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Marketing-Cloud-Administrator Practice Questions

Question # 1
A publishing company has presented the following:
  • A need to send renewal reminders to customers whose subscriptions expire in 15 days and 7 days.
  • A campaign needs to be created and managed by a general marketing user who will not have administrative rights and who is not technical.
  • The customer's expiration date is included in the data file.
What component should the customer's solution include?
Choose 3 answers)
A. Suppression list
B. Data Filter
C. Triggered Send
D. Template-based emails
E. Automation Studio Term

B. Data Filter
D. Template-based emails
E. Automation Studio Term

Explanation: Data Filter, Template-based emails, and Automation Studio are the components that the customer’s solution should include. Data Filter is used to segment a data extension based on specific criteria, such as the customer’s expiration date. Template-based emails are used to create emails with predefined layouts and content blocks that can be easily customized by a general marketing user. Automation Studio is used to automate the email sends based on a schedule or a trigger.

Question # 2
Northern Trail Outfitters wants a data model in Marketing Cloud which will prevent them from duplicating, or even triplicating, records. How should the unique identifier of the data model be setup if the Mobile Push and Email channels are used within the same account?
A. Use the auto-generated keys supplied by Marketing Cloud at time of record creation for each channel used.
B. Use a third-party system to identify and delete duplicate Contact Keys.
C. Strategically control the Contact Key values and tie records together across channels using this key.
D. Strategically control the Contact Key values in email, but let Marketing Cloud automatically tie records as needed from Mobile Push.

C. Strategically control the Contact Key values and tie records together across channels using this key.

Explanation: The best way to prevent duplicate records in Marketing Cloud is to strategically control the Contact Key values and tie records together across channels using this key. The Contact Key is a unique identifier for each contact in Marketing Cloud, and it can be set by the admin or automatically generated by Marketing Cloud. If the same Contact Key is used for a contact in both email and mobile push channels, then the contact will be unified and not duplicated.

Question # 3
A Marketing Cloud Administrator noticed a File Drop Automation has been falling on the Import File activity. The automation is configured with a filename pattern, so the filename is expected to begin with customer import_. The import is configured to look for a file named Customer import %%Year%%%% Month%%%%Day%%.csv, however, the admin notices the filenames Include seconds and milliseconds what should the admin do to fix the issue?
A. use %%FILENAME_FROM_TRIGGER%% in the Import File Activity
B. Make sure the team has a date stamp to avoid duplication
C. Make sure the files are placed in the correct subfolder within the SFTP
D. Use the exact file name used for the trigger in the Import File Activity

A. use %%FILENAME_FROM_TRIGGER%% in the Import File Activity


Using %%FILENAME_FROM_TRIGGER%% in the Import File Activity allows the automation to import any file that matches the filename pattern, regardless of the date and time stamp. This is the recommended solution for File Drop Automations

Question # 4
Setup Assistant provides information and resources for configuring a newMarketing Cloud account. Which two topics does Setup Assistant cover? Choose 2 answers
A. Enabling Mobile Connect
B. Managing the Enhanced SFTP
C. Configuring Journey Builder
D. Setting up the Data Structure

B. Managing the Enhanced SFTP
D. Setting up the Data Structure

Explanation: Setup Assistant covers the following two topics: Setting up the Data Structure. This topic provides information and resources for configuring the data structure in Marketing Cloud, such as creating data extensions, importing data, setting up data retention policies, and managing subscriber status.

Enabling Mobile Connect. This topic provides information and resources for enabling Mobile Connect in Marketing Cloud, such as creating keywords, setting up short codes or long codes, creating text messages, and sending text messages. The other options are incorrect because:

Configuring Journey Builder. This is not a topic that Setup Assistant covers, as Journey Builder is a product that allows NTO to create and manage customer journeys across various channels, such as email, mobile, social, or advertising.

However, Setup Assistant does not provide information or resources for configuring Journey Builder; it only provides information or resources for configuring Marketing Cloud products that are included in the core subscription.

Managing the Enhanced SFTP. This is not a topic that Setup Assistant covers, as Enhanced SFTP is a feature that allows NTO to securely transfer files between Marketing Cloud and external systems using SFTP protocol. However, Setup Assistant does not provide information or resources for managing the Enhanced SFTP; it only provides information or resources for managing Marketing Cloud products that are included in the core subscription.

Question # 5
A Marketing Cloud admin notices out of the last several sends, Send log data for a recent How could the admin ensure send data is recorded?
A. Send logging is enabled for the send
B. Correct Send Log template is selected
C. Send Logging is available for A/B tests
D. Data retention settings is specified

A. Send logging is enabled for the send


To record send log data, the send logging feature must be enabled for the send. This can be done by selecting the send log data extension in the Delivery Options tab of the email send wizard.

Question # 6
A Marketing Cloud Admin has noticed a File Drop Automation has been failing on the import File activity. The automation is configured with a filename pattern, so the filename is expected to begin with customer_import_. The import is configured to look for a file named customer_import_%%Year%%%%Month%%%%Day%%.csv, however, the admin notices the filenames include seconds and milliseconds. How should the admin fix the issue?
A. Use the exact filename used for the trigger in the import File Activity
B. Make sure the file is placed on the correct subfolder within the SFTP
C. Make sure the filename has a date stamp to avoid duplication
D. Use %%FILENAME_FROM_TRIGGER%% in the import File Activity

D. Use %%FILENAME_FROM_TRIGGER%% in the import File Activity


When using a filename pattern for a File Drop Automation trigger, the import File Activity should use %%FILENAME_FROM_TRIGGER%% as the file name. This ensures that the import activity will use the same file name as the trigger, regardless of the date stamp or other variations

Question # 7
Which two data structures could be configured to appear In the out-of-the-box Subscription Center? Choose2 answers
A. Data Extensions
B. Publication Lists
C. Lists
D. Groups

B. Publication Lists
C. Lists


The out-of-the-box Subscription Center can display publication lists and lists, which are two types of data structures that can be used to manage subscribers’ preferences and opt-outs. Data extensions and groups are not supported by the out-of-the-box Subscription Center, but they can be used in a custom Subscription Center.

Question # 8
A Marketing Cloud admin at a bank is asked to avoid storing sensitive data in the cloud. This data will only be sent to Marketing cloud to execute a send. Which feature would the admin use to meet this requirement?
A. Tokenized Sending
B. List Sending
C. Field Level Encryption
D. Distributed Marketing Sends

A. Tokenized Sending

Explanation: To avoid storing sensitive data in the cloud, the admin should use Tokenized Sending. This feature allows Marketing Cloud to send emails without storing sensitive data such as credit card numbers or social security numbers. Instead, Marketing Cloud uses tokens that are replaced with actual data at send time by an external system.

Marketing-Cloud-Administrator Dumps
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Salesforce Marketing-Cloud-Administrator Exam Dumps

Exam Name: Salesforce Certified Marketing Cloud Administrator (SU24)
Certification Name: Marketers

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  • Total Questions: 159
  • Last Updation Date: 17-Feb-2025


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