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Having thousands of Sales-Cloud-Consultant customers with 99% passing rate, passin1day has a big success story. We are providing fully Salesforce exam passing assurance to our customers. You can purchase Certified Salesforce Sales Cloud Consultant (SU24) exam dumps with full confidence and pass exam.

Sales-Cloud-Consultant Practice Questions

Question # 1

Northern Trail Outfitters (NTO) is planning to implement salesforce sales cloud to support
its professional services division. The NTO sales team wants to easily see customer
purchasing activity on account, contact, and contract detail pages. What should a
consultant recommend to meet this requirement?


Create a global publisher action to view all customer purchasing activity


Enable the orders object in salesforce to track customer purchases


Enable salesforce console for sales to see customer purchasing activity


Create a custom object related to the account, contact and contact objects.


Enable the orders object in salesforce to track customer purchases

Question # 2

Cloud Kicks operates in multiple countries and wants to track historical exchange rates.
The Consultant at Cloud Kicks has implemented exchange rates by using advanced
currency management. How is the converted currency amount on Opportunities calculated?


Based on the Opportunity stage regardless of the Close Date


Based on the historical exchange rate regardless of the Close Date


Based on the Close Date regardless of the Opportunity stage


Based on the exchange rate regardless of the Close Date


Based on the Close Date regardless of the Opportunity stage

Question # 3

Cloud Kicks acquired a shoe distribution partner. The Marketing and Sales Directors want
to migrate the existing sales and marketing data into Cloud Kicks' Salesforceinstance.
Which three aspects should the Consultant consider before proceeding with the data
migration? Choose 3 answers


Classic feature that have been improved by Lightning Experience


Total number of records being imported compared to the Salesforce edition


Criteria to apply to records that should be archived before migration


Volume of customer, partner, and prospect data from existing system


Number of marketing campaign licenses required for the migration


Total number of records being imported compared to the Salesforce edition


Criteria to apply to records that should be archived before migration


Volume of customer, partner, and prospect data from existing system

Question # 4

Northern Trail Outfitters (NTO) wants to improve sales productivity in inside sales and it
has been advised to consider Salesforce Console for sales. What use case will satisfy this
requirement? Choose 2 answers


Need to chat with customer in real time with chatter


Need to prioritize search results for contacts and opportunities


Need to add notes quickly or log activities for each record


Need to see records and related items as tabs under one screen


Need to add notes quickly or log activities for each record


Need to see records and related items as tabs under one screen

Question # 5

Northern Trail Outfitters wants to link contacts with more than one account. What should be
recommended if a contact is an employee in one account, and on the boards of three additional accounts?


Associate the contact to other account using a custom lookup field


Clone the contact record and add to the second account.


Enable contacts to multiple accounts feature


Add the contacts to the partner related list on the second Account.


Enable contacts to multiple accounts feature

Question # 6

A sales manager for one of Cloud Kicks' sales territories is unable to see a forecast for the
current quarter. What will resolve this problem?


Add the sales manager to the forecasting public group


Set the forecast manager for this territory


Select the correct forecast from the user record


Suggest the opportunity owner share the opportunity with the sales manager


Set the forecast manager for this territory

Question # 7

Northern Trail Outfitters (NTO) wants the ability to share documents related to an
opportunity, such as contracts and proposals, with the field sales team. NTO currently has
a private sharing model. How should the documents be shared efficiently and securely?


Uploaded to Salesforce Files and shared with the field sales organization


Emailed to the sales team on opportunity record


Uploaded to a library that is shared with the field sales organization


Uploaded to Salesforce Files from the opportunity record


Uploaded to a library that is shared with the field sales organization

Question # 8

The VP of Sales at Cloud Kicks wants to provide options to sales representatives for
changing Account or Contract details for a created order. Which two conditions should the
Consultant consider to meet this requirement? Choose 2 answers


The Order should be in Draft Status


The price book associated with the Order is also associated to the new Account


The Contract associated with the Order is also associated to the new Account


The Currency associated with the Order can be different from the new contract


The Order should be in Draft Status


The Contract associated with the Order is also associated to the new Account

Sales-Cloud-Consultant Dumps
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Salesforce Sales-Cloud-Consultant Exam Dumps

Exam Name: Certified Salesforce Sales Cloud Consultant (SU24)
Certification Name: Sales Cloud Consultant

Salesforce Sales-Cloud-Consultant exam dumps are created by industry top professionals and after that its also verified by expert team. We are providing you updated Certified Salesforce Sales Cloud Consultant (SU24) exam questions answers. We keep updating our Sales Cloud Consultant practice test according to real exam. So prepare from our latest questions answers and pass your exam.

  • Total Questions: 302
  • Last Updation Date: 17-Feb-2025


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