Question # 1 A developer is building a process that needs to click an element which requires a mouse hover to become visible. However, the element does not appear with the default click setting. The input method for the Click activity is Send Window Message.
Which property should the developer configure to be able to click the element? A. The developer should change the input method to Simulate and the CursorMotionType to Instant.
B. The developer should change the input method to Hardware Events and the CursorMotionType to Smooth.
C. The property AlterlfDisabled should be set to False.
D. The property AlterlfDisabled should be set to True.
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B. The developer should change the input method to Hardware Events and the CursorMotionType to Smooth.
Question # 2 In the context of UiPath Orchestrator, what is the primary purpose of the Monitoring feature?
A. Handling version control and collaboration among team members.
B. Real-time tracking of Robots, Machines, Queues, and Jobs.
C. Facilitating the design and deployment of automation workflows.
D. Consolidating event logs and records related to executed tasks and runtime anomalies.
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B. Real-time tracking of Robots, Machines, Queues, and Jobs.
Question # 3 What Information is provided in the Descriptor Coverage sub-panel of Test Explorer?
A. Object Repository coverage
B. Test data coverage
C. Selector coverage
D. Activity coverage
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C. Selector coverage
Question # 4 Why is it necessary to add the UiPath virtual channel to the allow list policy for Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops 7 2109?
A. Because the UiPath Remote Runtime component should be enabled to access the Citrix workspace environment.
B. Because custom virtual channels are blocked by default, preventing the UiPath Remote Runtime from functioning correctly
C. Because the network latency should be decreased and the performance of UiPath automation processes on Citrix should be improved.
D. Because a secure connection should be created between the UiPath Remote Runtime and the Citrix receiver
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B. Because custom virtual channels are blocked by default, preventing the UiPath Remote Runtime from functioning correctly
Question # 5 What is the correct method to check how many resources are utilized in a personal workspace in UiPath Orchestrator?
A. Navigate to Tenant > Folders, click the Personal Workspaces tab. and then click Manage Resources for the desired workspace.
B. Navigate to Tenant > Folders, click the All Workspaces tab. and then click Check Resources for the desired workspace.
C. Navigate to Tenant > Users, click the Personal Workspaces tab. and then click Resources for the desired workspace.
D. Navigate to Tenant > Folders, click the Personal Workspaces tab. and then click See Usage for the desired workspace.
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A. Navigate to Tenant > Folders, click the Personal Workspaces tab. and then click Manage Resources for the desired workspace.
Question # 6 A developer needs to create a repetitive process in the REFramework. Following the best practices, which action(s) should be performed to defend against potential robot crashes such as "out of memory"?
A. Build a script that compares current CPU usage values to a threshold and clears data as needed.
B. After every transaction, clear the transaction data, close the applications, and re-open the applications.
C. Add a "Clear Collection" activity at the beginning of the Process.xaml workflow.
D. All "Invoke Workflow File" activities from the Main.xaml file should be marked with the Isolated option.
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D. All "Invoke Workflow File" activities from the Main.xaml file should be marked with the Isolated option.
Question # 7 Which of the following options is correct about a State Machine layout?
A. Can have only one initial state and multiple final states.
B. Can have only one initial state and only one final state.
C. Can have multiple initial states and multiple final states.
D. Can have multiple initial states and only one final state.
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A. Can have only one initial state and multiple final states.
Question # 8 Which activity from the Microsoft 365 package should be used to retrieve the Driveitem ID for a Sharepoint URL?
A. Get Group
B. Get File/Folder
C. Share File/Folder
D. Download File
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B. Get File/Folder
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