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Having thousands of NSE7_SDW-7.2 customers with 99% passing rate, passin1day has a big success story. We are providing fully Fortinet exam passing assurance to our customers. You can purchase Fortinet NSE 7 - SD-WAN 7.2 exam dumps with full confidence and pass exam.

NSE7_SDW-7.2 Practice Questions

Question # 1

Exhibit A shows the system interface with the static routes and exhibit B shows the firewall policies on the managed FortiGate. Based on the FortiGate configuration shown in the exhibits, what issue might you encounter when creating an SD-WAN zone for port1 and port2?
A. port1 is assigned a manual IP address.
B. port1 is referenced in a firewall policy.
C. port2 is referenced in a static route.
D. port1 and port2 are not administratively down.

B. port1 is referenced in a firewall policy.

Question # 2
Which diagnostic command can you use to show the SD-WAN rules, interface information, and state?
diagnose sys sdwan service
diagnose sys sdwan route-tag-list
diagnose sys sdwan member
A. diagnose sys sdwan neighbor

A. diagnose sys sdwan neighbor

Question # 3
Which diagnostic command can you use to show the configured SD-WAN zones and their assigned members?
A. diagnose sys sdwan zone
B. diagnose sys sdwan service
C. diagnose sys sdwan member
D. diagnose sys sdwan interface

C. diagnose sys sdwan member

Question # 4
Refer to the exhibit.

Based on the exhibit, which statement about FortiGate re-evaluating traffic is true?
A. The type of traffic defined and allowed on firewall policy ID 1 is UDP.
B. FortiGate has terminated the session after a change on policy ID 1.
C. Changes have been made on firewall policy ID 1 on FortiGate.
D. Firewall policy ID 1 has source NAT disabled.

C. Changes have been made on firewall policy ID 1 on FortiGate.

Question # 5
Which statement about using BGP routes in SD-WAN is true?
A. Learned routes can be used as dynamic destinations in SD-WAN rules.
B. You must use BGP to route traffic for both overlay and underlay links.
C. You must configure AS path prepending.
D. You must use external BGP.

A. Learned routes can be used as dynamic destinations in SD-WAN rules.

Question # 6
Refer to the exhibit.

Based on the exhibit, which two actions does FortiGate perform on traffic passing through port2? (Choose two.)
A. FortiGate does not change the routing information on existing sessions that use a valid gateway, after a route change.
B. FortiGate performs routing lookups for new sessions only, after a route change.
C. FortiGate always blocks all traffic, after a route change.
D. FortiGate flushes all routing information from the session table, after a route change.

A. FortiGate does not change the routing information on existing sessions that use a valid gateway, after a route change.
B. FortiGate performs routing lookups for new sessions only, after a route change.

Question # 7
Which three matching traffic criteria are available in SD-WAN rules? (Choose three.)
A. Type of physical link connection
B. Internet service database (ISDB) address object
C. Source and destination IP address
D. URL categories
E. Application signatures

B. Internet service database (ISDB) address object
C. Source and destination IP address
E. Application signatures

Question # 8
What does enabling the exchange-interface-ip setting enable FortiGate devices to exchange?
A. The gateway address of their IPsec interfaces
B. The tunnel ID of their IPsec interfaces
C. The IP address of their IPsec interfaces
D. The name of their IPsec interfaces

C. The IP address of their IPsec interfaces

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Fortinet NSE7_SDW-7.2 Exam Dumps

Exam Name: Fortinet NSE 7 - SD-WAN 7.2
Certification Name: NSE 7 Network Security Architect

Fortinet NSE7_SDW-7.2 exam dumps are created by industry top professionals and after that its also verified by expert team. We are providing you updated Fortinet NSE 7 - SD-WAN 7.2 exam questions answers. We keep updating our NSE 7 Network Security Architect practice test according to real exam. So prepare from our latest questions answers and pass your exam.

  • Total Questions: 97
  • Last Updation Date: 17-Feb-2025


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