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UiPath-ADAv1 Practice Questions

Question # 1
Which activity should a developer use to add custom information to logs related to transactions for tracing purposes?
A. Add Log Fields
B. Update Logs
C. Add Custom Log
D. Build Log

A. Add Log Fields

The Add Log Fields activity allows the developer to add custom information to the logs related to transactions for tracing purposes. The activity adds key-value pairs to the execution context, which are then included in all subsequent logs1. The custom information can be used for filtering, searching, or reporting purposes2.

Question # 2
When using a dynamic selector which data type is supported?
A. UiElement
B. Double
C. String
D. Data Table

C. String

When using a dynamic selector, the data type that is supported is String. A dynamic selector is a selector that uses a variable or an argument as a property for the attribute of the target element. This allows the selector to easily identify the target element based on the value of the variable or argument, and not an exact string, which might change depending on the interactions inside the automation project1. The variable or argument that is used in the dynamic selector must be of type String, as the attribute values are always strings2. For example, a dynamic selector can use a variable named MenuOption to click on different menu items in an application, such as File, Edit, or Format. The variable MenuOption must be a String variable, and its value can be changed at runtime to interact with different elements. A dynamic selector has the following format, where { {Value}} is the name of the variable or argument that holds the property of the element you want to interact with1:
Dynamic Selector Format

References: Dynamic Selectors and How many types of selectors are in UiPath? from UiPath documentation and forum.

Question # 3
A developer examines a workflow in which filenames are stored within a collection. The collection is initialized with a single filename. When adding a new filename to the collection, which collection variable type will cause an error?
A. System.Collections.Generic. Dictionary
B. System.Array
C. System. Data. DataTable
D. System.Collections.Generic.List

B. System.Array

Question # 4
What is the purpose of the Interval filter in the Orchestrator's Monitoring page?
A. It allows you to control the granularity of the displayed data and check the health of your system in either the last day or the last hour.
B. It allows you to allocate licenses per machine for the displayed data.
C. It allows you to choose between background and foreground processes for the displayed data.
D. It enables you to sort the displayed data based on job priorities.

A. It allows you to control the granularity of the displayed data and check the health of your system in either the last day or the last hour.

The Interval filter in the Orchestrator’s Monitoring page lets you select the time range for the data that is displayed on the dashboard1. You can choose between Last Day and Last Hour options to view the performance and health indicators of your system at different levels of detail2.

Monitoring documentation, Interval Filter section
UiPath Orchestrator Monitoring video, 2:10 - 2:30

Question # 5
The Extract PDF Page Range activity is used to extract a specific set of pages from a PDF file. Which of the following statements correctly describes this activity?
A. OutputFileName argument is optional.
B. Range argument accepts complex range values or "All".
C. PageCount argument outputs the number of extracted pages.
D. Password-protected PDF files cannot be processed with this activity.

B. Range argument accepts complex range values or "All".

The Extract PDF Page Range activity is used to extract a specific set of pages from a PDF file and save them as a new PDF file1. The OutputFileName argument is required and specifies the path and name of the new PDF file1. The Range argument accepts complex range values or “All” to indicate which pages to extract12. For example, “1-3,5,7-9” will extract pages 1 to 3, 5, and 7 to 92. The PageCount argument outputs the number of pages in the original PDF file, not the extracted pages1. Password-protected PDF files can be processed with this activity by using the Password argument to provide the password1.

Question # 6
What differentiates a List type from an Array type?
A. List items can be accessed through an index but array items cannot.
B. An array has a fixed, predefined number of elements while a list has a dynamic number of elements.
C. A list can hold items of multiple data types at the same time while arrays cannot.
D. Lists provide the option of looping through data while arrays do not.

B. An array has a fixed, predefined number of elements while a list has a dynamic number of elements.

Both list and arrays are a collection type of variables that can store multiple values of the same data type. The main difference between them is if their size is fixed or not. Array has a fixed size, meaning that if you create an array containing 3 elements, you can’t add more than 3 or reduce its size. List has a dynamic size, meaning that you can add or remove elements as you need. List also provides some methods that can be invoked to perform operations on the elements, such as sorting, reversing, finding, etc. Array does not have such methods, but it is more optimized for arithmetic computations.

Differences between a list and an array - UiPath Community Forum
Array manipulation with UiPath (List, Dictionary, Array) - F-PenIT blog
List Collection ArrayList - Activities - UiPath Community Forum

Question # 7
During which stage does an automation developer have the least contribution and responsibility?
A. In the Discovery and Kickoff, Process Analysis, and Solution Design stages.
B. In the Development and Unit Testing, Integration and UAT, and Deployment and Hypercare stages.
C. In the Solution Design, Development and Unit Testing, and Deployment and Hypercare stages.
D. In the Discovery and Kickoff, Development and Unit Testing, and Deployment and Hypercare stages.

A. In the Discovery and Kickoff, Process Analysis, and Solution Design stages.

According to the UiPath Automation Implementation Methodology, the automation lifecycle consists of six stages: Discovery and Kickoff, Process Analysis, Solution Design, Development and Unit Testing, Integration and UAT, and Deployment and Hypercare. The automation developer has the least contribution and responsibility in the first three stages, as they are mainly focused on identifying, analyzing, and designing the automation solution. The automation developer’s role is more prominent in the last three stages, as they are responsible for developing, testing, deploying, and monitoring the automation projects and components.

References: Automation Lifecycle - Standalone, Automation Developer

Question # 8
A developer has declared a variable of type String named StrVar and assigned it the value "UIPATH STUDIO". What is the output of the expression, StrVar.lndexOf("U")?
A. 0
B. 1
C. 9
D. 10

A. 0

The IndexOf method of String values returns the index of the first occurrence of a specified character or substring in a given string. The index is zero-based, meaning that the first character has the index 0, the second character has the index 1, and so on. If the character or substring is not found, the method returns -1.

In this case, the expression StrVar.IndexOf(“U”) returns the index of the first occurrence of the character “U” in the string “UIPATH STUDIO”, which is 0. Therefore, the answer is A. 0. References: String.IndexOf Method, String Variables

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UiPath UiPath-ADAv1 Exam Dumps

Exam Name: UiPath Automation Developer Associate v1
Certification Name: UiPath Certified Professional - Developer Track

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  • Total Questions: 254
  • Last Updation Date: 17-Feb-2025


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