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Marketing-Cloud-Administrator Practice Questions

Question # 1
Which two statements are correct about Send Logging? Choose 2answers
A. Send Log data extensions are archived automatically based on retention settings.
B. AMP script can be used to pull data from Send Logs for use within emails.
C. SQL Query Activities can reference Send Logs in combination with system data views.
D. A business unit can support up to three Send Logs.

C. SQL Query Activities can reference Send Logs in combination with system data views.
D. A business unit can support up to three Send Logs.


SQL Query Activities can reference Send Logs in combination with system data views and a business unit can support up to three Send Logs. These statements are correct about Send Logging, which is a feature that allows marketers to capture additional information about email sends that are not available in standard reports or data view

Question # 2
Northern Trail Outfitters wants to add new data extensions containing customer purchases to their Marketing Cloud account Which value should link these new data extensions in Data Designer to the existing contact records?
A. Unique Contact Identifier
B. Primary key
C. Unique Contact email address
D. Subscriber ID

D. Subscriber ID


To link the new data extensions to the existing contact records, the subscriber ID value should be used. Subscriber ID is a unique identifier for each contact in Marketing Cloud and is automatically generated when a contact is created. It can be used to relate data extensions in Data Designer.

Question # 3
What are entry source types for Journey Builder?
A. Data Extension, Cloud Pages, Email List, API Event
B. Data Extension, Audience Studio, API Event, Date Based Event
C. Data Extension, Email List, API Event, Date Based Event
D. Data Extension, Salesforce Community, GA360, Email List

B. Data Extension, Audience Studio, API Event, Date Based Event

Explanation: Data Extension, Audience Studio, API Event, Date Based Event are entry source types for Journey Builder. Entry source types are types of events or data sources that can trigger contacts to enter a journey in Journey Builder. Data Extension is an entry source type that allows contacts from a data extension to enter a journey based on a schedule or an automation. Audience Studio is an entry source type that allows contacts from Audience Studio segments to enter a journey based on a schedule or an automation. API Event is an entry source type that allows contacts to enter a journey based on an API call from an external system or application. Date Based Event is an entry source type that allows contacts from a data extension to enter a journey based on a date field in the data extension, such as birthday or anniversary.

Question # 4
A Marketing Cloud admin notices Individual Email Results are NOT being pushed back into Sales Cloud for aparticular end. The admin of Marketing Cloud Connect is functioning properly. What should the admin confirm about the data extension?
A. The wind relationship links Subscriber Key to Subscribers on Email Address
B. The data extension is located in the Synchronized Data Extensions folder
C. The data extension is located in the Salesforce Data Extensions folder.
D. The triggered Send Data Extension data extension template was used.

C. The data extension is located in the Salesforce Data Extensions folder.

To ensure Individual Email Results are pushed back into Sales Cloud for a particular send, the admin should confirm that the data extension is located in the Salesforce Data Extensions folder. The Salesforce Data Extensions folder is a special folder that contains data extensions that are integrated with Salesforce CRM via Marketing Cloud Connect. Only data extensions in this folder can be used for sending emails with Individual Email Results tracking enabled. The other options are incorrect because:

The send relationship links Subscriber Key to Subscribers on Email Address. This is a setting that defines how subscribers are identified and matched between a send able data extension and All Subscribers. However, this setting does not affect whether Individual Email Results are pushed back into Sales Cloud; it only affects how email addresses and subscription statuses are updated in Marketing Cloud.

The data extension is located in the Synchronized Data Extensions folder. The Synchronized Data Extensions folder is a special folder that contains data extensions that are synchronized from Salesforce CRM via Marketing Cloud Connect. However, these data extensions cannot be used for sending emails directly; they can only be used as sources for filtered or query-based data extensions.

The triggered Send Data Extension data extension template was used. This is a predefined data extension template that contains a set of standard fields for logging triggered send data. However, this template does not affect whether Individual Email Results are pushed back into Sales Cloud; it only affects what information is stored in Marketing Cloud.

Question # 5
Which three options determine when a contact could enter a journey? Choose 3 answers.
A. Re-entry at any time
B. Re-entry by attribute
C. Re-entry by date
D. No re-entry
E. Re-entry only after exiting

A. Re-entry at any time

D. No re-entry

E. Re-entry only after exiting


Re-entry at any time, no re-entry, and re-entry only after exiting are the options that determine when a contact could enter a journey. These options are available in the journey settings and control how often a contact can enter the same journey based on their previous entry or exit status. Re-entry by attribute and re-entry by date are not valid options for journey re-entry.

Question # 6
Northern Trail Outfitters was given a set of requirements from their governance team to protect against misuse of customer data. One item mandated Marketing Cloud users should NOT be able to export data without approval from the governance team, however, users should still be able to view data within the system. Which feature would allow compliance with this requirement?
A. Export Email Allowlist
B. IP Allowlist
C. Identity Verification
D. Audit Trail

A. Export Email Allowlist


The Export Email Allowlist feature allows the admin to specify a list of email addresses that are authorized to receive data exports from Marketing Cloud. This feature can help protect against misuse of customer data by preventing unauthorized users from exporting data without approval. The other features do not directly address the requirement of restricting data exports.

Question # 7
Northern Trail Outfitters wants to have specific permission restrictions applied to all users in a business unit. How should they accomplish this?
A. A Assign a role to the business unit
B. Set default permissions with the restrictions on the business unit
C. Apply a permission set to the business unit
D. Disable the permissions directly within the business unit

A. A Assign a role to the business unit


Assigning a role to the business unit allows the admin to apply specific permission restrictions to all users in that business unit. The role defines what users can access and do within Marketing Cloud. The other options are not valid ways to accomplish this requirement.

Question # 8
A Marketing Cloud admin has been asked to include Sales Cloud data in their queries. Which future would allow this functionality?
A. Query Studio
B. Journey Builder
C. Cloud Pages
D. Synchronized Data Sources.

D. Synchronized Data Sources.


To use Sales Cloud data in their queries, the admin should use Synchronized Data Sources. This feature allows Marketing Cloud to automatically import and update data from Sales Cloud objects and fields. The data is stored in data extensions that can be queried using SQL.

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Salesforce Marketing-Cloud-Administrator Exam Dumps

Exam Name: Salesforce Certified Marketing Cloud Administrator (SU24)
Certification Name: Marketers

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  • Total Questions: 159
  • Last Updation Date: 17-Feb-2025


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