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OmniStudio-Developer Practice Questions

Question # 1
A developer needs to limit the of a DataRaptorExtract to a maximum of one result. How should the developer configure this?
A. Define a formula with the Filter function
B. Use a Custom Output Type when creating the DataRaptor
C. Use the LIMIT filter on the Extract definition
D. Set the Limit Propertyon the Action that calls the DataRaptor Extract.

C. Use the LIMIT filter on the Extract definition

Explanation: Using the LIMIT filter on the Extract definition allows the developer to specify the maximum number of results to return from the DataRaptor Extract. Defining a formula with the Filter function is used to filter the results based on a condition. Using a Custom Output Type when creating the DataRaptor is used to define the structure of the output data. Setting the Limit Property on the Action that calls the DataRaptor Extract has no effect on limiting the results.

Question # 2
A developer needs to change some field labels on a FlexCard. The FlexCard is currently deployed to production. The developer that the best course of action is to version the FlexCard rather than cloning it. Which factorwould leadthe developer to this decision?
A. The new version of the FlexCard will be used in a new Console, and the current version of the FlexCard should remain unchanged.
B. Another team member is developing newactions, fields,and styling for the current version of the FlexCard.
C. The new and current versions will be displayed together on the same target.
D. Allinstancesof the FlexCard must be updated with the changes.

D. Allinstancesof the FlexCard must be updated with the changes.

Explanation: Versioning a FlexCard allows the developer to make changes to the FlexCard without affecting the existing instances of the FlexCard. The developer can choose to update all instances of the FlexCard with the new version or keep them as they are. This is useful when the changes are minor and do not affect the functionality or layout of the FlexCard. Cloning a FlexCard creates a copy of the FlexCard with a new name and ID. The developer can make changes to the cloned FlexCard without affecting the original FlexCard. This is useful when the changes are major and require a different configuration or design of the FlexCard1. In this case, since all instances of the FlexCard must be updated with the changes, versioning is the best course of action.

Question # 3
A developer has a requirement to create a child FlexCard that contains all of its parent FlexCard’s records In a Datable How should the developer configure the parent FlexCard’s Node?
A. {Records {0}}
B. {Records}
C. {Params, records}
D. {Recorded}

B. {Records}


The Node field for the parent FlexCard should be set to {Records}, which is an array of all the records retrieved by the parent FlexCard data source. This will allow the child FlexCard to access the records and display them in a DataTable.

Question # 4
Refer to the exhibit.

A developer has configured an integration Procedure element with SEND/RESPONSETRANFORMATIONS as shown.
Alternatively, how could the developer configure Additional input to send exactly the same data?
Assume that the developer checked Send Only Additional input.

A. Option A
B. Option B
C. Option C
D. Option D

C. Option C

Question # 5
A developer has a requirement to create a child FlexCard that contain all of its parent FlexCard’s records in a Datatable.
A. {Records[0]}
B. {Records}
C. {Params records}
D. {recordId}

B. {Records}

Explanation: The correct syntax for passing all of the parent FlexCard’s records to a child FlexCard is {Records}, which represents an array of records. The other options are incorrect because they either use an invalid syntax or refer to a single record instead of an array of records.

Question # 6
A developer needs to retrieve data from an external system that stores policy data. The external system supports REST APIs to access and update thepolicies. Due to the volume of the policy data and peak hours of business, calls to the REST APIs sometimes take longer than expected to respond.
The developer creates an Integration Procedure to retrieve the policy data for use in an OmniScript.
Given theexternal system's known performance issues, which two configurations should be used to implement the call to the external system?
Choose 2 answers
A. Set the Timeout property on the HTTP Action in the Integration Procedure
B. Check the Chainable checkboxon the Integration Procedure Action in the OmniScript
C. Configure a Remote action with timeout settings of 120000
D. Check the Chain On Step checkbox on the HTTP Action in the Integration Procedure

A. Set the Timeout property on the HTTP Action in the Integration Procedure
D. Check the Chain On Step checkbox on the HTTP Action in the Integration Procedure

Explanation: The Timeout property on the HTTP Action in the Integration Procedure specifies how long to wait for a response from the external system before throwing an error. The Chain On Step checkbox on the HTTP Action in the Integration Procedure indicates that the next action should be executed only if the current action is successful. These two configurations should be used to implement the call to the external system given its known performance issues.

Question # 7
When launching an OmniScript from an action on a FlexCard, the OmniScript displays, but no Salesforce data is populated: Which two errors could cause this behavior? Choose 2 answers
A. The Id Field for Actions in the FlexCard is blank.
B. There is no active version of the Data Raptor Extract.
C. There isnonactive version of the OmniScript
D. In the DataRaptor Extract Action, the Input Parameters Filter Value is misspelled.

A. The Id Field for Actions in the FlexCard is blank.
D. In the DataRaptor Extract Action, the Input Parameters Filter Value is misspelled.


The Id Field for Actions in the FlexCard specifies which field from the FlexCard data source will be used as the record ID for the OmniScript. If this field is blank, the OmniScript will not receive any record ID and will not be able to retrieve any Salesforce data. In the DataRaptor Extract Action, the Input Parameters Filter Value determines how to filter the data based on the record ID. If this value is misspelled, the DataRaptor Extract will not be able to match the record ID and will not return any data.

Question # 8
A developer is building a DataRaptor Load for an Integrate Procedure used in an OmniScript. Based on best practices, how should the developer configure the Input JSON?
A. Copy the Input JSON from the DataRaptor Acton Debug node.
B. Build the Input JSON node by node m an editor.
C. Copy the Input JSON from the OmniScript {Data} modal.
D. Build the Input JSON node by node m the DataRaptor Designer.

C. Copy the Input JSON from the OmniScript {Data} modal.

Explanation: The best practice for configuring the Input JSON for a DataRaptor Load is to copy the Input JSON from the OmniScript {Data} modal. This ensures that the Input JSON matches the data structure and format of the OmniScript data. The DataRaptor Action Debug node may not have the same data as the OmniScript data, and building the Input JSON node by node in an editor or in the DataRaptor Designer may introduce errors or inconsistencies.

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Salesforce OmniStudio-Developer Exam Dumps

Exam Name: Salesforce Certified OmniStudio Developer (WI25)
Certification Name: Salesforce Developer

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  • Total Questions: 85
  • Last Updation Date: 17-Feb-2025


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