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Marketing-Cloud-Account-Engagement-Specialist Practice Questions

Question # 1
An administrator includes a link to a file on a web page that the company does not own on the company website. How should they track the number of visitors who access this file?
A. Page actions
B. Marketing Cloud Account Engagement form
C. Custom redirects
D. Marketing Cloud Account Engagement tracking code

C. Custom redirects


The best way to track the number of visitors who access a file on a web page that the company does not own on the company website is to use custom redirects ©. Custom redirects are used to track links such as banner ad clicks, links to third-party sites, links on social media, and access to files hosted outside of Account Engagement. Link clicks appear as activity on a prospect’s record. Page actions (A) are not a valid option, as they are used to track and automate actions based on a prospect’s page views, not link clicks. Account Engagement form (B) is not a valid option, as it is used to capture and update prospect information, not track link clicks. Account Engagement tracking code (D) is not a valid option, as it is used to track and cookie visitors on the company website, not on a third-party site. References: Custom Redirects

Question # 2
What is the difference between a visitor and a prospect?
A. A prospect has an identified email address, while a visitor does not have an identified email address.
B. A prospect has an opportunity associated with it. while a visitor does not have an opportunity associated with it.
C. A prospect has submitted a Marketing Cloud Account Engagement form, while a visitor has not submitted a Marketing Cloud Account Engagement form.
D. A prospect has an assigned user, while a visitor does not have an assigned user.

A. A prospect has an identified email address, while a visitor does not have an identified email address.

Explanation: The difference between a visitor and a prospect is that a visitor is an anonymous person who visits your website, while a prospect is a known person who has an identified email address. A visitor becomes a prospect when they fill out a Marketing Cloud Account Engagement form, click on a tracked link in an email, or are manually imported into Marketing Cloud Account Engagement. A prospect does not necessarily have an opportunity, a Marketing Cloud Account Engagement form submission, or an assigned user, but a visitor does not have any of these either.

Question # 3
You want to export a list of prospects, but you only need the default fields. What can you use?
A. Use the Simple Export option
B. Use the Express Export option
C. Copy and paste the information from the Prospect table into Excel.
D. You have to export all the fields. Marketing Cloud Account Engagement doesn't allow you to choose only the default fields.
E. An Express Export includes all default prospect fields, scores, and grades but does not include custom fields.

B. Use the Express Export option

Explanation: Express Export is a feature that allows you to export a list of prospects with only the default fields, such as email, name, company, score, and grade. This option is faster and simpler than the full export, which includes all the custom fields as well. You can use the Express Export option by selecting a list of prospects and clicking on the “Tools” button, then choosing “Express Export”.

Question # 4
What is a good way in Salesforce to verify that a record is syncing to a prospect in Marketing Cloud Account Engagement?
A. The Marketing Cloud Account Engagement sync checkbox is checked
B. The first and last name fields are not empty
C. The Marketing Cloud Account Engagement URL field is not empty
D. The lead/contact URL in Salesforce contains "Marketing Cloud Account Engagement"

C. The Marketing Cloud Account Engagement URL field is not empty


A good way in Salesforce to verify that a record is syncing to a prospect in Marketing Cloud Account Engagement is to check that the Marketing Cloud Account Engagement URL field is not empty. The Marketing Cloud Account Engagement URL field is a custom field that is added to the lead or contact object in Salesforce when you connect your Marketing Cloud Account Engagement account with your Salesforce CRM. The Marketing Cloud Account Engagement URL field contains the link to the prospect record in Marketing Cloud Account Engagement that corresponds to the lead or contact record in Salesforce. The Marketing Cloud Account Engagement URL field is populated when a prospect record is synced from Marketing Cloud Account Engagement to Salesforce, or when a lead or contact record is synced from Salesforce to Marketing Cloud Account Engagement. Therefore, if the Marketing Cloud Account Engagement URL field is not empty, it means that the record is syncing to a prospect in Marketing Cloud Account Engagement.

Question # 5
What is a good default sales ready lead score?
A. 75
B. 50
C. 200
D. 100

D. 100

Explanation: A good default sales ready lead score is 100, as this indicates a high level of interest and engagement from the prospect. Lead scoring is a way of assigning a numerical value to each prospect based on their behavior and profile, such as visiting your website, opening your emails, filling out forms, etc. The higher the score, the more likely the prospect is to buy from you. A lead score of 100 means that the prospect has met all the criteria you have set for a sales ready lead, such as viewing a specific page, requesting a demo, or downloading a white paper. You can customize your lead scoring criteria and thresholds according to your business needs and goals.

Question # 6
Can you tie multiple Salesforce accounts to one Marketing Cloud Account Engagement account?
A. Yes, you can have up to 2 Salesforce accounts linked to one Marketing Cloud Account Engagement account.
B. No, you can only have one Salesforce connector at a time.
C. Yes, but you would need to contact Marketing Cloud Account Engagement Support to enable the feature for you.
D. Yes, but it's only available to customers with the Pro Edition

B. No, you can only have one Salesforce connector at a time.


The Salesforce connector is a feature that allows you to integrate Marketing Cloud Account Engagement with Salesforce, a customer relationship management (CRM) platform. With this connector, you can sync data, activities, and campaigns between Marketing Cloud Account Engagement and Salesforce. You can only have one Salesforce connector at a time, which means that you can only tie one Salesforce account to one Marketing Cloud Account Engagement account. You cannot have multiple Salesforce accounts linked to one Marketing Cloud Account Engagement account, regardless of the number of accounts, the edition of Marketing Cloud Account Engagement, or the support from Marketing Cloud Account Engagement. References: Salesforce Connector, Connect Marketing Cloud Account Engagement and Salesforce

Question # 7
A Prospect is a Visitor who has submitted an email address through a form or landing page on your site.
A. True
B. False

A. True


A prospect is a visitor who has submitted an email address through a form or landing page on your site. This is the primary way that Marketing Cloud Account Engagement identifies and converts visitors into prospects. A prospect can also be created from an email link click, a manually entered email address, or an import.

Question # 8
A Marketing Cloud Account Engagement administrator has pre-existing HTML that they want to use to build their landing page in Marketing Cloud Account Engagement. Which asset should be applied during the creation of the Marketing Cloud Account Engagement landing page to accomplish that goal?
A. Dynamic content
B. Custom redirect
C. Layout template
D. Stock template

C. Layout template


According to the Salesforce documentation, the asset that should be applied during the creation of the Marketing Cloud Account Engagement landing page to accomplish the goal of using pre-existing HTML is a layout template. A layout template is a reusable design that defines the structure and style of a landing page. A layout template can be created using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and it can include editable regions where the user can add content and forms. A layout template can be applied to multiple landing pages, and it can be used to create custom landing pages with pre-existing HTML. Dynamic content, custom redirect, and stock template are not assets that can be applied during the creation of the Marketing Cloud Account Engagement landing page to accomplish the goal of using pre-existing HTML, as they are related to other aspects of landing page creation, such as personalization, tracking, and design. References: Salesforce documentation

Marketing-Cloud-Account-Engagement-Specialist Dumps
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Salesforce Marketing-Cloud-Account-Engagement-Specialist Exam Dumps

Exam Name: Salesforce Marketing Cloud Account Engagement Specialist (WI25)
Certification Name: Marketers

Salesforce Marketing-Cloud-Account-Engagement-Specialist exam dumps are created by industry top professionals and after that its also verified by expert team. We are providing you updated Salesforce Marketing Cloud Account Engagement Specialist (WI25) exam questions answers. We keep updating our Marketers practice test according to real exam. So prepare from our latest questions answers and pass your exam.

  • Total Questions: 297
  • Last Updation Date: 17-Feb-2025


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