Question # 1 You want to determine the planned costs for an internally processed activity. Which data do you need? A. Duration
B. Activity type
C. Work
D. Profit center
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A. Duration
B. Activity type
Question # 2 You have assigned a budget to WBS element with your project. What budget function could be used to check assigned values against the current budget? A. Easy cost planningB. Results analysisC. Cost forecastD. Availability control
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D. Availability control
Question # 3 What functions are available for period end closing in SAP Project System? A. Settlement
B. Milestone trend analysis
C. Confirmations
D. Progress analysis
E. Results analysis
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A. Settlement
D. Progress analysis
E. Results analysis
Question # 4 Your customer uses Progress Tracking for network components and maintains dates of events manually. They need to implement scheduling of events.
What is the requisites for implement scheduling of events? A. Priority of events must be set.
B. Scheduling parameters for material scheduling must be set.
C. Events must be released manually.
D. Event scenarios must be defined.
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D. Event scenarios must be defined.
Question # 5 Where can you assign the use status profile for WBS elements? A. In the project profile
B. In the project version
C. In the project type
D. In the project definition of a standard WBS
E. In the operative WBS element
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A. In the project profile
C. In the project type
E. In the operative WBS element
Question # 6 How can you confirm the working hours of different work centers for a single activity? A. Create multiple confirmations for the activity and use the appropriate work center for each confirmation
B. Enter direct activity allocation assigning multiple work centers
C. Enter multiple work centers within a single confirmation
D. Assign multiple work centers to the activity
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A. Create multiple confirmations for the activity and use the appropriate work center for each confirmation
Answer Description Explanation :
To confirm the working hours of different work centers for a single activity, you can create multiple confirmations for the activity and use the appropriate work center for each confirmation. A confirmation is a function that allows you to record actual data for activities and activity elements, such as actual dates, actual durations, actual work, and so on. A work center is a parameter that defines where an activity is performed or who performs it. A work center can have various attributes, such as capacity, cost center, formulas, and so on. To confirm the working hours of different work centers for a single activity, you can create multiple confirmations for the activity and use the appropriate work center for each confirmation. This allows you to capture the actual work done by each work center separately and update their capacity requirements and costs accordingly.
Question # 7 Project structure.
You intent to work with predefined project coding mask to create project definitions. What do you have to consider?A. You can create project coding mask X... event if there are project numbers beginning with X.
B. The standard project definition must differ from the definition of the operative project.
C. You can use only numbers for a project coding mask definition.
D. You can use an indicator to determine that only coded project numbers may be used within the project system.
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D. You can use an indicator to determine that only coded project numbers may be used within the project system.
Answer Description Explanation :
You have to consider that you can use an indicator to determine that only coded project numbers may be used within the project system. A coded project number is a project number that follows a predefined structure defined by a project coding mask. A project coding mask consists of a project coding key and a coding mask that specify the length and format of the project number and the WBS element numbers. You can use an indicator in customizing to restrict the creation of project numbers that do not follow a project coding mask.
Question # 8 You have a project with a network, material and milestone. You want to plan an activity to start two days after its predecessor. How can you do that? A. Use an offset of two days for the relationship of both activities.
B. Use an offset of two days for milestone date.
C. Use an offset of two days for the requirement date of the material component
D. Calculate the start date of the activity and set the constraint 'Must start on' accordingly.
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A. Use an offset of two days for the relationship of both activities.
D. Calculate the start date of the activity and set the constraint 'Must start on' accordingly.
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