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Experience-Cloud-Consultant Practice Questions

Question # 1
Dreamscape flowers is looking to launch a public site for its current customers and prospects. Which three actions are performed automatically when a site is created Expense Cloud? Choose 3 answers
A. Creation of a guest role
B. Creation of moderation criteria that are applied only to guest users
C. Creation of a guest profile
D. Creation of sharing mechanisms that are available only to guest users
E. Creation of a guest user record

A. Creation of a guest role
C. Creation of a guest profile
E. Creation of a guest user record


Three actions that are performed automatically when a site is created in Experience Cloud are A, C, and E. A guest role is a role that defines the access level and permissions of guest users on your site. A guest profile is a profile that determines what guest users can see and do on your site. A guest user record is a user record that represents the guest user on your site. These actions are performed automatically when you create a site in Experience Cloud, so you don’t have to manually create them.

Question # 2
Cloud Kicks (CK) wants potential customers to use self-registration to sign up and gain access to its new site. CK uses Person Accounts for its customers. How should the CK system administrator configure self-registration?
A. Leave the Account field blank
B. Create a trigger on User to convert the Contact to a Person Account
C. Set the profile to the standard Person Account profile
D. Create a flow to convert the Contact to a Person Account

A. Leave the Account field blank

Explanation: To configure self-registration for customers who use Person Accounts, CK should leave the Account field blank. This will allow CK to create individual customers without associating them with an account. CK can use the standard self-registration configuration under Experience Workspace and select a profile or permission set that supports Person Accounts. CK can also customize the self-registration page and Apex handler to create Person Accounts for customers based on their information.

Question # 3
Northern Trail Outfitter is looking to implement a public Knowledge base. The company has 1,000 articles stored in an external systems. Some of the articles are more than 2 years old. What should a consultant recommend to optimize the public knowledge base?
A. Manually add the top performing articles to Salesforce and select Authenticated Sites as the Channel.
B. Bulk-import all articles to Salesforce and achieve duplicate and outdated articles.
C. Manually add the top performing articles to Salesforce and select the Public Knowledge Base channel.
D. Bulk-import the top performing articles to Salesforce and select the public knowledge base channel.

D. Bulk-import the top performing articles to Salesforce and select the public knowledge base channel.

Explanation: To optimize the public knowledge base, a consultant should recommend to bulk-import the top performing articles to Salesforce and select the public knowledge base channel. This will allow NTO to import only the most relevant and useful articles from the external system and make them available to public users on its site. The public knowledge base channel is a feature that allows NTO to share articles with unauthenticated users on its site.

Question # 4
The system administrator at Cloud Kicks (CK) has deactivated their Experience Cloud site to do some maintenance and cleanup. How should the administrator ensure that CK custorners do NOTreceive a welcome email when the site is once again active?
A. Use the new Service Not Available (SNA) feature.
B. Use Data Loader to remove all members’ email addresses.
C. Disable the Send welcome email checkbox for the site.
D. Remove all profiles fromthe site's membership and add them again after the site is activated.

C. Disable the Send welcome email checkbox for the site.


To ensure that customers do not receive a welcome email when the site is once again active, the administrator should disable the Send welcome email checkbox for the site. This will prevent the site from sending an email to existing members when the site is activated. The administrator can disable the Send welcome email checkbox in the Administration section of Experience Builder.

Question # 5
Universal Containers (UC) has hired UX designers to help improve brand recognition and has a new style guide it needs to implement to unify branding across all of its Experience sites. What should UC do to accomplish this?
A. Create a custom theme to apply to all Experience sites.
B. Reference a shared Bootstrap CSS file in all of the sites.
C. Create a custom template to apply to all Experience sites.
D. Send the style guide to Experience managers to implement.

A. Create a custom theme to apply to all Experience sites.


To implement the new style guide and unify branding across all of its Experience sites, UC should create a custom theme and apply it to all sites. A theme is a collection of branding assets and style settings that define the look and feel of your site. You can create a custom theme that matches your style guide and apply it to multiple sites using the Theme Management feature in Experience Builder.

Question # 6
To which three objects can the Partner Super User access be applied? Choose 3 answers
A. Opportunities
B. Accounts
C. Cases
D. Custom Objects
E. Campaigns

A. Opportunities
B. Accounts
D. Custom Objects

Partner Super User access is a feature that allows you to grant access to records owned by other partner users who have the same role or a role below them in the role hierarchy. You can apply Partner Super User access to three objects: Opportunities, Accounts, and Custom Objects.

Question # 7
Cloud Kicks (CK) is planning to launch a public site. The site will contain a variety of digital content, including static content as well as dynamic content. CK is planning to use Content Delivery Network (CDN). Which statement is true about using CDN with Experience Cloud?
A. CDN can help consistency attaching content timestamps as key-value pairs to both static and dynamic content.
B. CDN can help availability by allowing remote cloning for dynamic resources
C. CDN can help performance by caching public resources
D. CDN can help reliability by allowing local cloning for static resources

C. CDN can help performance by caching public resources

Explanation: CDN can help performance by caching public resources, such as images, JavaScript, and CSS files. This can enhance the user experience and reduce the load on CK’s server. CDN stands for Content Delivery Network, which is a feature that allows CK to improve the performance of its site by caching static resources on servers that are closer to CK’s site visitors.

Question # 8
What is a prerequisite for creating a user that has a Partner Community license?
A. Select ‘’Enable as Partner’’ in the Experience Workspace.
B. Ensure that the partner user has the ‘’ Enabled as partner’’ permission set.
C. The ‘’Enable as Partner’’ action must be present on the Account page layout.
D. The Enable as Partner’’ action must be present on the User page layout.

C. The ‘’Enable as Partner’’ action must be present on the Account page layout.


A prerequisite for creating a user that has a Partner Community license is to enable the account as a partner account. To do this, you need to have the ‘’Enable as Partner’’ action on the Account page layout. This will allow you to convert an existing account or create a new account as a partner account.

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Salesforce Experience-Cloud-Consultant Exam Dumps

Exam Name: Salesforce Certified Experience Cloud Consultant (SU24)
Certification Name: Salesforce Consultant

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  • Total Questions: 185
  • Last Updation Date: 17-Feb-2025


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