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Having thousands of ADM-261 customers with 99% passing rate, passin1day has a big success story. We are providing fully Salesforce exam passing assurance to our customers. You can purchase Service Cloud Administration (SU24) exam dumps with full confidence and pass exam.

ADM-261 Practice Questions

Question # 1
Universal Containers has implemented Service Cloud in its call center and wants to integrate it with its existing telephony system. All members of staff use a standard build for desktop computers and the IT department has indicated that they are unable to produce a custom desktop build for the call center staff. Which solution should a consultant recommend?
A. Implement an adapter using the Telephony API.
B. Move to a cloud -based telephony system.
C. Implement an adapter built on Open CTI.
D. Build an adapter using the telephony vendor's toolkit.

C. Implement an adapter built on Open CTI.

Question # 2
Universal Containers wants to be able to assign Cases based on the same criteria they use for Live Agent chats. Which feature should a Consultant recommend?
A. Omni-channel Skills-based routing
B. Live AgentQueue-based routing
C. Omni-channel Queue-based routing
D. Case Skills-based Assignment Rules

B. Live AgentQueue-based routing

Question # 3
Which task should beincluded in a business continuity plan for a contact center? Choose 3 answers.
A. Route cases to agents in an alternate center.
B. Disable the Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system.
C. Deliver training on case handling for contingent staff.
D. Update thecase status field values.
E. Monitor service level agreements (SLAs) and notify customers.

A. Route cases to agents in an alternate center.
C. Deliver training on case handling for contingent staff.
E. Monitor service level agreements (SLAs) and notify customers.

Question # 4
What is a benefit of a customer community? Choose 2 answers.
A. Eliminates the need to track service level agreements
B. Reducesincoming call volume
C. Enables customers to log inquires without contacting an agent
D. Eliminates the need for supportagents

B. Reducesincoming call volume
C. Enables customers to log inquires without contacting an agent

Question # 5
Which two configuration steps are required before quick actions can be used in Macros?
A. Global Actions needs on the publisher layout.
B. Quick Actions must be enabled in the org.
C. The specific quick action must be added to the case Feed.
D. The specific quick action must be added to the case record Type.

B. Quick Actions must be enabled in the org.
C. The specific quick action must be added to the case Feed.

Question # 6
Universal Containers customers are encouraged to submit web cases when they find errors or omissions in product documentation. The information is captures on a case with the "Errata" record type. The Technical Writing Manager would liketo send an email to the customer that includes details of the correction process.
What should a consultant recommend to meet this requirement?
A. Create a workflow rule and email alert action that sends an email to the case contact when a case with the "Errata" record type is created
B. Create an auto-response rule that sends an email to the case contact when a case with the "Errata" record type is created
C. Create an Apex trigger that sends an email to the case contact when a case with the "Errata" record type is created
D. Create an assignment rule that sends an email to the case contact when a case with the "Errata" record type is created

A. Create a workflow rule and email alert action that sends an email to the case contact when a case with the "Errata" record type is created

Question # 7
Universal Health Service is setting up Knowledge in its contact center for agents so they can research articles while taking calls. The company needs to migrate the existing knowledge base of documents and images into Salesforce. Which step will be required fort he implementation? Choose 3 answers
A. Create multiple CSV files, one for each article type
B. Create HTML files referencing image to be uploaded
C. Match each new article to an existing article type
D. Create a single CSV file, including all article types
E. Load all articles with the Apex data loader tool

A. Create multiple CSV files, one for each article type
B. Create HTML files referencing image to be uploaded
C. Match each new article to an existing article type

Question # 8
A contact center manager islooking for ways to overall cost per case.
What Salesforce metrics should the contact center manager evaluate? (Choose 2)
A. Average number of activities per case
B. Average number of articles attached to a case
C. Total number of cases by origin
D. Average customer satisfaction score by case

A. Average number of activities per case
B. Average number of articles attached to a case

ADM-261 Dumps
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Salesforce ADM-261 Exam Dumps

Exam Name: Service Cloud Administration (SU24)
Certification Name: Salesforce Consultant

Salesforce ADM-261 exam dumps are created by industry top professionals and after that its also verified by expert team. We are providing you updated Service Cloud Administration (SU24) exam questions answers. We keep updating our Salesforce Consultant practice test according to real exam. So prepare from our latest questions answers and pass your exam.

  • Total Questions: 355
  • Last Updation Date: 17-Feb-2025


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ADM-261 Dumps

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