridge Selection: Like all STP variants, MSTP elects a root bridge for each MST instance (MSTI).expand_more Each MSTI has its own spanning tree topology, and the root bridge determination process is essential.

Port State Timers: MSTP relies on timers (Hello, Forward Delay, Max Age) to control transitions between port states (Blocking, Listening, Learning, Forwarding) – a fundamental principle shared with other STP implementations.expand_more

Why Other Options Are Less Accurate:

A. MSTP uses port role election, similar to rapid STP on the instances.While port roles exist in MSTP, there are nuanced differences compared to RSTP. MSTP assigns port roles within each MSTI, not on a global, per-switch basis like RSTP.

B. MSTP uses alternate path and primary path, similar to regular STP. The concept of alternate and root ports exists in classic STP. MSTP utilizes a different approach within each MSTI, potentially using multiple active paths at the same time.

Question # 8
Which feature should you enable to reduce the number or unwanted IGMP reports processed by the IGMP querier?
A. Enable the IGMP flood setting on the static port for all multicast groups.
B. Enable the IGMP flood reports setting on the mRouter port.
C. Enable IGMP snooping proxy.
D. Enable IGMP flood unknown multicast traffic on the global setting.

C. Enable IGMP snooping proxy.


Enable IGMP snooping proxy (C): To reduce the number of unwanted IGMP reports processed by the IGMP querier, enabling IGMP snooping proxy is effective. This feature acts as an intermediary between multicast routers and hosts, optimizing the management of IGMP messages by handling report messages locally and reducing unnecessary IGMP traffic across the network. This minimizes the processing load on the IGMP querier and improves overall network efficiency.

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Fortinet NSE6_FSW-7.2 Exam Dumps

Exam Name: NSE6_FSW-7.2 - Fortinet NSE 6 - FortiSwitch 7.2
Certification Name: NSE 6 Network Security Specialist

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  • Last Updation Date: 17-Feb-2025


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