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Experience-Cloud-Consultant Practice Questions

Question # 1
How can Sharing Sets be used to share records with Customer Community users?
A. Create one Sharing Set and add the objects to share in the Sharing Set.
B. Create one Sharing Set, select the ‘All Objects options for the Sharing Set, and add the Customer Community profiles to the Sharing Set.
C. Create one Sharing Set and use a Sharing Rule to share records with users in the Sharing Set.
D. Create one Set per object and add the Customer Community profiles to each Sharing Set.

A. Create one Sharing Set and add the objects to share in the Sharing Set.


To share records with Customer Community users using Sharing Sets, you should create one Sharing Set and add the objects to share in the Sharing Set. A Sharing Set is a feature that allows you to share records with Customer Community users based on common account or contact fields. For example, you can share records with users who have the same account ID or contact ID as the record owner. To use Sharing Sets, you need to create one Sharing Set and add the objects that you want to share in the Sharing Set. You can then define the access level and criteriafor each object.

Question # 2
Northern Trail Outfitters (NTO) is planning to create an HR desk for its employees. The Technology team recommend using Experience Cloud to build the HR help desk app. What should NTO consider when building the HR desk app?
A. HR user profile is only available in Employee Cloud with Employee permission set license.
B. In order to protect employee privacy, the HR help desk app should be created in a different org than the main org.
C. In order to leverage organizational structure, the HR help app must be created in the main org.
D. HR user profile is only available in Enterprise and Performance Editions with HR permission setlicense.

C. In order to leverage organizational structure, the HR help app must be created in the main org.

Explanation: When building an HR help desk app using Experience Cloud, you need to consider some points, such as:

HR user profile is not only available in Employee Cloud with Employee permission set license. HR user profile is a standard profile that can be used with any user license type that supports Experience Cloud access.

In order to protect employee privacy, the HR help desk app does not need to be created in a different org than the main org. You can use sharing settings and permissions to control who can access what data in your org.

In order to leverage organizational structure, the HR help app must be created in the main org. This will allow you to use role hierarchy and public groups to share data based on your org structure.

HR user profile is not only available in Enterprise and Performance Editions with HR permission set license. HR user profile is available in any edition that supports Experience Cloud.

Question # 3
Cloud Kicks (CK) is in the process of updating and retiring multiple Experience Cloud sites on its one org. What should CK consider before taking action as it inactivates and brings on new sites?
A. Each org can have up to 100 Experience Cloud sites; preview sites don't count toward that limit.
B. Each org can have up to 100 Experience Cloud sites; preview sites count toward that limit but inactive sites do not.
C. Each org can have up to 100 Experience Cloud sites; active, preview, and inactive sites all count toward that limit.
D. Each org can have up to 100 Experience Cloud sites as long as they are active.

C. Each org can have up to 100 Experience Cloud sites; active, preview, and inactive sites all count toward that limit.


This license type allows users to access accounts, contacts, leads, opportunities, orders, price books, products, and custom objects in a partner community. Channel Account users can also register deals and collaborate with UMS on sales opportunities. Channel Account users cannot access reports and dashboards, cases, or Knowledge articles.

Question # 4
What accurately sequences the necessary steps to create a partner user from an enabled partner account?
A. 1) Edit the user record to assign the correct role/profile. ee

2) View the partner account contact. Single Book

3) Select Manage External User.

4) Select Enable Partner User.

5) Save.

B. ) View the partner account contact.

2) Select Manage External User. Multiple Books

3) Select Enable Partner Account.

4) Edit the user record to assign the correct role and profile.

5) Save.

C. ) View the partner account contact.

2) Select Manage External User.

3) Select Enable Partner User.

4) Edit the user record to assign the correct role/profile.

5) Save.

D. 1) Edit the user record to assign the correct role/profile.

2) View the partner account contact.

3) Select Manage External User.

4) Select Enable Partner Account.

5) Save.

C. ) View the partner account contact.

2) Select Manage External User.

3) Select Enable Partner User.

4) Edit the user record to assign the correct role/profile.

5) Save.


To create a partner user from an enabled partner account, the correct sequence of steps is C. A partner user is a user who has access to your Experience Cloud site through a partner account. A partner account is an account that has the Is Partner checkbox enabled. To enable a partner user, you need to view the partner account contact, select Manage External User, select Enable Partner User, edit the user record to assign the correct role and profile, and save.

Question # 5
The Salesforce Administrator at Ursa Major Solar is trying to create a partner user for their Partner Community that was built using Salesforce Experience Builder. However, the admin is not able to create it from the contact record. What could be two reason causing this issue? (Choose 2 answers)
A. The Salesforce Administrator is not assigned a role in Salesforce.
B. The Salesforce Administrator is not a member of the Partner Community
C. The account record associated with the contact record is not enabled as a partner
D. The Salesforce administrator is not marked as a delegated administrator on the partner account.

C. The account record associated with the contact record is not enabled as a partner
D. The Salesforce administrator is not marked as a delegated administrator on the partner account.

Explanation: Two reasons causing this issue are C and D. To create a partner user for their Partner Community, the Salesforce administrator needs to have two requirements met: The account record associated with the contact record must be enabled as a partner, which means that it has the Is Partner checkbox checked. This indicates that the account is part of your partner network and can access your Partner Community site. The Salesforce administrator must be marked as a delegated administrator on the partner account, which means that they have limited administrative privileges to perform certain user management tasks on behalf of an administrator. This allows them to create partner users from contact records without having full system administrator access.

Question # 6
Universal Containers is looking to onboard three new partners to the community.

* Each partner have a branded experience containing their colors and logo.

* Gold and silver partners should have access to the Leads inbox component, but Bronze partners should not.

* Bronze partners should not have access to the Leas tab.

How should an administrator solve for these requirements?

A. Create branding sets, audience targeting, and navigation menu targeting.
B. Create branding sets, audience targeting and a custom Navigation menu component.
C. Create a separate community for each partner with audience targeting.
D. Create branding sets, a separate page variation for each partner, and a custom Navigation Menu component.

A. Create branding sets, audience targeting, and navigation menu targeting.


To solve these requirements, the administrator should create branding sets, audience targeting, and navigation menu targeting. Branding sets are collections of branding elements, such as colors, fonts, images, and logos, that you can apply to your Experience Cloud site. Audience targeting is a feature that allows you to display pages and components to certain users based on their assigned audience. Navigation menu targeting is a feature that allows you to display different navigation menu items to different users based on their assigned audience. By using these features, the administrator can create different branded experiences for each partner, control the access to the Leads inbox component and the Leads tab, and customize the navigation menu for each partner.

Question # 7
What are three valid topic types? (Choose 3 answers)
A. Featured Topic
B. Content Topic
C. Trending Topic
D. Navigational Topic
E. Standard Topic

A. Featured Topic
C. Trending Topic
E. Standard Topic

Explanation: Three valid topic types are Featured Topic, Trending Topic, and Standard Topic. Topics are keywords or phrases that help users find and organize content in Experience Cloud sites. A Featured Topic is a topic that is manually selected by an administrator or moderator to be displayed prominently on the site. A Trending Topic is a topic that is automatically generated by an algorithm based on the popularity and recency of the content. A Standard Topic is a topic that is created by users or administrators and can be assigned to any content.

Question # 8
Ursa Major Solar would like content from Salesforce CMS to be queried when users search for keywords in its customer portal. Which setting must be turned on in order for Global Search .n Experience Builder to query content m Salesforce CMS?
A. Community must be activated.
B. Sharing Rules must be set to Read/Write.
C. Search must be enabled for the selected CMS Channel.
D. Gather Customer Insights Datamust be selected.

C. Search must be enabled for the selected CMS Channel.


This setting allows the CMS content to be searchable within the channel where it is published. To enable search for a channel, open the CMS Channels tab in Salesforce CMS, select Edit beside a channel, and click theSearch toggle. Additionally, if the site is created with Experience Builder, the Global Search Box component must be configured to include the Content object4

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Salesforce Experience-Cloud-Consultant Exam Dumps

Exam Name: Salesforce Certified Experience Cloud Consultant (SU24)
Certification Name: Salesforce Consultant

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  • Total Questions: 185
  • Last Updation Date: 17-Feb-2025


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