Question # 1 On an Adobe Commerce Cloud platform, what type of environment will be provisioned when launching the CLI for Commerce command magento-cloud environment:branch ?
A. An empty integration environment without any code or database.
B. An integration environment with fresh Adobe Commerce Cloud installation.
C. An integration environment with the code and database from the parent environment.
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C. An integration environment with the code and database from the parent environment.
Answer Description Explanation :
The type of environment that will be provisioned when launching the CLI for Commerce command magento-cloud environment:branch is an integration environment with the code and database from the parent environment. Integration environments are temporary environments that are used for testing and development purposes on the Adobe Commerce Cloud platform. They can be created from any branch of code and have their own dedicated database and services. When creating an integration environment using the CLI for Commerce command, the code and database from the parent environment are copied to the new integration environment, creating an exact replica of the parent environment.
Question # 2 What is the command used to upgrade ECE-Tools on an Adobe Commerce Cloud platform?
A. php ./vendor/bin/ece-tools upgradeB. composer update magento/ece-tools --with-all-dependenciesC. magento-cloud ece-tools:upgrade
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B. composer update magento/ece-tools --with-all-dependencies
Question # 3 On an Adobe Commerce Cloud platform, in which order does the ECE-Tools package apply patches?
A. 1. All required Magento patches included in the Cloud Patches for Commerce package.
2. Custom patches in the /m2-hotfixes directory in alphabetical order by patch name.
3. Selected optional Magento patches included in the Quality Patches Tool.B. 1. All required Magento patches included in the Cloud Patches for Commerce package.
2. Selected optional Magento patches included in the Quality Patches Tool.
3. Custom patches in the /m2-hotfixes directory in alphabetical order by patch name.C. 1. Custom patches in the /m2-hotfixes directory in alphabetical order by patch name.
2. All required Magento patches included in the Cloud Patches for Commerce package.
3. Selected optional Magento patches included in the Quality Patches Tool.
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B. 1. All required Magento patches included in the Cloud Patches for Commerce package.
2. Selected optional Magento patches included in the Quality Patches Tool.
3. Custom patches in the /m2-hotfixes directory in alphabetical order by patch name.
Answer Description Explanation:
The order in which the ECE-Tools package applies patches is as follows:
All required Magento patches included in the Cloud Patches for Commerce package.
Selected optional Magento patches included in the Quality Patches Tool.
Custom patches in the /m2-hotfixes directory in alphabetical order by patch name.
The ECE-Tools package is a set of scripts and tools designed to manage and deploy Adobe Commerce Cloud projects. The Cloud Patches for Commerce package is a dependency of ECE-Tools that provides a set of required patches for Magento core issues that affect Adobe Commerce Cloud functionality. The Quality Patches Tool is an optional tool that allows developers to apply individual patches for specific Magento issues without waiting for a full product release. The /m2-hotfixes directory is a directory where developers can place their own custom patches for their Adobe Commerce Cloud projects.
Question # 4 A new customer registered on the Integration environment of an Adobe Commerce Cloud project but did not receive a welcome email What would be blocking the email from being sent? A. SendGrid has not been configured for this environment.
B. On all Integration environments, email is always disabled.
C. The Outgoing Emails setting is disabled into Environment Settings in the Project Web Interface.
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C. The Outgoing Emails setting is disabled into Environment Settings in the Project Web Interface.
Answer Description Explanation :
The reason why the new customer did not receive a welcome email is that the Outgoing Emails setting is disabled in the Environment Settings in the Project Web Interface. This setting controls whether emails are sent from the application or not. By default, this setting is disabled for integration environments to prevent spamming or testing emails from being sent to real customers or recipients. The developer can enable this setting if they want to test email functionality on integration environments.
Question # 5 An Adobe Commerce Developer wishes to add an action to a pre-existing route, but does not wish to interfere with the functionality of the actions from the original route.
What must the developer do to ensure that their action works without any side effects in the original module? A. In the route declaration, use the before or after parameters to load their module in before or after the original module.B. Inject the new action into the standard router constructor's $actionList parameter.C. Add the action into to the Controllers/front_name/ in My_Module, Magento will automatically detect and use it.
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A. In the route declaration, use the before or after parameters to load their module in before or after the original module.
Question # 6 Which hashing algorithm will Adobe Commerce choose to hash customer passwords?
A. If the Sodium extension is installed, SHA256 will be chosen, otherwise MD5 will be used as the Magento default hashing algorithm.
B. If the Sodium extension is installed, Argon 2ID13 will be chosen, otherwise SHA256 will be used as the Magento default hashing algorithm.
C. It does not matter if the Sodium extension is installed or not, the Magento hashing default algorithm will be SHA256.
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B. If the Sodium extension is installed, Argon 2ID13 will be chosen, otherwise SHA256 will be used as the Magento default hashing algorithm.
Answer Description Explanation:
If the Sodium extension is installed, Argon 2ID13 will be chosen as the Magento default hashing algorithm. Otherwise, SHA256 will be used.
The Sodium extension is a PHP extension that provides cryptographic functions. Argon 2ID13 is a password hashing algorithm that is considered to be more secure than SHA256.
If the Sodium extension is installed, Magento will use Argon 2ID13 as the default hashing algorithm for customer passwords. If the Sodium extension is not installed, Magento will use SHA256 as the default hashing algorithm.
Question # 7 An Adobe Commerce developer is creating a module (Vendor.ModuleName) to be sold on the Marketplace. The new module creates a database table using declarative schema and now the developer needs to make sure the table is removed when the module is disabled.
What must the developer do to accomplish this? A. There is nothing further the developer needs to do. The table will be removed when the module is disabled and bin/magento setup:upgrade is run.B. There is nothing further the developer needs to do. The table will be removed when the when bin/magento module:uninstall vendor_ModuleName is run.C. Add a schema patch that implements Magento\Framework\setup\Patch\PatchRevertabieinterface and drops the table in the revert function.
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C. Add a schema patch that implements Magento\Framework\setup\Patch\PatchRevertabieinterface and drops the table in the revert function.
Question # 8 An Adobe Commerce developer has added a new configuration field to the admin area. The path for this option is general/store_information/out_of_hours_phone.
Keeping simplicity in mind, how would the developer ensure this option contains a valid US telephone number? A. Add phoneUS to the field in system.xml.
B. Create a backend model to check the validity of the phone number entered.
C. Add to the field in system.xml.
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A. Add phoneUS to the field in system.xml.
Answer Description Explanation :
According to the Magento Stack Exchange answer, system.xml is a file that defines the configuration fields for the admin area. Each field can have a validate attribute that specifies a validation rule for the field value. Magento provides some built-in validation rules, such as phoneUS, which validates a US telephone number. Therefore, to ensure that the option contains a valid US telephone number, the developer needs to add phoneUS to the field in system.xml.
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