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Marketing-Cloud-Administrator Practice Questions

Question # 1
Northern Trail Outfitters wants to send a custom survey to customers asking about their experience following a recent purchase. Which feature should be used to create a survey form?
A. Mobile Connect
B. Content Builder
C. Smart Capture
D. Profile Center

C. Smart Capture

Explanation: Smart Capture is the feature that should be used to create a survey form. Smart Capture is a feature that allows marketers to create and insert forms within landing pages or emails, such as surveys, polls, or feedback requests. Smart Capture can be customized with different fields, labels, buttons, and actions. Smart Capture can capture subscriber responses and store them in a data extension or update existing records in Marketing Cloud.

Question # 2
Northern Trail Outfitters has the Discover Reporting Tool. Which two report types could help them drive mobile adoption strategy? Choose 2 answers
A. Time Between Send and Engagement
B. Email Performance by Device
C. Email Sending Performance Report
D. Deliverability Complaint Rate

A. Time Between Send and Engagement
B. Email Performance by Device


The Time Between Send and Engagement report shows how long it takes for subscribers to open or click an email after it is sent, which can help optimize the send time for mobile users. The Email Performance by Device report shows how subscribers interact with emails on different devices, such as desktops, tablets, or phones, which can help design responsive emails for mobile users.

Question # 3
Where would a Marketing Cloud admin view all verified email addresses?
A. Identity Verification Log
B. From Address Management
C. Reply Mail Management
D. Sender Profiles

B. From Address Management


From Address Management is where a Marketing Cloud admin can view all verified email addresses. This feature allows you to manage sender authentication for your email sends by verifying your from addresses and domains.

Question # 4
Northern Trail Outfitters (NTO) Is a global brand which Includes many subsidiary brands under the parent umbrella. NTO is the Enterprise business unit and also has a child business unit used for sending promotional email. How should the rest of the business units be organized?
A. Create child business units for each brand and nest another level of child business units for GEOs
B. Create and apply folders with naming conventions in the current account to keep track of brand assets.
C. Create new Enterprise business units for each brand and child business units for each of the brand's GEOs.
D. Create one child business unit for the other brands to share but apply folders and naming conventions.

A. Create child business units for each brand and nest another level of child business units for GEOs

Explanation: Create child business units for each brand and nest another level of child business units for GEOs is how the rest of the business units should be organized. Business units are organizational units that allow marketers to segment their Marketing Cloud account based on different brands, regions, products, or channels. By creating child business units for each brand and nesting another level of child business units for GEOs, NTO can manage their marketing activities and assets for each subsidiary brand and location separately.

Question # 5
A Marketing Cloud admin is setting up Northern Trail Outfitter’s newest business units and several users to assign to the new business units. How would the admin assign users to the business units?
A. Give permissions to users at top-level account to assign their own business units.
B. Search for the individual user, select their name, and click Manage Business Units.
C. Search for the individual user, select their name and click Edit Business Units.
D. Re-import the users to update their assigned business units

B. Search for the individual user, select their name, and click Manage Business Units.


To assign users to the business units, the admin should search for the individual user, select their name, and click Manage Business Units. This will allow the admin to select which business units the user can access and what role they have in each business unit. The Edit Business Units option is not available for users

Question # 6
How are publication lists used in the Marketing Cloud?
A. To send communication to all subscribers, regardless of opt -in status.
B. To manage subscribers in guided and triggered email sends.
C. To build dynamic content rules by subscriber type.
D. To allow subscribers to opt-down/out instead of unsubscribing from all.

D. To allow subscribers to opt-down/out instead of unsubscribing from all.


Publication lists are used to allow subscribers to opt-down/out of specific types of communications instead of unsubscribing from all. This helps to retain subscribers and maintain their preferences1

Question # 7
Northern Trail Outfitters (NTO) has a requirement to create a distinction between marketing and transactional emails in terms of From Name and IP Address for reputation purposes. Which two actions should NTO take in order to create Send Classifications? (Choose 2 answers)
A. Define a Sender Profile
B. Define a Subscriber -specific From Name
C. Define custom Reply Mail Management
D. Define a Delivery Profile

A. Define a Sender Profile
D. Define a Delivery Profile

Explanation: Send classifications require defining a sender profile and a delivery profile. A sender profile defines the From Name, From Email, and Reply Email for an email send. A delivery profile defines the IP address, domain, and header and footer information for an email send. Defining a subscriber-specific From Name and custom Reply Mail Management are not necessary for creating send classifications.

Question # 8
A MC admin wants to sync Contacts from Sales Cloud, but is concerned about the number of Contacts since not all the contacts will be sent an email. What should the admin do to ensure only specific Contacts are synced?
A. Filter records on a formula field
B. Filter existing records in All Subscribers

Filter records created after a specified date <br>

D. Filter records on a Boolean field

D. Filter records on a Boolean field


To ensure only specific Contacts are synced from Sales Cloud, the admin should filter records on a Boolean field1. This allows the admin to select only the Contacts that have a true value for a checkbox field, such as “Sync to Marketing Cloud” or "Email Opt-in"1. Filtering records on a formula field, a date field, or existing records in All Subscribers are not supported options for synchronizing Contacts

Marketing-Cloud-Administrator Dumps
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Salesforce Marketing-Cloud-Administrator Exam Dumps

Exam Name: Salesforce Certified Marketing Cloud Administrator (WI25)
Certification Name: Marketers

Salesforce Marketing-Cloud-Administrator exam dumps are created by industry top professionals and after that its also verified by expert team. We are providing you updated Salesforce Certified Marketing Cloud Administrator (WI25) exam questions answers. We keep updating our Marketers practice test according to real exam. So prepare from our latest questions answers and pass your exam.

  • Total Questions: 158
  • Last Updation Date: 17-Feb-2025


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